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    Curious George

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  1. Newest version, fresh install, and I hover my mouse over a 5 way resistojet and it crashes. No log output. Stack trace in spoiler. I am using several other mods, but I don't know why they would mess with a custom electric RCS?
  2. Ok I'm confused now. For various reasons other than my game crashing.
  3. Could you please make it so right clicking resistojets doesn't cause a CTD? That would be appreciated.
  4. I completely agree. Radiators should be needed, but only in proportion to the vehicle. As in, you shouldn't be able to get away with a few tiny little radiators for your giant interstellar ship, but you don't need 200 tons either. I find the heat-based power limits on generators to be silly as well (Despite this being realistic). Reactors overheating and shutting down is a good mechanic, but engine efficiency being affected by the amount of radiators you have is silly too. On a side note, the EM engine does some rather odd things when used in timewarp. Changing the time warp setting to go faster results in a massive thrust boost until the number has finished scrolling to the new time setting. This may be a mod interaction, so don't go searching too hard if you can't find it. (TimeControl mod) As a general suggestion, I would rather have minor issues and usability fixed for the time being, rather than having the focus being on beamed power and other new features. Like the game sometimes crashing when I right click resistojets, radiators flying off, tweakscale working differently in opposite directions, mechjeb giving wrong information in regards to thrust due to this, and other things like lag that I blame on radiators and the mod despite having no basis for it besides the fact that stock parts run faster. It's also physics/game logic lag, and a 500 part stock ship launching through atmosphere has less lag than a 400 one in orbit.
  5. I should clarify that I'm playing sandbox so the fact that radiators will be unlocked later is irrelevant and I'm only considering the most efficient ones. (As someone who posted before me realized, I might be relying on the incorrect VAB thermal helper?) To get the radiators to rip themselves off, put some automated radiators inside a fairing. Upon launch, they should be continually trying to deploy and immediately undeploying because they are stowed. Toggling their automation will make them extend. After they extend, clicking the "extend" button again will make them instantly jump to being undeployed and then deploy them again instead of retracting. I think I remembered wrong and they don't rip themselves off in atmosphere, but any time the fairing is deployed they immediately disintegrate.
  6. I know it can be turned off, but turning it off right before launch results in the perma-extend bug and then explosions. Yes, real designs require more radiators, but this is KSP and needing 200 tons of radiators is excessive (and not to mention laggy). I know I can configure the button, but unless it's literally unfixable I'd rather not have to. I like the hotkey but it just pops in when naming things. By "limits" I mean that a single generator has a maximum possible energy output from a reactor. For example, when connected to an Open Cycle Gas Core reactor, a single thermal generator has a hard maximum of 1 GW thermal power. I'm aware that in reality you might not be able to cram everything in, but with the directly-connected-to-reactor requirement it gets sort of awkward to have to increase the diameter using tweak-scale.
  7. Could you please for the love of everything fix the non-folding radiators that explode or disintegrate, some even when inside a fairing. The automation also tries to deploy radiators inside fairings, causing them to enter a permanently extended glitch state, resulting in their rapid unplanned disassembly upon takeoff. The thermal helper also shows up when you're typing in other text boxes. It's slightly annoying but an insignificant bug at most. It's also my personal opinion that it takes an excessive amount of radiators to cool things, and the power limits on thermal generators is a little silly.
  8. I've looked through it some as well, and I have absolutely no idea why it's doing what it's doing. I made it write the contents of the Unity scene to the debug log, and it seems to create copies of all the textures and models for any part that has a WeaponModule or a MissileLauncher, which means all guns, bombs, and missiles.
  9. I would like to report an issue. The resistojet RCS, when initially placed, doesn't have a selected fuel, which causes really bad things to happen like null pointers and major crashes. The properties also don't sync to symmetry. The Arcjets don't work at all, even slightly. (No, I'm not incompetent, the resistojets are exactly the same and work fine. Use a bit too much power if anything.) I'm also not sure if this is an issue, but Hydrazine has a stupid amount of Delta V with the nuclear lightbulb (I haven't tested anything else, yet). I see that it's crazy expensive for career, but it's imbalanced totally for sandbox. 20000+ m/s from one half-length tank and four double-scale spherical tanks. This weighs over 100 tons. I was bored so I sent it to another star. It'll be there in 8000 years and the reactor will be dead, but it'll be there (Until it falls back to Kerbol in several thousand more years). You say that so casually. Just watch out for black hole aliens that infect your reactor core like they did for those Romulans. I didn't want to merge that reply for a very good reason, KSP forum.
  10. I fully understand that posts for "updates" is against the rules, but I have not seen a single post asking for an update. I have seen people repeatedly posting things because they can't read two pages back, but they were reporting a crippling bug and not just spamming "add moar gunz plox". On a side note, this mod didn't work on 1.1 either. It would also be helpful if the users knew that Baha knew the mod was not updated, and then some of this might be averted.
  11. I logged the object names and that is what let me discover that it's the textures and models duplicating. Here are just a few lines that are around the base Browning machine gun part. There are duplicates of every line but I omitted them for space reasons. All BDArmory parts are duplicated in this manner, as far as I could tell. [ERR 13:34:54.821] bahaBrowningAnm2(Clone) [ERR 13:33:48.220] bahaBrowningAnm2(Clone) icon(Clone) [ERR 13:34:54.822] model [ERR 13:34:54.823] bahaBrowningAnm2 [ERR 13:34:54.824] shellEject [ERR 13:34:54.825] muzzleTransform [ERR 13:34:54.830] fireTransform [ERR 13:34:54.830] collider [ERR 13:35:37.249] BDArmory/Parts/browninganm2/tex_browninganm2 [ERR 13:35:33.598] BDArmory/Parts/browninganm2/model Some lines that are exclusive to missile weapons [ERR 13:32:43.428] ExpTex2 (Instance) [ERR 13:32:43.428] srbsmoke 1 (Instance)
  12. I have this exact same problem. I think it's something to do with looking at the BDArmory tab for too long.
  13. So, I figured that since BDArmory has a RAM leak, that I'd try looking at it (mostly just for my own learning experience) and see if I could fix it. After listing all the objects and assets in Unity when the leak is happening, I figured out that the parts are duplicating themselves (both textures and models) when viewed as an icon in the VAB. This only happens with BDArmory parts, not stock. Nothing in the BDArmory source has anything to do with part icons. I've looked around to see what could be causing it, but at this point I legitimately have no idea. I have no experience with the internal workings of KSP and I don't know what sort of issue would cause part assets to duplicate.
  14. I mean its "supposed to" because the title says so, but there's some problem where looking at the tab in the VAB/SPH makes the game crash eventually (at least for a few people). Otherwise it seems to function fine.
  15. Mech Jeb has a rover autopilot feature that has waypoints and stuff. It won't dodge missiles or anything but you could make tanks drive a pre-set path with guard mode on.
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