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  1. I discovered this when trying to build rotor bearing and the rotor just fell on the ground. Basicaly the fairings dont colide with ground, buildings or other spacecraft until the fairings themselfs are decoupled (staged), olny then they start to colide. Separated fairing segments also seem to ignore gravity as (when staged on the ground) they endlessly spin and float up after bouncing of the ground.
  2. Hi all, Early on in my career game Lageranda Kerman managed to get herself stranded in low Kerbol orbit. It took several failed rescue attempts to teach me just how far down the gravity well that is. In fairness, there was no way the Terrier's and FLT-800's I had access to at the time were going to cut it. I've come a long way since them, and am determined to bring that kerbal home no matter what the cost! (And for my own gameplay reasons, preferably without resorting to Xenon tech). I'm completing work on a huge, single-launch behemoth that will establish a research and mining base on Moho, then use it as a refueling depot for my low-Kerbol rendezvous. This is roughly what it looks like so far: Initially I attached my boosters like so, and am able to get this into orbit fairly reliably: But for realism (and aesthetics) I'd like to wrap that equipment at the top up in a more aerodynamic fairing. Unfortunately I kind of backed myself into a corner by not having everything coalesce down to a single convenient attachment from which to build the fairing. I could stick it between the mining rig and tanker, but the tanker's un-aerodynamic reaction wheels would still be exposed. Note the reaction wheels are welded into a single part with most of the tanks below, and I don't want to break them up. Also don't want to stick anything between the rig's thrusters and the damage-protecting "thrust plates" below them (which eject after use). I wish I could start my fairing from the top and close it to the surface of my tanker, but that doesn't seem to work. So I figured, let's just throw more funds at the problem and encapsulate the whole shebang in Kerbin's biggest egg - with some assistance from Procedural Fairings (which lets you attach boosters directly to the fairings, helping me avoid a rocket too tall to fit in the VAB): Launch could have gone better... Liftoff was actually fine until separation of the first pair of boosters. What's weird is the F3 Flight Results didn't report anything wrong until later in the RUD than I would have expected. Slowing this down and going frame-by-frame, I discovered that as soon as I detached two of the boosters, all the struts holding the other ones broke as well! And that happened before anything at all (other than "Separation of Stage 21 confirmed") was reported in Flight Results. 1 frame before separation: 1 frame after separation: I played around with different AutoStruts settings on the boosters, fairings and fairing base, with varying results from a craft that wouldn't stand up on the launchpad to boosters that all fell off the egg before launch. I suspect the problem is my boosters need moar struts to something on the inside of the fairing - but it's kind of hard to attach them with the fairing in the way. Any suggestions? Any radically different ideas on making this beast aerodynamic? p.s. Note those boosters each consist of only 3 parts: - Tanks, Separatrons and decoupler (1 weldment) - Mammoth engine (stock) - Parachute (Mk2-R scaled up 4x) I can share my craft files and parts if anyone wants to play with this. I don't want to split it up into separate launches so please don't suggest that :-). Edit: Simply right-clicking one of the boosters while on the launchpad and decoupling it also causes my ship to fall apart. Edit: The problem isn't specific to that pair of boosters. If I remove them from my craft, it launches just the same and the struts all disappear when I stage next pair (which are now first to stage).
  3. Is there no mod around yet to let you change the textures of the stock fairings? Seems a real shame when there are so many good textures around for procedural parts and fairings! The search function seems a bit buggy, but I did some googling and couldn't find anything. Have I missed something?
  4. In the release notes of V1.1.1 there was mentioned, that wheels now have "auto struts [...], similar to fairing struts". Are those fairing struts noticable somehow? Because I'm unsure if I now still have to stut up my payloads in fairings, or if they get added "magically" when loading the craft onto the launch pad. How are those things working in V1.1.2?
  5. A few questions, i have today. I'm trying to setup fairings for the FFR rocket mesh i'm doing. I have parts named correctly in Unity and the name matches in the cfg file. Enabling and disabling them makes them show up and disappear within KSP but if i try to separate them they just sit there. they have ejection force but no colliders as stock game ones didn't appear to use them either. Searches haven't been terribly helpful. Any ideas? Second question I'm pretty sure i know the answer to already. Is there any way without setting it up as a ton of smaller colliders to do a hollow centrifuge you can walk (or drive) in. I've been working on a large scale one but colliders quickly start doing strange things.Like ejecting Kerbals at escape velocity. Thanks.
  6. I feel really dumb for asking this, but i've never figured out how to use them. Maybe because i'm not really a rockets person. Or are they simply not designed for what i want to do ? I have the max size mark 3 cargo bay. I'm looking for something low drag to use as a nose and tail for this fuselage. I can use the Mk3 to 2.5m adapter then a 2.5m rocket nose cone, but both have very high drag, and the fuel capacity of the adapter is useless to me (the engines will be on pods and fuel stored in there and the wings, because the mark 3 engine mounting plate has twenty times the drag of an FT800 tank + nose cone combo). So, can i use a fairing to make a nose cone for the cargo bay? The only controls appear to be left and right click, right click cancels the fairing generation and left click doesn't do anything. I can drag it to a longer or narrower cone but nothing comes of it. I take it they have to attach to another part then?
  7. When I make a fairing and I put parts inside of it. When ever I put my mouse over a part it disappears or it gets cut off by the fairing. I saw this issue in the bug tracker but that was for 1.1 and it hasn't been fixed. KSP log https://www.dropbox.com/s/csfi8ribgx4ba0i/KSP.log?dl=0 Pictures
  8. N.A.N.A. Fairwell Warning this is a WIP Not sure this is the best timing to be releasing something new, considering what day it is... That aside: Fairwell automatically deploys your (stock)fairing when reaching a specific altitude. Just right-click any fairing(base), adjust altitude and toggle. Now you can sit back and wave fairwell as your rocket undergoes metamorphosis in fully automated glory. Fairly easy eh?... get it? fair... ha - ha - ha... never-mind then! If you're anything like me, who plays games half-AFK, or has a chronic urge to switch on Mechjeb and go make tea as soon as the simulation time indicator stops showing green, then this could come in handy! Requires: ModuleManager (not included) Download Spacedock Licence: Reserved Source
  9. Hey guys, I've been playing a while with Proceedural Fairings, but I've honestly only just started to try to use interstage fairings. With proceedural parts, it is often more efficient to have a rockeet with a diameter that isn't 1.25 or 2.5, and with the 'Thrust Plate', I've been using a lot of engine clusters too. But I can't exactly figure out the interstage fairing. I've gotten it to the point where I can make it look good, but it still claims it's shielding 0 parts. Also, I don't understand what the decoupling stage is for, since it doesn't seem to be a regular stack decoupler. I'm trying to make more realistic looking rockets that still perform well. Interstage rings/fairings are a very common part of real rockets, but KSP (even with mods) seems to not consider them very important.
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