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  1. Have you ever thought "Man, that's a good idea for a planet, but I just don't have the PQSMod for it..."? Then look no further! This is the thread for planet makers to share their ideas on new PQSMods, some of which actually may become a reality!
  2. Ok, so I personally am a sucker for planets... (kessler's syndrome engage) So I decided, why not try to do a grand tour of all these planets? The list is: Asclepius Chani Heidon Imperial Planet Pack Jungis Kerbol Origins Kronkus Gameslinx's Planet Overhaul OPM Cyran Farlo Rictell Saru Have fun!
  3. Hello, I've seen a post on kerbal academy showing a craft orbiting 2 m off the ground on a perfectly spherical moon with no hills or valleys. I'd like to mess around with such a planet but cannot see a mod that adds a planet that's just a ball. Anyone know how I can get this? Thank you dearly
  4. i think there should be more than just one gas planet there should be a couple like 2 more with moons and wrings with them and on jool and some new moons maybe even a another star system or a asteroid belt a lottery asteroid belt where you have to navigate you spacecraft to get through and not hit any of them vote if you want them or not and something that would be helpful if this did get added 5 meter parts or something
  5. Just wondering, after all this time, we still don't know for sure if Duna has or has life, for instance. But as a community, we can wonder which ones could! I ask the propositions for both present and past life. We can state it by scientific means or just of hearth or to eye. We can also name modders bodies if you want. I believe most of the comunity want some life somewhere out there! My state: EVE past and present life (in the liquid) DUNA: Past (just to help RL Mars ) LAITHE: Ps and Pr Minmus: Im suspixious of it. Too greenish! Regards!
  6. Sentry AKA: Kerbol Mysteries Revision 3 Next Release: Cancelled This WAS the third attempt at creating the Kerbal Mysteries Mod, now it's an attempt at creating a "single planet with many moons mod". Rather than having it ready for download from the start (probably with bugs and other nasty stuff) I've decided to keep it from the public... Or at least until It has reached some kind of standard. The aim of this mod is to add some new worlds to the game while at the same time keep the size relatively small so low-end PC users can enjoy this mod without their computer experiencing unplanned disassembly. So far, there is only the obligatory blue second gas giant but don't fret for there will be more worlds to explore in the future. Interested in this mod? Consider following this thread for updates! Within this spoiler is information about the bodies added in this mod. With Thanks To: @Thomas P. for developing Kopernicus (along with his team). @Gameslinx for Sentry's texture and giving advice. @Cabbink for Conagher's heightmap (I hope I tagged the right person). @TheWanderer05 for their advice. @The White Guardian for their Kopernicus tutorials. EDIT 23/06/2019: Due to a plethora of things, including the death of a hard drive (and the only copy of the mod), I'm no longer able to continue development on this mod, nor will I be able to put it up for adoption. If I figure out a way to recover some of my work, I may start a new project with it but for now it's looking unlikely. EDIT: 17/12/2020: There is a chance that I have an old copy of the mod on an even older laptop. If I'm able to find it as well as the time (which I have plenty of), I may revitalize this project once more.
  7. Rooster's Planet Pack Explore a star, 5 planets and 12 moons with this new awesome mod! [WIP] The new planets and stars: Ilvan Sweater Giro Miner Blue Gold ARAUCANA DENIZLI ScienceDefs: 1/17 complete QUESTION: Are all planets called like chicken breeds? ANSWER : Yes. QUESTION: It has compatibility with other mods? ANSWER: No yet, but I plan that (Is still a WIP).
  8. What is the Kopernicus Creativity Marathon? An open competition for those who want to build planets. Every three weeks, a new challenge, describing what sort of planet or celestial body we are looking for. After the closing date for each challenge, the planets shall be judged and the winner shall be put in the Community Planet Pack. Judging: Planets shall be judged by thee following characteristics: Beauty: How attractive they are to view, and the level of detail and apparent effort was put into the world. Accuracy: How closely they match the challenge guidelines. Creativity: How unique and original is the planet, its features, and its use of procedural generation and/or textures. General Entry Rules: Planets must be made using an up-to-date version of Kopernicus and Kerbal Space Program. Any planets that are not updated to the current version will be disqualified. Planets must be created for this contest. No planets released in other planet packs may be entered. Any planets must be entered for the competition before the completion of each challenge. After the final day, submissions will be ignored. All planets must be released to myself under an MIT license, such that the worlds can be polished and made more consistent with each other so they can be released as a community planet pack. We can discuss alternate licenses in the private messenger. All credit will be given to the creators of the planets. Any entry containing a generic Space Engine export will be disqualified, however those which use the in-game editor may not be if it looks good in KSP. One planet per person per challenge round. Co-operation with other people is fine, but must be restricted to one planet per team. The above two rules may be loosened if a challenge calls for a specific number of bodies together. No plans, ideas, screenshots/images, or files regarding your planet may be shared until the completion of the challenge round for which it was designed. -CURRENT CHALLENGE ROUND- Post Date: July 18th, 2017 Closing Date: August 8th, 2017 Time: 3 Weeks The terrestrial space agency NASA has just released topographical data of one of their solar system's dwarf planets, Pluto. As such, the gods of the Solar System are gloating at us. We must one-up them. Your task is to design an icy dwarf planet oribiting the sun outside Eeloo. GUIDELINES/RULES: -Take inspiration from the known dwarf planet terrains: Pluto, Charon, and Triton. -Its orbit must be apparently stable, and not particularly ridiculous. -Try to strike a balance between realism and beauty. -Planetary radius should be between 70km and 180km, with a density between 1.5 g/cm^3 and 2.5 g/cm^3. --Radius, Mass, Density, and Gravity are related, in Earth-relative units, as G = M/(R^2) = R*D. --Earth density = 5.51 g/cm^3. Earth radius = 6370 km. --If your values for geeASL don't fit within the radius and density, then it will be lowered in the polishing phase. -You may add a small minor moon if you wish, but it will be judged separately from the dwarf planet. If it is not satisfactory it will be removed.
  9. Hi everyone, As I continue developing my mod Intergalactic, I'm starting to wonder... what's the best method of texturing a planet? Procedural? SpaceEngine? Or simply drawing it from scratch on programs like Gimp? I'm just asking for your opinion on how I should go about doing this.
  10. I KNOW ABOUT KOPERNICUS! THOSE WHO POINT IT OUT SHALL FACE THE UNDYING FURY OF MY NEIGHBOR'S CAT! *Ahem* Now that that's out of the way, let's talk about this undying question, recommendation, or whatever you want to call it - Planet Eight. It's been quite a while since we've gotten a new world to explore in stock KSP, and I'm starting to wonder if we ever will again. I just want a new, fun destination to go to, explore, and build bases on. Maybe a Kerbin-like world in the outer solar system littered with mountains and valleys and kraters filled with water, and even the beginnings of surface life! Not quite like Laythe or Eve, but something more friendly. Of course, being in the outer solar system would mean the planet doesn't get a whole lot of light, so maybe it could have a highly eccentric orbit (tidal heating) around Eeloo or another completely-new world. Maybe the life isn't entirely new, but it's just recovering after a massive object collided with it millions of years ago, ripping a long gash in the surface and carrying some particularly resilient microbes to Kerbin and Duna? Perhaps the origin of the Kraken? I'm going a little too deep in speculation, but we're lacking this kind of world in stock KSP, and I personally think it would make a pretty nice addition to the game
  11. Hey guys, my idea here is to add parts to construct actual planet bases, with a life support system. I know you can get both of these things in mods, (In fact I'm running a mod that gives me planetary base parts) but I think they should add a life support system and base parts to make them stock. One because it would add so much more to the game, two because I know for some people mods can slow their game down, and I think something like this should be in the game anyway. Plus as I found out with an earlier idea, that the game developers try to keep the game realistic (Which I totally understand) and this would not really be detracting from the realism of the game, in fact a life support system would make it more realistic (if people new to the game found having to add a life support system to their ships to hard for them the game developers could make the life support system an option when a person is creating a new game) Any comments?
  12. Hey, i'm not good at introductions... But anyways, this is a small planet pack i have been working on for the past couple of weeks, and i feel like the planets are far enough along now that a development thread would be a good idea...maybe it isn't, but we'll see what happens. Oh, and if anybody is interested in participating in development, hit me up and maybe we can work something out. Alright, so i've been screwing around with this new editor for 10 minutes and and i cant figure out this new forum systemhow the hell do i embed albums?!, so here is just a boring ol' link to the planet album: Hey, look at that, i figured out how to embed albums! Note: as of now, this mod is not designed to work along with OPM, that means that orbits might clash at some point. I haven't written alternate orbital configs to alleviate this, but i plan on it in the near future. Current Planets: Farlo - The main planet of the system, Farlo is a teal/blue(whatever) gas giant orbiting mostly beyond Eeloo, other than the occasional dip below Eeloo's apo. Originally "GP-2" from a previous, no-longer-existent pack of mine, Farlo has been recolored from pink to a light teal color because i like teal more than pink. Farlo's size is not permanent, but because i still can't figure out some things, it is going to have to stay the same size as Sarnus (from OPM) for now :/ Elras - Originally "Phal" from OuterPlanetsPlus, Elras is the inner-most moon of Farlo. It really looks like Vall, but i swear to kraken that it isn't. Claie - Originally "P-1" from the previously mentioned, no-longer-existent plane pack of mine, Claie is the second moon of Farlo. Claie is mostly a brown dirt-ball with green patches made from...i'm not sure what could make that much green splatter, other than Kerbal corpses O_O Rolk - Originally from KerbolPlanetPack, Rolk is the third moon of Farlo. A big, very mountainous, gray rock. Kesto - Originally "Halved" from the Porp Gas Giant System, Kesto is the outermost, and smallest, moon of Farlo. With a surface gravity of 0.021G's, small steps are known to create quite the distance between a kerbal and their ship. Downloads: SpaceDock: http://spacedock.info/mod/436/Farlo%20Planetary%20Pack The Farlo Planet Pack, relies on ModuleManager, and Kopernicus 0.5.x or later to function properly, if either of those are missing, this mod will not work. To Do: Biomes PlanetShine support Galactic Neighborhood support (i think sigma's gonna have to do this one) Science definitions E.V.E support Scatterer support More terrain customization. Karbonite/Stock ore support Figure out how the hell to do atmosphere/pressure curves Credit: -Vladimir Romanyuk - For creating SpaceEngine, where i admittedly ripped some textures from originally -KillAshley - For helping me fix mistakes and clear up confusion i had about things. -Thomas P - For creating the Kopernicus plugin, the basis of planetary mods -Amarius1 - For allowing me to take over OPM+ for (partial) use in this mod. -Elowiny - For allowing me to take over KerbolPlanetPack for (partial) use in this mod. -Lillz - For allowing me to take over the Porp Gas Giant System for (partial) use in this mod -Vexxus9999 - For allowing me to take over Forgotten Worlds for (partial) use in this mod -Other people have surrendered their planet stuff to me, but i haven't used them in this mod yet, so they aren't listed. License: (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
  13. KSA | Kerbin Space Agency: This will be like @StupidAndy's post. There will be updates on this post when new missions are accepted, finished, or the overall details. There will be multiple every day; The world will be in career, so you may have to wait a while! Mods: EVE, Scatterer. Flight 01:
  14. I used to make star systems for ksp when planet factory was still a thing but now that kopernicus is here, i have no idea how to use it, I've tried many times to make a planet and nothing works so i decided to make this post to ask for help. sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, i'm new to ksp forums.
  15. I got this idea from watching a E sized asteroid get an encounter with Minmas, the Mun, and obviously Kerbin all in one pass by of Kerbin. This put it's orbit to where it could make contact with Jool at some point and it did. It actually ended up becoming captured by Jool by making a close pass by of Jool, then Tylo. The idea it gave me was instead of having several premade moons orbiting the gas planet of KSP, it would be more interesting to see randomly generated asteroids (possibly larger than the ones we have in game now) orbiting Jool as pseudo moons. With Jool's IRL counterpart (Jupiter) having 60+ moons and most of the being very small bodies this would make sense. it could also be neat to see Eeloo have very small moons (smaller than Gilly even) to have analogs for Pluto's moons Hydra and Nix. I actually decided to visit this new moon of Jool. I named it "The odyssey". I was super afraid of it being ejected from the Jool system so I moved it's orbit past that of Tylo's and below Bop's. It also was extremely annoying to visit as it orbits in the opposite direction that Jool rotates and the other moon's orbit. Also ignore the cloud mod I have for Jool in the 2nd image, I did not install any mods that changed the asteroids to spawn around Jool.
  16. Parts would have minimum temperatures, and some would passively radiate heat. When minimum temperatures are reached, the parts wouldn't explode or anything. They would merely stop functioning. However, based on a setting in the difficulty options, if a command module or spacesuit reached minimum temperatures, the kerbals could be at risk of freezing to death. Different kerbals would have different time limits for staying below minimum temperature, basically like gee tolerance. Something else that should be added would be parts specifically meant for heating the spacecraft. Drills, converters, fuel cells, RTGs and active engines would passively generate heat. Liquid fuel tanks and idle liquid fuel engines would have an incredibly low minimum temperature. Landing legs and airbrakes, as well as xenon tanks and ion engines would have a fairly low minimum temperature. Wings (whose aerodynamics would simply not work quite right when too cold), command modules and passenger modules would have a medium minimum temperature. Probes, batteries, solar cells and reaction wheels would have a high minimum temperatures. Finally, surface temperatures. Planets would all have ground temperatures, including the ones without atmospheres. However, part temperatures would be affected by the ground much more slowly than by the atmosphere. Therefore, you could probably last on Eeloo or Minmus for days without a heating system. You wouldn't have to worry too much about Jool's moons, as they are heated by tidal forces. With Duna you would probably want a heating system, seeing as it has an atmosphere. Also, unlike atmospheric temperature, surface temperature would change depending on whether it was day or night.
  17. I remember seeing a thread about this topic that was over three years old, so I didn't want to bother reviving it. On to the point, however, which planets/moons do you just not like, or do you not like them because seemingly all your missions there fail? For me, it would probably have to be Laythe. I've been playing KSP for over a year now, and I've still only managed to do one manned mission there and back. (which took 3 launches, as I sent an ascent vehicle, airplane, and mothership with lander) I just don't find Laythe particularly exciting, and the extended atmosphere (being thicker than Kerbin's at higher altitudes) makes pinpoint landing a nightmare. It's destroyed plenty of rovers, and cooked a mothership trying to aerobrake there to go straight into a Laythe orbit from a Jool escape trajectory, although looking back on it I don't know why on earth I thought that would work. Kerbalness, I guess. I do like it for gravity assists though. God help me when I try going there with Kerbalism installed...
  18. Hello You may remember me from the development of the Heidon Mod, which added in 3 gas giants and many moons. Now, my team of modders will begin working on a new planetary system that will completely replace the stock KSP system with a variety of worlds. I have just begun work on the mod, and have no pics to share at the current time. Please leave any comments if you have any suggestions; we will gladly listen to your ideas, and they may even be implemented into the mod. - UranianBLue
  19. To Squad: A Kerbal Suggestion , Decaying Orbits Decaying Orbits , (as seen on the title) So You may ask what does "Decaying Orbits" mean? , Well if you're asking that , Then i will explain as briefly as i can below . -1 What is the meaning , 2- The Concept , 3- The Main Planets Different amount of pull , and 4- Why i think it should be added to KSP. 1- What is the Meaning of "Decaying Orbits"? Decaying orbits or "Orbital Decay is a process that leads to gradual decrease of the distance between two orbiting bodies at their closest approach (the periapsis) over many orbital periods. These orbiting bodies can be a planet and its satellite, a star and any object orbiting it, or components of any binary system. The orbital decay can be caused by a multitude of mechanical, gravitational, and electromagnetic effects. If left unchecked, the decay eventually results in termination of the orbit where the smaller object strikes the surface of the primary; or for objects where the primary has an atmosphere, the smaller object burns, explodes, or otherwise breaks up in the larger object's atmosphere; or for objects where the primary is a star, ends with incineration by the star's radiation (such as for comets), and so on. 2- The Concept (In game) I Think Decaying Orbits or "Orbital Decay" should be adjustable based on the player's level of experience , For instance , When you make a new game and you choose "Easy Mode" the Orbital Decay won't have effect on the spacecrafts at all . At "Normal Mode" the "Orbital Decay" would have effect on the spacecraft at 50% Efficiency , and on Hard Mode it would have effect on the spacecraft at 100% Efficiency. Each planetary body , depending on its mass and gravitational pull would have a different amount of decay . For example , Someone launched a satellite to 150 km on Kerbin's orbit , the "Orbital Decay" at Normal Mode for example would be 1/km per 60 Days , on Hard Mode it would be 2/km per 60 Days or 1/km per 30 Days . If the player wants a much more Decaying effect , He can adjust it in the settings , Or if he wants to lower the effect , He can also adjust it by using the settings. Also If the player has a spacecraft in orbit he can prevent the "Decaying Effect" by Doing Pro grade Burns to boost the orbit , the higher the player's orbit is the weaker the Orbital Decay effect , would effect the spacecraft , For instance i have a Probe at 150 km of kerbin orbit , and another Probe at 1500 km of kerbin orbit , the probe at 1500 km would Decay 10x Slower , for clearance the 150 km orbit would decay (Fully) in 150x60 Days if the rate was 1/km per 60 days ,and it was normal mode . and the probe at 1500 km would decay (Fully) in 1500x60 Days Of Course the player will be able to edit the rate , either using cheats where he would hack gravity which would slow down the orbital decay effect , or increase it . he can set both (Cheats or in the settings) 3-The Main Planets Different amount of pull (What i think) (all descriptions below are at 300 km which in that altitude would have the normal decay effect) To make the game a little bit fun and with a little of science , i think it should be around 1-5 km / per 60 Days in Kerbin Moho- Not yet settled Eve- 1-3 km / per 60 Days Duna- 0.5 - 3 km / per 60 days Jool - 5 - 10 km / per 60 days You Decide about moons and dwarf planets the sun , (Note: the description was written by me and my mind , not figuring out the masses and gravtitational pull and all of that stuff, i just put atmospheric height in my head) 4-Why I think it should be added to KSP I think "Decaying Orbits or Orbital Decay would be an awesome additon to KSP and would make it more realistic and fun and in the same time , Challenging and this concept sounds easy to implement in the game , i would like to know if it is possible or not , but nonetheless i think this would be a great idea. Thank you for reading (Look at Poll) -Wilford Kerman -Year 104 , Day 48 btw , write what you think about this idea in the comments section below
  20. In the Kerbal Grand Tour, you are to land on as many planets and moons as possible, and circumnavigate them on land/ocean/water. For Jool, an atmospheric circumnavigation is sufficient. Rules. All Stock parts except Vens stock revamp. (FAR, mechjeb, KER, and other informational mods allowed) KSP 1.2+ Video is recommended, although photo albums with enough pictures to document essentials are allowed No Alt-F12 or other cheats/hacks. No exploiting Krakens/bugs/glitches. Use part clipping only for decorative parts(lights, ladders, science parts, etc.), not for fuel tanks, engines, command pods, etc. Must be manned with at least 3 Kerbals. No external command seats. Up to 10 Quickloads, and 5 reverts are welcome. No more than 3 launches. Any other suggested rules, ask here! Points +6 per every planet circumnavigated +3 per every moon circumnavigated +10 points if no nuclear/ion engines are used. +5 points if no ISRU drills are used +5 points if no ISRU converters are used +10 points if your vessel cant hold ore +10 points for not using 3.75m tanks and engines +15 points for using only 1.25m tanks and engines. +10 points if 5+ crew are carried -5 points per Kerbal killed -5 points if a detachable rover is used for circumnavigation
  21. Hey all I was playing my KSP and in the middle of capturing an asteroid, when I had this idea. Why not make it possible to land on Jool? I was thinking that they should keep the green gas cloud totally around it to impossible to see anything but green, until it disappears like 150M from the surface and then give Jool a planet surface that always looks like it is night time. I thought this would be fun challenge to, not only make Jool a Kerbal destination, but to also make a cool challenge for someone to try and land on a planet where you can't see the ground until you've almost landed. Any thoughts?
  22. Does anyone know of any ways/mods that allow you to rename planets?
  23. Galaxy is a mod soon to be released that introduces more stars and planets into the game. The center idea behind Galaxy is to change the sun to be a black hole, scrap the original Kerbol system, and then make a new system orbiting a new star from which players start from. In addition to the new system an additional number of systems will be added. Current stars Alpha Da: A binary star system with a gas giant, Polyphelus, from the Avatar Movie. Polyphelus has four moons, one of which being Pandora. Darkstar: A black hole. Skylis: A small yellow star with one gas giant, Klon. Klon has two moons. Omega: A blue star with one planet, Zoola Future Developments: More Star Systems More planets and moons around stars Darkstar planetary system New Homeworld
  24. Hi I'm trying to write the config for the planet through Мodule Manager , I wanted to change the name and description of the planet (only from mods!), but my experiments did not help, I need guides on patching PLANETS I found, I can tell you what has to be done in the config. Thansk.
  25. The Kerbol system alone is a bit boring. It's also relatively easy to get as far as Moho or Eeloo. We need a new challenge.
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