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Found 3 results

  1. Hi! I have an issue, that textures are twinkling as on the picture in link below. I have some visual mods installed (most popular ones), but certainly it is not Parallax, because I installed it after that issue. Please help to solve this problem or tell me what graphic setting or mod may cause that. Visual Mods: EVE-Redux, Parallax, Community Terrain Texture Pack, Texture Replacer, Textures Unlimited, Firespitter, TUFX, PlanetShine, EVA Enhancements https://imgur.com/a/Om53TdO EDIT: I' ve solved that problem! The reason was Mod "TUFX" and setting "HDR" turned ON. I disabled it and it works properly - in the link above are images to show that option.
  2. I'd built a ground vehicle to test oiut rover parts, and while driving off of the runway area and trying to drive up a mountain, after a while I noticed that it appeared my vehicle turned green. I'm not entirely sure why it happened, or how, but it's been consistent with all sorts of metallic finishes. As you can see in the image, it appears all mirrored/metallic/uncolored got very messily colored.
  3. Think you Chubby Hampster for continuing WindowShine! Logo courtesy of @Teflon_Mike Gif with GemFX and KSPRC v2 courtesy of @cobbman11 Video (-v2) Pictures: Album on imgur, Gif in VAB Downloads: WindowShine is dependent on TextureReplacerReplaced managed by @HaArLiNsH (TextureReplacer maintained by @RangeMachine for 1.2x) and ModuleManager maintained by @sarbian. Make sure to install them both first. KSP 1.3+ WindowShineTR-v16 TextureReplacerReplaced latest ModuleManager latest KSP 1.2- WindowShineTR-v12.4 TextureReplacer v2.5.4 ModuleManager 2.7.6 Mod Support packs (for KSP 1.3+) Thank you @miromed! Dropbox folder Mod support pack installation: Check the Dropbox folder and make sure your mod is supported Install your mod Install WindowShine Install the mod support pack How to add reflections to your own mods License: Link Shameless plug: If you've enjoyed this mod you might also like the other stuff in my signature! - I hope you enjoy.
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