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GUILayout.Toggle not spacing properly

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I've come across an odd problem. It seems that the standard KSP skin doesn't define the GUILayout.Toggle width properly. I've tried it with just GUILayout.Toggle, and also using CalcSize, and in both cases the effective width is just the size of the radiobutton. Has anyone else seen this? It's hit me in two mods I'm working on right now

When I use the standard Unity skin, it works.

I've opened a bug about this:  https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/24417

The following images show the issue:

Unity skin, everything working properly


KSP skin, left shows the problem, right is working due to using CalcSize


Here is the code you can try out.  Click the toggle labeled "Use Alt.Skin" to toggle between the standard Unity skin and the KSP skin:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using KSP.Localization;
using KSP.UI.Screens;

namespace BadDemo
    [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.FlightEditorAndKSC, false)]
    public partial class FlightEditSaver : MonoBehaviour
        const string ALT = "Use Alt.Skin";
        const float REVERTWIDTH = 450;
        const float REVERTHEIGHT = 100;
        Rect _revertRect = new Rect((Screen.width - REVERTWIDTH) * .75f, (Screen.height - REVERTHEIGHT) / 2, REVERTWIDTH, REVERTHEIGHT);
        Rect _revertRect2 = new Rect((Screen.width - REVERTWIDTH) * .25f, (Screen.height - REVERTHEIGHT) / 2, REVERTWIDTH, REVERTHEIGHT);

        bool useAltSkin = true;
        void OnGUI()
            if (!useAltSkin)
                GUI.skin = HighLogic.Skin;
            _revertRect = GUILayout.Window(this.GetInstanceID() + 1, _revertRect, new GUI.WindowFunction(DrawWithCalc), "Using CalcSize", new GUILayoutOption[0]);
            _revertRect2 = GUILayout.Window(this.GetInstanceID() + 2, _revertRect2, new GUI.WindowFunction(DrawNoCalc), "No Size Calculation", new GUILayoutOption[0]);


        void DrawWithCalc(int id)
        void DrawNoCalc(int id)
            GUILayout.Toggle(false, "one");
            GUILayout.Toggle(false, "Two");
            GUILayout.Toggle(false, "three");
            useAltSkin = GUILayout.Toggle(useAltSkin, ALT);

        void Display(string str)
            GUIContent content = new GUIContent(str);
            var size = GUI.skin.textField.CalcSize(content);
            if (str == ALT)
                useAltSkin = GUILayout.Toggle(useAltSkin, content, GUILayout.Width(size.x + 24));
                GUILayout.Toggle(false, content, GUILayout.Width(size.x + 24));



Edited by linuxgurugamer
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