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What foul magic is this?


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I remember that as well, what did it end up being?

We never found out. :P

Anyway, I think the first thing we need to do is kamikaze into the water tower and see if it shows the right message. I'll go do that now.

UPDATE: The water tower is a harder target to hit than I thought. And, I crashed into the ground so hard I crashed the game.

Edited by The Jedi Master
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I'm guessing that it was caused by a disgruntled plumber, recently fired from the Kerbal Plumber Program. I think that's the first time I've seen Jeb look worried!

Perhaps an italian plumber with an affinity for wearing Red and chasing mushrooms?

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Well, I have no idea which part of the launchpad is "Water Pipe". After meticulously ramming every pipe-shaped object in the area, I've managed to hit "Launchpad Grounds" (that's the various pipes on the floor), "Water Tower" (that includes the pipe running up into the tower, it seems), and "obj_base" (which seems to be the white base that the water tower and flagpole share).

Just an FYI. It was also lots of fun.

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  • 3 months later...
I have this issue but when launching from the pad I hit obj_base at 6100 to 6300 feet. Any idea what to do to help?

No need to necro old threads, especially since you'd already made a fresh thread asking for help.

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