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I'm sick of the number of bugs in 0.22


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I've tried over and over to launch something to another planet in the past few days and every time I just run into a crazy bug and can't go on.

Here are a few of the things that have happened. I've just rage quit .22 too many times to put up with this any longer. C'mon squad, get it together, .21 wasnt this bad.

When loading a subassembly, the struts and fuel lines are lost unless the thing was made as a standalone ship.

Lately, KSP has not been detecting vessels on the runway or the launchpad and it will just place your new vessel on top of the old one, exploding it.

Sometimes after docking, the attitude of some parts of the ship will be locked. Any attempt to go on rails or reload the ship causes it to explode.

Sometimes in the vab you can't grab parts without grabbing the whole ship, and then you cant let go. if you had not saved, you design is lost.

Randomly ship that were in stable orbits are disappearing.

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I've tried over and over to launch something to another planet in the past few days and every time I just run into a crazy bug and can't go on.

Here are a few of the things that have happened. I've just rage quit .22 too many times to put up with this any longer. C'mon squad, get it together, .21 wasnt this bad.

When loading a subassembly, the struts and fuel lines are lost unless the thing was made as a standalone ship.

Lately, KSP has not been detecting vessels on the runway or the launchpad and it will just place your new vessel on top of the old one, exploding it.

Sometimes after docking, the attitude of some parts of the ship will be locked. Any attempt to go on rails or reload the ship causes it to explode.

Sometimes in the vab you can't grab parts without grabbing the whole ship, and then you cant let go. if you had not saved, you design is lost.

Randomly ship that were in stable orbits are disappearing.

I have experienced the second and fourth ones a few times myself, rather annoying.

I haven't had the first one, though I do recall that it was a problem that subassembly mods were plagued with before .22

Never had the others.

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When loading a subassembly, the struts and fuel lines are lost unless the thing was made as a standalone ship.

Haven't seen that, but I usually build my subassemblys as distinct ships anyways.

Lately, KSP has not been detecting vessels on the runway or the launchpad and it will just place your new vessel on top of the old one, exploding it.

I think that might be intentional, so you can put two things beside each other on the runway. You just have to make sure the previous one is moved a bit.

Sometimes after docking, the attitude of some parts of the ship will be locked. Any attempt to go on rails or reload the ship causes it to explode.

Yeah I've seen that, when docking a rover to a carrier plane. The rover twists into a fixated orientation, and wont move out of that attitude under any circumstance.

Sometimes in the vab you can't grab parts without grabbing the whole ship, and then you cant let go. if you had not saved, you design is lost.

Haven't seen that recently. In previous versions, it was a problem if you grabbed the primary part without the secondary parts attached.

Randomly ship that were in stable orbits are disappearing.

How long were they orbiting? Two possibilities: the orbit entered the atmosphere, or over time, the orbit intersected with a moon.

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Haven't seen that, but I usually build my subassemblys as distinct ships anyways.

Unfortunately this only allows you to connect the subassembly from it's root part, some root parts are not allowed. If you want the root part to be turned at an odd angle you will lose the ability to use the symmetry mode of the building you are in properly. Additionally, root parts that are meant to be surface attached cannot be saved as subassemblies in such a way that the struts are preserved.

How long were they orbiting? Two possibilities: the orbit entered the atmosphere, or over time, the orbit intersected with a moon.

These were usually station parts that had been in low kerbin orbit and had experienced a large amount of reorganization by docking, for example, the part that most recently disappeared on me was created in the following way. 1 was launched, 2 was launched and 1-2 was created by docking. 3 was launched and 1-2-3 was created by docking. 4 was launched and 4-1-2-3 was created. segment 3 was moved to create 3-4-1-2, 5 was launched. 3-4-1-2 was separated to create 3-4 and 1-2. 3-4-5 was created with docking. then 3-4-5-1-2 was created by docking. 3-4-5-1-2 was separated into 3-4-5 and 1-2. 3-4-5 was flown out of 1-2's loading distance, 3 was seperated, landed, and recovered. then, upon viewing the space center, 1-2 was gone.

Complicated I know. But still, it would be nice is the program flow was thoroughly tested.

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I've tried over and over to launch something to another planet in the past few days and every time I just run into a crazy bug and can't go on.

When loading a subassembly, the struts and fuel lines are lost unless the thing was made as a standalone ship.

Lately, KSP has not been detecting vessels on the runway or the launchpad and it will just place your new vessel on top of the old one, exploding it.

Sometimes after docking, the attitude of some parts of the ship will be locked. Any attempt to go on rails or reload the ship causes it to explode.

Sometimes in the vab you can't grab parts without grabbing the whole ship, and then you cant let go. if you had not saved, you design is lost.

Randomly ship that were in stable orbits are disappearing.

Subassemblies have long had that issue of losing struts, but for the most part were making progress as they developed, and it largely came down to how carefully you had placed them. Since the introduction of the stock subassemblies I haven`t noticed any problem with them, in fact I was quite surprised they worked as smoothly as they do for a first release.

Regardless of that.. I can`t imagine ragequitting because I have to replace a few struts.

Not detecting vessels on runway or launchpad. Now I haven`t seen this lead to any explodey problems. My problem has been the opposite really, having to move things further and further away to get them to stay they when I load a new ship. If this is a constant issue.. perhaps not leaving things on the launchpad could solve it? Recover button is not hard to find.

and if there is some explosion related difficulty, how hard is it to revert to vab? This too strikes me as an unusual cause for a ragequit.

That sounds like an odd docking bugã€ÂI haven`t seen it in many instances of docking. What occurs to me however, and this will extend to the next point also, is are you using any mods and/or clipped parts?

Similarly, the vab issue you mention, I have only seen occur when taking off some part that has been subjected to part clipping, most often if I try to clip a reaction wheel into a fuel tank. As part clipping is an uncertain game to partake in, one should be careful when doing it.

Anyway, ctrl and z will undo whatever you just did.. so lets not rage over that either.

As for random ships in a stable orbit just disappearing.. Without any other information to go one, would have to suggest that the orbit was not quite as stable as one had at first imagined.

Or failing that, misclicking on filters in the map screen?

The only significant bug I have encountered in this latest release is entirely related to one mod, and I have enjoyed uninterrupted gameplay throughout.

Thus it is my point of view that Squad most assuredly already "have it together", and each release is another milestone of progress and development.

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Sure you havent reached the memory limit with mods?? Because these kinds of things is what happens on my system when i am running out of ram.

This is a vanilla install. Judging from the fact that not very many other people have experienced these bugs, I decided to re-install from the zip and so far no problems. Maybe I just had a corrupted exe.

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I've tried over and over to launch something to another planet in the past few days and every time I just run into a crazy bug and can't go on.

Here are a few of the things that have happened. I've just rage quit .22 too many times to put up with this any longer. C'mon squad, get it together, .21 wasnt this bad.

When loading a subassembly, the struts and fuel lines are lost unless the thing was made as a standalone ship.

Lately, KSP has not been detecting vessels on the runway or the launchpad and it will just place your new vessel on top of the old one, exploding it.

Sometimes after docking, the attitude of some parts of the ship will be locked. Any attempt to go on rails or reload the ship causes it to explode.

Sometimes in the vab you can't grab parts without grabbing the whole ship, and then you cant let go. if you had not saved, you design is lost.

Randomly ship that were in stable orbits are disappearing.

Experienced all of the above, stopped playing as a result (partly due to buggy plugins though as well) :) These didn't crop up until a fair ways into a game though.

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Please remember this is an Alpha product and any who have bought the game in this unfinished state are the testers. There Will be bugs, some may make the game completely unplayable, some will be extremely annoying, all you can do about it is send in a bug report and wait for it to be fixed. And please send in bug reports, if you don't tell anyone nothing will get fixed.

Now if this kind of stuff was happening in a released product I would agree that it should be fixed post haste, or suffer the wrath of my nerdrage. :)

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stock or not?

If not then not squads fault.

If stock then write some bug reports.

What do you mean "standalone ship"? You can't load a subassembly as the starting part... you have to have something to attach it to. If you had struts or fuel lines that connected to things that aren't a part of the subassembly you are saving then of course they aren't going to work. To expect them to (if that is what you're doing) is unreasonable.

I've never had it not detect obstructing things... Does it happen after prolonged game play? Try restarting your game once in a while. There's another bug which has the physical presence of the structures around the launch pad move a bit over time... solved by restarting.

I have no idea what you mean by "attitude of some parts of the ship will be locked". Please explain further.

Never experienced the VAB thing. Have you cleaned the buttons on your mouse recently?

Were the ships classified as debris and do you have the settings set to delete debris? I doubt that's the problem but it's the only thing I can think of.

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This is what I can do in the VAB or SPH with a stock install: Load a craft, corrupt the file, fill the logs with Null pointer exceptions, create ghost parts, freeze the camera, and finally crash the game! It only takes me 4 seconds, and I do it several times a day. So YES, .22 is far buggier than other updates...

Also with .22:

Undocking multiple docking ports at once may result in Kraken preventing attitude change.

Struts break with Subassemblies.

SAS turns off COMPLETELY when making a course correction.

Water lag...

Edited by RocketPilot573
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Eh, I've experienced all of these but the docking bug (but I've witnessed it enough times on a few YouTube videos; Kurt J Mac and Manley have both run afoul of them).

The worst one has been the random explodie-parts. I've been playing the game for over a year now and hadn't run into any playthrough-destroying bugs before now. I have to agree with you that 0.22 has been the buggiest version of the game thus far (well, plus I hate the SAS function now. It's too stiff, give me the one from 0.21 any day).

Have to go with FITorion's advice though; this is still an open-alpha so patience is going to be required of us.

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I've had a problem where my station will explode upon reloading it directly after starting the game. I backed up my save and did some testing and was able to make it happen every time I reloaded it first. If I loaded up another ship with no docked parts instead and waited a bit, then switched to the station, there was no problem. I was using the weird docking ports from the THSS mod that have the guiding 'fin' things on the side so it must have something to do with intersecting parts.

That method of loading another ship first before the station seems to work consistently if you want to workaround it. Just backup your save frequently.

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I find the 4th one you mentioned the most annoying, since it makes my game crash, completely destroys the thing i was trying to build and makes my processor choke on tears for 5 full minutes while the game screams at it 'ARE YOU SORRY?ARE YOU SORRY FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO KEEP ME RUNNING WHEN I GLITCH OUT SO MUCH THAT I MULTIPLY 300 PARTS A FEW TIMES?WELL, ARE YOU?'.

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Complicated I know. But still, it would be nice is the program flow was thoroughly tested.

Since the game is still in development it would stand to reason that there will be bugs found, and those bugs take time to fix (even big publishers take long periods to fix things sometimes years after release has happened). Best advice I would give is to see if you can repeat the problem more than once, on the same craft, and submit it in a bug report with either pictures or a video showing what is happening.

As far as what I have experienced bug wise has been documented in the bug reporting section, but anything I think is a bug I always try to replicate it so I know it is the game causing it and not me. It is easy to blame the game, but harder for a person to blame themselves.

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... then, upon viewing the space center, 1-2 was gone.

I struggled slightly to follow that, but if the part 1-2 didn't have any type of command module on it, after undocking it would be classed as debris. I have my debris count set to 0, so when I leave a ship in orbit with its debris close by, the debris vanishes... could this be the cause of your problems?

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How low was you orbit? I use to do 70k to 65k, I don't do it any more, because if I get an Ap of 70k and Pe of 65, the orbit will in time drift down into Kerbin. I use to be able to do it in old version of KSP, but not anymore. I try not to do 70k, even if I can get Ap and Pe of 70k, there is risk of deorbit. I find it safer to do 80k, and if Ap is perfect 80k and I'm doing my circler orbit burn, the worst of a Pe I could get is 70k or 75k. This would keep my ship in orbit.

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Not had any of those. I did have one ship get krackened when loading it from the space center. It was in orbit around Kerbin and as soon as it loaded, it went boom. Every piece. Not one shred of debris.

The only other bug I have encountered is I tried to have a kerbal disembark from a command pod laying on it's side with the door turned close to the ground, with the craft busy transmitting science and it would CTD. I was able to do it twice in a row, once on Mun and once on Kerbin. Don't ask why the command pod was laying sideways :sticktongue:

Aside from those, I haven't experienced any bugs that I have noticed, except for the occasional mod malfunction, but that is with the mod and not Squad.

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How low was you orbit? I use to do 70k to 65k, I don't do it any more, because if I get an Ap of 70k and Pe of 65, the orbit will in time drift down into Kerbin. I use to be able to do it in old version of KSP, but not anymore. I try not to do 70k, even if I can get Ap and Pe of 70k, there is risk of deorbit. I find it safer to do 80k, and if Ap is perfect 80k and I'm doing my circler orbit burn, the worst of a Pe I could get is 70k or 75k. This would keep my ship in orbit.

you do know that 65km is in the atmosphere right? Kerbins atmosphere stops at 69Km. You will need to have both your Ap and Pe above that to have a long lasting orbit. This is not in any way a bug.

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