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[1.2] TweakableEverything 1.16-beta - For all your part tweaking needs


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I tried it and the .dll failed to load. I tried the link which gave me a 404 not found, so I had to 'save link as':

Failed to load assembly C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\onEditorShipModifiedSniffer.dll:

System.BadImageFormatException: Format of the executable (.exe) or library (.dll) is invalid.

at Mono.Cecil.PE.ImageReader.ReadImage () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Mono.Cecil.PE.ImageReader.ReadImageFrom (System.IO.Stream stream) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadModule (System.IO.Stream stream, Mono.Cecil.ReaderParameters parameters) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadModule (System.String fileName, Mono.Cecil.ReaderParameters parameters) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadModule (System.String fileName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AssemblyLoader.ScanForBadTypeRefs (System.String file) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AssemblyLoader.LoadExternalAssembly (System.String file) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Toadicus, you never got back to me on the config that you gave me not working. Also, e-dog said that in his latest update he fixed the slowdown while editing fairing sides, but that's still not fixed for me.

Edited by smjjames
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Toadicus, you never got back to me on the config that you gave me not working. Also, e-dog said that in his latest update he fixed the slowdown while editing fairing sides, but that's still not fixed for me.

I think that's what I was doing here:

I've re-uploaded a version with slightly different compile options that loads up just fine for me. But here's an example of its output when I open up a tweakable menu on one of the NovaPunch segmented boosters:

onEditorShipModified fired 0 times since last report (0.00 calls per second).
onEditorShipModified fired 48 times since last report (47.67 calls per second).
onEditorShipModified fired 184 times since last report (180.92 calls per second).
onEditorShipModified fired 216 times since last report (211.76 calls per second).
onEditorShipModified fired 224 times since last report (215.59 calls per second).
onEditorShipModified fired 224 times since last report (216.01 calls per second).
onEditorShipModified fired 192 times since last report (185.87 calls per second).
onEditorShipModified fired 216 times since last report (214.07 calls per second).
onEditorShipModified fired 216 times since last report (212.60 calls per second).
onEditorShipModified fired 216 times since last report (216.00 calls per second).
onEditorShipModified fired 192 times since last report (187.50 calls per second).
onEditorShipModified fired 232 times since last report (223.51 calls per second).
onEditorShipModified fired 224 times since last report (223.55 calls per second).
onEditorShipModified fired 48 times since last report (47.76 calls per second).
onEditorShipModified fired 0 times since last report (0.00 calls per second).

And here it is on an FL-T400:

onEditorShipModified fired 0 times since last report (0.00 calls per second).
onEditorShipModified fired 1 times since last report (1.00 calls per second).
onEditorShipModified fired 4 times since last report (4.00 calls per second).
onEditorShipModified fired 0 times since last report (0.00 calls per second).

This is very typical of the symptoms I described previously. Unfortunately, there's nothing I can really do about it, especially for Squad's tweakables (fuel tanks, etc). Theoretically for my tweakables I could adjust the granularity so this happened less frequently in default cases.

If you want to download the tool again yourself you can still get it at the same link from before. But, it doesn't do anything but print those messages, so unless you have testing of your own to do with it, there's not much reason to have it.

I'm pretty sure e-dog is working around the issue by ignoring the event entirely and detecting the circumstance on his own. I'm not doing anything with the event either, but other mods do. FloatRange tweakables that result in irrational behavior will spam the event and without trying to rebalance every part and every tweakable that exhibits the behaviour there's nothing I can do about it. I'm unwilling to do that; if you find a part that causes that issue you can ask the author if he wants to address it (feel free to link my posts here explaining the issue), or take it on yourself to find a solution that works (probably by moving the default value around a bit) and offer a patch to the author.

For clarity: this is a Squad bug that results in event spam. TweakableEverything (and any other mod that presents a tweakable in this condition) exposes the bug, it doesn't cause it. Other mods that rely on the onEditorShipModified event will exacerbate the bug by increasing the slowdown when it happens. The best I can do is post a bug for Squad; I'll do that once I have a chance to write up a proper report.

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That's unrelated to this particular issue, but I'll give it a look. Are you using any other mods that mess with shrouds, e.g. procedural fairings?

Yes. fairings and wings. I removed both and still see the effect. I suppose it could still be some other mod interfering as well. But this mod provides the button... :)

If I disable the engine shrouds they disappear. When I re-enable them, the button goes back to enabled but the shrouds are still missing. Not invisible... Missing. FAR debug voxels dip in around the unshrouded engine. If I then click launch, they are still missing on the launch pad.

Only reloading the craft in the VAB seems to bring them back. Then the craft behaves as normal again.

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@toadicus Is TweakableCrossfeed only for decouplers and docking ports? Is there any way to add a config to a part for enabling/disabling it?

y do u ignore private messages?

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dc4bs, haven't had a chance to do any further troubleshooting, and am going out of town for a few days starting tomorrow. I might get a chance tonight; if not it'll be next week. :/

Enceos, I don't ignore private messages and in fact make a point of answering them as quickly as I'm able. That said, my life puts many demands on me which, from time to time, prevent me from visiting these forums to answer anything. I assure you this answer comes neither before nor after you would have received a reply to your PM had you not duplicated the question here.

TweakableCrossFeed is only applied to decouplers at this point; docking nodes technically get that handled in TweakableDockingNode because the code there is some of the oldest code I wrote for this game. If you want to add the TweakableCrossFeed module to other parts, the best way to do so is with a ModuleManager patch like the one in TweakableDecouplers.cfg:

// Modify this line to make a ModuleManager selector that matches the set of parts you want to be able to tweak.
// If you're modifying a class of part that's already modified by TweakableEverything, change :FOR to :AFTER
name = ModuleTweakableCrossFeed
// Change the line below to True if you want to enable crossfeed by default
fuelCrossFeed = False

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I'm having a no-staging on flight bug. I do have proper staging in the VAB. If I EVA a kerbal and then try to re-board them, it freezes. If I EVA the kerbal, switch to the craft, then back to the kerbal, and board then I get my staging back. Until I leave that ship and and need to reload it. I get my staging back if I delete TweakableEverything.

I tried deleting the DLLs & associated cfgs one by one. It appears the issue is in TweakableStaging.dll. If that one is missing alone all is well.

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Someone has reported a bug over in the FAR thread that ferram4 says is coming from TweakableEverything:


I've recently started experiencing some serious lag in VAB and SPH. I have several mods installed but by switching on and off the few that make modifications to ship editing in different combinations I've managed to determine that I only have the lag if I have FAR and TweakableEverything installed at the same time. I looked at the log and if both mods are active it is spammed with records like this every 1-2 seconds:

[LOG 02:50:16.902] Updating FAR Shuttle 'Montauk'

[LOG 02:50:17.547] Voxelization Time (ms): 643

With FAR on and TE off it only updates when I change something on the ship, but if both mods are active it seems something is constantly making FAR update.

I've tried installing and uninstalling them with CKAN and manually too, nothing changed. Later I will try the game with only these two mods installed.

@FaterW: That indicates that TweakableEverything is updating the scale of parts way, way, way too often. There is nothing I can really change on my end, because I have to update the shape every time the part is rescaled; if TweakableEverything is rescaling parts when it doesn't have to, that's on that mod to be more efficient.

My only other solution is to drop any kind of TweakableEverything / Tweakscale support. Which, given the frequency of bugs with it, might be the best option at this point.

I kinda like TE and I kinda like FAR so I'd hate for support between the two be dropped..

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Something is up with realchutes. I am unable to change the size of the chutes on my main save, but when I first made the save it worked. If I make a new save then it works on the new one.

Is the save a career save? If so, once you unlock action groups you tweak the chutes from the action groups window not the right click menu. Also this isn't the realchutes thread.

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I'm having a no-staging on flight bug. I do have proper staging in the VAB. If I EVA a kerbal and then try to re-board them, it freezes. If I EVA the kerbal, switch to the craft, then back to the kerbal, and board then I get my staging back. Until I leave that ship and and need to reload it. I get my staging back if I delete TweakableEverything.

I tried deleting the DLLs & associated cfgs one by one. It appears the issue is in TweakableStaging.dll. If that one is missing alone all is well.

I'll try and duplicate that tonight. In the meantime, can you post your debug log (Windows: \path\to\KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt; Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log; Mac: ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log) following a run that exhibits the problem?

Someone has reported a bug over in the FAR thread that ferram4 says is coming from TweakableEverything:

I kinda like TE and I kinda like FAR so I'd hate for support between the two be dropped..

I like both those mods, too. ;) I'll try to talk to ferram4 and see if he can narrow down what's happening. I'm not actually changing the scale of anything, so my guess is this is related to the tweakable issue we've been talking about lately. Hopefully we can find a way to work around it.

Something is up with realchutes. I am unable to change the size of the chutes on my main save, but when I first made the save it worked. If I make a new save then it works on the new one.

Is there a reason you think that is an issue with this mod? Otherwise, RealChute's thread is over here.

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Using dev version you posted a page or so back. : https://www.dropbox.com/s/ncyjz07iz03oxyl/output_log.txt?dl=0

Also had a strange right-click bug where it would not let me use the buttons on any of the parts. Don't have that reproduced here because I can't get it to reliably happen, not sure if it's TE anyway. Just heads up in case you run into something like that as well.

Noticed that upon re-entering VAB upon reverting the flight showing the staging bug. I did not have my staging in VAB again. Detaching and reattaching an engine fixed it.

During the play that generated this log I did the EVA kerbal, switch to ship (staging comes back), switch back to kerbal & board (still have staging).

Took a quick peek through it myself. Maybe issue with action groups extended interacting poorly?

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smjjames, that's probably the same issue we've been discussing lately. This mod doesn't produce, show, or use any information from the fuel tweakables. Again, Squad's bug is exacerbated by mods that use onEditorShipChanged without rate limiting it.

helaeon, does the issue go away if you uninstall AGX? I'm going to guess "no", because SirDiazo is actually handling is error, he just prints the whole thing out for verbosity. I'm a little more worried about the argument out of range during Staging.sortIcons; it's somewhat possible that we're causing that. I'll look in to it.

EDIT: For those interested, I've reached out to ferram4 on the forums here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/20451?p=1939223&viewfull=1#post1939223. I may also follow up in other channels.

Edited by toadicus
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Does this affect ship loading times in the VAB/SPH and launchpad/runway? Because I removed tweakscale to try and find out why a huge ship of mine was taking so long to load (many minutes) on the launchpad and in VAB and bam, the ship loaded really quickly.

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Removing AGX doesn't change anything. Still get the argument out of range exception.

On a hunch based on some previous comments in this thread I tried removing interstellar fuel switch. Also didn't make a difference.

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helaeon, I've found the issue and believe it to be fixed. Should have a release this weekend.

smjjames, I dare not speculate. The long load times I was causing before with TweakableStagingToggle were a result of queuing too many Staging sorts and nothing to do with the event spam. TweakScale also uses KSPAPIExtensions, which as far as I can tell don't suffer from the event spam issues. If you're having slowdowns with TweakScale you should talk to pellinor.

In order to get rid of bug reports about the event spam and avoid making life harder for other modders, I'm going to "temporarily" depend on KSPAPIExtensions -- or some subset thereof -- so I can control how often onEditorShipModified gets called. When/if Squad fixes their bug (I've reported it formally now), I'll switch back to their tools and remove the dependency. Expect to see some or all of KSPAPIExtensions in the next TE release.

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TIL TweakableEverything is the solution to the problem where spacewalking Kerbals are annoying because the EVA thrusters are too powerful for fine control.

Now I can actually stop his movement, instead of choosing between "too much left" and "too much right". Thank you, toadicus!

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I got a lot lag trying to tweak the previously untweakables in VAB. The speed returns to normal once the right mouse menu is closes. Also no lag in stock right mouse menu.

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smjjames, I'm confused by your last post, then.

You're welcome, Beowulf! I'm glad you're enjoying it! :)

hbkmog, that's the result of a Squad bug (we've been discussing it for the last 4-5 pages). I'm working around it with a new dependency; should have a release out this weekend.

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Someone has reported a bug over in the FAR thread that ferram4 says is coming from TweakableEverything:

I've recently started experiencing some serious lag in VAB and SPH. I have several mods installed but by switching on and off the few that make modifications to ship editing in different combinations I've managed to determine that I only have the lag if I have FAR and TweakableEverything installed at the same time. I looked at the log and if both mods are active it is spammed with records like this every 1-2 seconds:

[LOG 02:50:16.902] Updating FAR Shuttle 'Montauk'

[LOG 02:50:17.547] Voxelization Time (ms): 643

With FAR on and TE off it only updates when I change something on the ship, but if both mods are active it seems something is constantly making FAR update.

I've tried installing and uninstalling them with CKAN and manually too, nothing changed. Later I will try the game with only these two mods installed.

@FaterW: That indicates that TweakableEverything is updating the scale of parts way, way, way too often. There is nothing I can really change on my end, because I have to update the shape every time the part is rescaled; if TweakableEverything is rescaling parts when it doesn't have to, that's on that mod to be more efficient.

My only other solution is to drop any kind of TweakableEverything / Tweakscale support. Which, given the frequency of bugs with it, might be the best option at this point.

I kinda like TE and I kinda like FAR so I'd hate for support between the two be dropped..

Removing TweakableAnimateGeneric.dll and its .cfg seems to fix this issue, so I assume the incompatibility lies with that plugin. I guess this is a temporary solution until this gets fixed.

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mythbusters844, thanks for the report! That pointed me in the right direction and with a bit of collaboration from ferram4 I found the problem. The good news is this means we should have a definitive fix soon. The bad news is this means I didn't release yesterday. :P

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There were actually two separate issues.

The first was the UI_FloatRange issue where tweakables would spam the onEditorShipModified event every Update when they were open, leading to hundreds of requests for rebuilds per second. This was affecting interactions with a lot of mods, especially mods that didn't use rate limiting on the event requests (FAR did, but we still made it rebuild every half second or so). This is a Squad bug; the tweakables should not be triggering event calls when nothing has changed. I've worked around this issue by introducing a dependency on a stripped-down version of KSPAPIExtensions.

The second issue was an animation issue that would have been affecting TweakableAnimateGeneric and TweakableLadders, where I was inadvertently putting animations into an inconsistent state. FAR monitors animations every Update, and when it detects a change it requests a voxel rebuild. Because the animations were inconsistent, FAR flagged them as changed every time it checked, leading to the same problem as above. I've resolved this issue by rewriting my animation handling code from the ground up.

I should have a release tonight (UTC-7).

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