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The struggles of 0.17


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I heard about the game back in 0.12 but didn't actually get around to playing until 0.13 (well actually 0.13.3). I still remember landing my first Mun lander using the Down Under Aerospace parts as all my manual landings ended in way too much horizontal velocity and the lander flipping end over end. I remember the days when C7 and Nova were just awesome modders (and back when Winter Owl landed his spaceplane on the Mun). I've build SSTOs in 0.16 and mastered docking. Needless to say, this game has undergone dramatic change over my knowledge of it, and even more change before that. I can't wait to see where the future takes us!

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I joined around .13. that was before we even had persistance. anything you launched would disappear before you could launch anything else. The game was still free then. I remember that there was a bug that caused all of your joints to separate whenever you restarted the launch. It lead to some interesting collapses.

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I bought the game during 0.17 and played it a bit (found the installer on my old gaming box) but I was really into EVE-O at the time so I didn't fuss with it too much. I remember trying to figure out how to get to the Mun and missing a few times. I only really started playing in 0.20.

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ah memories, so many totally-unstable-wobbly-eventually-exploding memories!

It is really nice to get reminders of what it used to look like. It's a totally different game now, but it still has the same essence which is a great achievement for Squad. I started in 0.13 or 0.14 (memory is foggy cos of all the exploding) and its been great seeing it develop.

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I'm really sad that I joined in 0.20. I have no idea about games when they come out, and it was, well, years after when KSP was created when I heard about it in Nerd3's gameplay video.

I feel like I experienced nothing in KSP's history. However, I was there to witness the last few weeks of the old space center, which is the only thing that make me feel like I got to be with the old KSP.

Oh well. At least in a few years when 1.0 comes around I can say I was in 0.20. :/

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Don't feel sad, Thomas. New players are joining us each and every single day. KSP will continue to evolve and grow to a point where someday you'll be starting a thread like this for 0.20 and someone's going to practically mimic your comment, only for 0.73 or something.

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And here's Rows, probably one of the newer KSPers here, ehehehehe.

I've been here since long past 0.17... I found KSP around 0.13. That was fun... we didn't even have persistent flights back then. Forget planes, or docking, we couldn't even have multiple flights running at once. :D

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0.17er here. I can't really talk, though, since my interplanetary missions were done by MJ :blush: Not having maneuver nodes was a real pain in the arse, though. I was very excited when docking came out, but wasn't able to until 0.19... Such is life.

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does anyone remember the days before ksp was on steam?

Yep. I still remember the big announcement and all the hype leading up to it. Opening up

, being confused for a second, and then suddenly getting it.

Not that I've transferred my purchase over to Steam (I may even buy it again if I ever decide to), but having the game reach a much wider audience is definitely a good thing. Speaking of which, does anyone here remember the great forum outages that signaled the next update? Back when Squad hosted both the forum and download on a single server setup, so a forum crash usually indicated the update had finally arrived.

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Joined around 0.13.3, I remember setting up a stream showing people how to -incorrectly but successfully- reach the Mun. Then I stopped playing and came back for the spaceplane update (didn't know it happened until I saw the hangar and started figuring out what it was all about). I set up a stream again, this time showing people how to fly remember a few watchers couldn't believe I was doing that stuff (Landing planes was kind of reserved for the elite back then) and also going (with the same incorrect but successful method) to Minmus. I stopped playing for a time and came back for 0.18 and then I joined the forums which collapsed exactly 3 days after I registered, I was like "Dude, I just discovered the place and now they are closing down?" and then realized it was a forum crash.

So yeah, I've landed on my engines, then on my fins, then made rovers which consisted of a rocket toppled over with landing gear on its sides, I went to Eve when the average consensus was that getting there was impossible, and I saw the beauty and ugliness of early version's procedural terrain. Then on 0.21 I bough the game on steam and have clocked 350 hours since then (Could be more but my rig died 27/12/13 and it's still on boxes being repaired by a group of untrained monkeys that call themselves technicians).

That was my little "You children have it easy now, back in my time we..." Great fun from the game, even if I dislike most of the choices taken from the dev side.

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.15 here. Had the demo all of half an hour before I purchased it outright. I've loved seeing this game grow. I'd buy it again tomorrow, and in fact have roughly 4 times to pass the love of space onward.

Sadly, I did not think to keep the first couple versions I played but now I'm archiving them as they come out.


Edited by air805ronin
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Yes, SSTO spaceplanes were harder back then. Still managed to get one to Laythe to fly a bit. One way trip.

The Kraken was actually fixed in 0.17. LT-Ns were added. Sometimes all of them made it to the planet still attached to your craft. Space Cthulhu had a taste for them...

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First played the 0.13 demo after Sips made a video of it. Managed to get into a few highly eccentric orbits but soon stopped as my laptop couldn't really run the game.

Came back later after I built a pc, also having discovered Scott Manley at some point, and decided that if I could successfully land on the Mun and return in the demo, I would buy the full game. This was towards the end of 0.17

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Let us reminisce about the days before the Mun, when the atmosphere was a brick wall and when the dark side of the planet was a death sentence to try to land on. Does anyone else remember the days before 0.12? Granted, I only knew them for a week or two before 0.12 came out, but it's still where my KSP adventures began. Good times...

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I have only hazy memories about when I met KSP for the first time - someone made a spam post on forums I was visiting, something like "hey, here's KSP and me and my daughter are struggling to get to orbit". I was curious so I downloaded it and after ten minutes or so got my ship to orbit. No idea what version it was, I just remember the ship was reeeeeally wobbly and I was mounting SRBs to some long prongs. I also think no planets were there at the moment but I think map view was because I was able to verify that I'm in orbit.

Then I lost interest and forgrot about it for a looong time.

Then the (then famous) XKCD strip went up and I got curious again. Found some videos on YouTube (learned a lot from them), spent about a week with demo and when I realized I can buy full version with PaySafeCard I purchased it immediately. That was 0.21.1.

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If my memory serves me right, i think i bought the game at 0.16 or 0.17, there was no docking, we still had the old launch tower and no manouvre nodes but i could do EVA's ..

Found out on KSP on a forum of iRacing, someone was posting about a fun new game he had discovered, i downloaded the demo and got hooked right away. Dispite my Addiction to online car racing, and had spended ALOT of cash on my racing setup and subscription, KSP made me totally forget bout online racing, and played the game for over a year in a row. Trying to manage to get into space, getting to the mun and all that stuff..

Only the see the game become more "mature" by the added features making it more and more fun to play. At first i needed MJ to make my flights work, to get to the mun and all, but more i learned, the less i started to rely on MJ.

Nowerdays i have the most fun with a "specialized" KSP with mods added that i think of should be "stock" features, like Kethane en Remote Tech, FAR and Deadly Reenry. and a few mods that add some features like a enhanced Navbal, and the IVA glass cockpit..

There are moments (right after a new build) i play vanilla again, and even then the game is so much more enjoyable after each new build, that i just know i will be playing this game for a long time, even though admittingly that i take breaks from the game time to time. due lack of time and other specific games i play. Still KSP is ever since i got it, my personal top 1 game..

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I started at 0.19.1, so not entirely a noob. I didn't even play the demo, just bought it outright.

.15 here. Had the demo all of half an hour before I purchased it outright. I've loved seeing this game grow. I'd buy it again tomorrow, and in fact have roughly 4 times to pass the love of space onward.

Sadly, I did not think to keep the first couple versions I played but now I'm archiving them as they come out.


I'm doing the exact same thing as you Ronin. I will always make sure my Drobo has enough space to keep tabs on the archives. :]

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