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[1.1.2] Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) 0.5.8


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The option you're looking for is 'Link.' You'll get the green tube out of the Kerbal's back, just walk/float over to the other connector and 'Link' again. Viola! I suggest having a few connectors inside KAS storage for each mission. You'll inevitably forget to put one on something and regret it later! Put a wrench in there too, then you can hit 'Tab' to open the Kerb's inventory, drag the wrench/drill across to slot 1. Now, when you want to attach the connector, press 1, then press 2 (the slot for the connector) and HOLD X to attach it.

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KAS/KIS doesn't seem to be compatible with 1.0.4 yet, at least not according to the loading message.

Wait for it to support 1.0.4 or downgrade to 1.0.2 for the time being.

1 Page back - It's always good to look 5 - 10 pages back before posting

Just for information, KAS should work fine on KSP 1.0.4. You can ignore the warning message.

I have an update for KIS pending, so it's delaying the KAS update. Hopefully it will be released soon :)

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My KSP upgraded to 1.0.4 via steam, now I have trouble transfering fuel. :(

I have landed a small hopper next to my minmus base fuel factory and I am able to connect it using a pipe.

Transfering fuel looks to be working, I can pump it over, but as soon as I disconnect the pipe fuel levels are restored to the way they were before the transfer. :(

Anyone else experience this ?

btw, the small hopper was build in 1.0.4. the base is older, probably 1.0.2, dont know if thats relevant.

What you can do (what i do) is when i start a game, i make a copy of KSP from steam into another location, then play from that. This allows me to mod it out independently from the steam 'core' copy, so i can troubleshoot if needed, as well as keep it from being updated, and possibly breaking mods (or my save game). Only thing you really lose is steam tracking how many hours you play, but do you really want everyone to know that anyway? lol.

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I don't know if this has already been discussed - I haven't found it, but I have a problem with KAS.. if I connect two planes together via cable, it works all fine until I quicksave and load. After that, the cable is still connected from the view of plane with winch, but not connected from the plane that is being towed - I can't retract it, grab it, nothing. Only fix is to recover the plane. Has anyone encountered this?

Steps to reproduce: Create two planes (towing plane + glider style), connect them together and quicksave. Reload and it doesn't work.


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I don't know if this has already been discussed - I haven't found it, but I have a problem with KAS.. if I connect two planes together via cable, it works all fine until I quicksave and load. After that, the cable is still connected from the view of plane with winch, but not connected from the plane that is being towed - I can't retract it, grab it, nothing. Only fix is to recover the plane. Has anyone encountered this?

Steps to reproduce: Create two planes (towing plane + glider style), connect them together and quicksave. Reload and it doesn't work.


You might try forking around with the 'Docked' / 'Undocked' modes for the attachment. KAS is NOT based on 'normal' stock behavior and random forces/glitches/errors/unplanned disassembly should be expected, from my experience. For example, the winches/harpoons I used to secure my very vertical bases on Minmus *pulse* with heat and occasionally explode... violently.

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Lost all the inventory again from a cockpit astronaut. Just vanish, I put there, i take off, and i go EVA, then all is not there...

This is getting annoying...

Please and thank you go a long way my friend. KAS is not a product any of us has paid for. Thus we have no grounds to demand or display disgust of a thing that was plain and simply, given to us. Beside KAS and KIS has yet to be updated. So give Kospy some slack and let him continue to make us some of the coolest parts on this forum. Not trying to thrash you, just trying to ask you to show a little gratitude.

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No disgust, in contraire, i love the mod, so i use it.

The only reason o put that post is to show i have a bug, that some other could have, that you might not saw before.

If you wanna fix it or not, is up to you.

Don't be so aggressive, i don't deserve that.

My gratitude is always on, you can see it by knowing i'm using the mod.

And you stop personifying the mod maker, because you are not him, and i can tell, you are so wrong in your comment.

I already give a lot of reputation points, so many times i write gratitude on a lot of these marvelous mod makers (i am my self one of then, i do parts, see signature).

So you do not have the right of do what you did.


Edited by Climberfx
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No disgust, in contraire, i love the mod, so i use it.

The only reason o put that post is to show i have a bug, that some other could have, that you might not saw before.

If you wanna fix it or not, is up to you.

Don't be so aggressive, i don't deserve that.

My gratitude is always on, you can see it by knowing i'm using the mod.

And you stop personifying the mod maker, because you are not him, and i can tell, you are so wrong in your comment.

I already give a lot of reputation points, so many times i write gratitude on a lot of these marvelous mod makers (i am my self one of then, i do parts, see signature).

So you do not have the right of do what you did.


I believe you completely misunderstood me. It was not my intention to start a fight, I can see how you could have taken my comments as a little to blunt. I apologize that you took it that way. But please try to see it from my viewpoint as well.

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Lost all the inventory again from a cockpit astronaut. Just vanish, I put there, i take off, and i go EVA, then all is not there...

This is getting annoying...

Please provide more information if you are reporting a bug. Give more detailed reproduction steps including what parts you are using, your output_log.txt(windows) or player.log(Mac and Linux).

Your quoted post above came off as complaining not a bug report, so I understand why v8jester post as he did.

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You might try forking around with the 'Docked' / 'Undocked' modes for the attachment. KAS is NOT based on 'normal' stock behavior and random forces/glitches/errors/unplanned disassembly should be expected, from my experience. For example, the winches/harpoons I used to secure my very vertical bases on Minmus *pulse* with heat and occasionally explode... violently.

That is a stock issue related to floating point errors in the radiative flux calculations. Spikes of heating and cooling occur, and anything with small enough thermal mass won't be able to absorb the spikes in heat. Watch the stock barometer/pressure sensor to see it almost blow up in a similar way.

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Lost all the inventory again from a cockpit astronaut. Just vanish, I put there, i take off, and i go EVA, then all is not there...

This is getting annoying...

Details matter. For example, command pods without an IVA losing seat inventory is a known bug. Losing inventory for empty seats is expected behavior.

Also this is a KIS not KAS issue so it could benefit from being in the proper thread. Or even better check Kospy's github to see if the issue is already posted and if not post it there.

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Thank's Goldenpsp. That is what i locking for.

A helpful answer.

I will wait for the update release for both, KAS and KIS (and TAC Life/Fuel too :), besides they are working, all 4)

And ExplorerKlatt, i know that, but thank you too.

p.s.: V8Jester, don't worry, be happy. It's all in the past.


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KAS 0.5.3 released!

This is a small update for KSP 1.0.4 and the new KIS 1.2.0.

Here is the changelog :

  • [Fix] Compatibility update for KSP 1.0.4
  • [Fix] Updated KAS to use the latest version of KIS (v1.2)[
  • [Fix] Updated pylon to use the new KIS module for ground attachement

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Still having issues with the arpon on a rover drone.

I can release it once, but it won't fully retract anymore. Get to this position, the arpon won't change angle, and it won't go closer to the rest position, even if i turn the base. Using the latest versions of KAS and KIS on Mac

Is it only me?

19423088200_3456b5d71a_o.pngscreenshot11 by Rafael Valle, on Flickr

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I have a weird problem, my VAB and SPH don't have the concrete base and pylon in the menu. I realised this after updating KIS and KAS, but reverting didn't fix the issue and I seem to still have all other parts. Saved ships that had them in inventory still do, can be launched and then pylons placed as expected. I'm thinking that its a mod conflict but given my game has a 10min load time, posting here will hopefully be faster given the 50ish mods. Lucky they are listed in the OSE workshop build menu, so I can work around it for now.

KSP: 1.0.4 (Unix) - Unity: 4.6.4f1 - OS: Linux 3.13 LinuxMint 17.1 64bit

Filter Extensions - 2.3

Chatterer -

Color Coded Canisters - 1.1.1

Community Resource Pack - 0.4.3

Connected Living Space -

Contract Configurator - 1.5.1

Contract Pack: Anomaly Surveyor - 1.2.2

Contract Pack: Base Construction - 0.1.3

CC-CP-SCANSat - 0.5.2

Contract Pack: Field Research - 1.0.6

Contract Pack: Tourism Plus - 1.1.5

Contracts Window Plus -

Crowd Sourced Science - 3.0

DMagic Orbital Science - 1.0.7

Firespitter - 7.1.4

Fuel Tanks Plus - 0.11.2

Interstellar Fuel Switch - 1.15

Kerbal Attachment System - 0.5.3

Kerbal Inventory System - 1.2

KSI: Placement Services - 0.1.5

KSP-AVC Plugin - 1.1.5

Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.1.4

Infernal Robots - 0.21.3

Modular Rocket Systems - 1.7.3

EVAHandrailsPackContinued - 0.2

Near Future Electrical - 0.5.2

Final Frontier -

QuickScroll - 1.3.1

QuickSearch - 1.1.3

RCS Build Aid - 0.7.2

SCANsat - 1.1.4

ShipManifest -

SpaceY Lifters - 0.17.4

TextureReplacer - 2.4.7

Alternate Resource Panel - 2.7.2

Kerbal Alarm Clock - 3.4

TweakScale - 2.2.1

USI Alcubierre Drive - 0.2.1

Universal Storage -

KSP Interstellar Extended - 1.2.6

Waypoint Manager - 2.3.4

OSE Workshop - 0.9.2

[x] Science! - 4.7

Kerbal Konstructs - 0.8

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Still having issues with the arpon on a rover drone.

I can release it once, but it won't fully retract anymore. Get to this position, the arpon won't change angle, and it won't go closer to the rest position, even if i turn the base. Using the latest versions of KAS and KIS on Mac

Is it only me?

I believe the problem is the angle the harpoon is dangling from the winch housing. It can't pull all the way back in if it isn't coming back into the housing fairly straight-on. In other words, if you have a kink in your cable of more than a few degrees, the attached bits are at the wrong angle to slide back in. Even if you turn the base, it still can't quite line up right, especially given the way it is banging against the ground.

In this case, you can eject the harpoon, retract the cable 100%, and have a Kerbal on EVA gather up the harpoon and reattach it. Think of it as manual reloading.

When designing craft with winches, I've often mounted them on infernal robotics pieces so I can rotate them to an optimal retraction angle (and have a wider angle of potential deployment as well) but I think in this case, you would still need more ground clearance even if you could point your winch straight down.

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Still having issues with the arpon on a rover drone.

I can release it once, but it won't fully retract anymore. Get to this position, the arpon won't change angle, and it won't go closer to the rest position, even if i turn the base. Using the latest versions of KAS and KIS on Mac

Is it only me?

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/271/19423088200_3456b5d71a_o.pngscreenshot11 by Rafael Valle, on Flickr

Check to be sure if the harpoon isn't caught up on a part of the rover. I've noticed before that it has a tendency to do that.

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Still having issues with the arpon on a rover drone.

I can release it once, but it won't fully retract anymore. Get to this position, the arpon won't change angle, and it won't go closer to the rest position, even if i turn the base. Using the latest versions of KAS and KIS on Mac

Is it only me?

I have the same behavior, just repeatedly hit the retract, I usually only have to do that 2-3 times before it retracts. Sometimes it takes a little longer, but not always.

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I mean no disrespect for all the hard work but....

I miss the old KAS :(

Well rather than rant (yes this would be considered a rant, complaint without any useful information) why not give some specifics. What are the things you miss about the old KAS etc. Just maybe they might be things that Kospy would agree with and could be integrated into new versions.

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