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Crazy OP Contracts?!


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While playing in Hard Mode, I came across a "Test KR-L2 Liquid Fuel Engine orbiting Kerbin" contract.

But it wasn't your average contract.

The reward? Over half a million (580,000+) funds. And a bit over 1,000 science. (Plus 800 some odd for the outsourced R&D) In hard mode.

(Hadn't even landed on Mun yet... might have done Minmus.)


Built a bizzaro craft that went to orbit, tested the engine, brought it back down. (A 20,000 fund payload is a little bit much to just leave floating around... :))

I wuz loaded afterwards.

What super-high return contracts have you guys gotten?

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The ARM engines testing missions yield ridiculously high rewards. I pretty much ignore everything except those and exploration missions. Currently sitting at about 14M funds, just about enough to launch some of my costlier vehicles. Once.

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LFB test contracts currently offer an insane amount of money. These pics show me playing on custom difficulty at 30% resource rewards (compared to 60% for Hard difficulty). This flight is essentially a free lunch. I got offered equivalent contracts for the Skipper and Mainsail which weren't worth the cost of the fuel needed to launch the mission.




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Maybe not stock parts, but.....

I think I've gotten like 2 million from a contract to test the HPD engine from B9 r5.whatever, just for getting the thing in orbit. And again for getting the thing in orbit around the mun.

Bonus points for the fact that I already had the thing in orbit on a massive mothership. Gotta love having a 1700 ish ton mothership waiting in LKO, for about 125 parts total. Talk about a bigger stick! It's got 12km/s of dV when fully fueled and no cargo, if the engines are in high efficiency mode. At that point it has a 0.5:1 Thrust to Weight ratio, so it's not taking hours for burns, either.

These parts are pretty much Whackjob scale rockets, but without the 10000+ part count.

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Not individual rewards, but the Explore contracts can pay out a lot. In one trip to Jool (orbit + science), Pol and Bop (orbit, science, land, science) that's 13 separate payouts. I made millions from a robotic mission that cost barely over a hundred thousand.

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I was offered an @500 000 fund, 500 science contract for an engine test, but the parameters gave me a window of 1400m altitude at a speed between 450 and 550m/s, commencing at 11500m altitude. I thought money for jam, but being a 'fly by guesstimate' player I've had ten attempts and can see another ten attempts to come *facepalm...

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1.100.000 for testing an Aerospike around minimus. Icing on the cake is a LV-1R test for 300.000 *also* around minimus.

1.400.000 for a <50k launch... Which is a good thing, since my giant OKS LKO gateway station & Duna explorer mission have really been sucking up funds.

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