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Everything posted by Frank_G

  1. Besides becoming 2 tons lighter, i think it should get a science experiment like "orbital observation" (and being moved to the science page) or so, to give it something special, as this is really not a command pod in my opinion. And i really would like to see some animated shutters to cover the windows.
  2. A few vehicles more and you can participate in the next Mad Max Movie... I especially like the one on the front left, the hauler / truck thingie.
  3. Kerbals have sticky eyeballs... they just smack the glasses on... irgs...
  4. The Dune Bug, my latest rover – constructed with the goal to make it as small as possible, while still being a stable vehicle and serving a scientific purpose. Fitted with additional headlight: On duty on Duna:
  5. Well, we can actually SEE THE NEW ADMINISTRATION BUILDING HERE!!! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/91514-Look-Who-s-Moved-into-the-KSC!?p=1367908#post1367908 Model and textures look awesome, more crisp and defined. (when they get this shading into KSP it would be a big step forward, but at the moment, we should take this as a rendering, probably even a viewport rendering...) ! And with helipad for the very important kerbals...
  6. It would be nice to record the positions and physics, then replay in ingame mode with free camera movement and without goo, like in racing games for example. That would be REALLY awesome.
  7. I remember the moment of my first Duna touchdown so well... Congratulations on that awesome achievement!
  8. I´d still like a feature where a kerbal can grab another one in EVA... that could add some drama to the situation, and you can actually rescue kerbals with empty jetpack, without the need to maneuver the ladder of the capsule so close and so steady that you have time to switch to the stranded kerbal and grab the ladder in free flight... You can look up and change the keys to switch "vessels" or to a kerbal on EVA in the settings menu in the last section of the key bindings. As said here before, just switch to the kerbal by using the key, then get him inside the capsule by jetpack.
  9. Congratulations! Now hopefully your next big mission will be to build a robotic lander with launch system and get that poor guy home!
  10. I love the Valkyrie!!! (what an awesome series Robotech still is) and the siege tank is awesome too.
  11. Cartoon style graphics are probably the most timeless of all. The looks of a kerbal wont loose anything over time. And as the game appeals to creativity of the user... i bet we will see this game for more than a few years. And after 1.0... well there is place for DLCs en masse. Interstellar capabilities for example... and the planned and upcoming multiplayer functionality will push the game even further.
  12. I continued on my quest to create micronized functional craft. This satellite weighs 840 kg, delivers 13.200 m/s of delta V using an ion drive and has full mapping functionality. So, what for? Well... two of those satellites, each of them with different scanning equipment, can easily launch to LKO on a single SRB, reducing mission cost to a minimum. The SRB makes it two thirds through the atmosphere, then the LFO stage circularizes, deploys the satellites and uses the built in computer core to de-orbit itself. The satellites can reach any point in the Kerbol system on their own. The complete mission including both satellites, launch and transfer stage is brought down to 59.6 k of funds, while delivering useful data, that will help in further missions. Mods used: Procedural fairings and ScanSAT - No part clipping.
  13. I couldnt sleep, so i cooked some nice hot tea and continued on my quest to create micronized functional craft. This satellite weighs 840 kg, delivers 13.200 m/s of delta V using an ion drive and has full mapping functionality. So, what for? Well... two of those satellites, each of them with different scanning equipment, can easily launch to LKO on a single SRB, reducing mission cost to a minimum. The SRB makes it two thirds through the atmosphere, then the LFO stage circularizes, deploys the satellites and uses the built in computer core to de-orbit itself. The satellites can reach any point in the Kerbol system on their own. The complete mission including both satellites, launch and transfer stage is brought down to 59.6 k of funds, while delivering useful data, that will help in further missions. Mods used: Procedural fairings and ScanSAT - No part clipping.
  14. Usually i go for science parts first, to speed up progression in the tech tree, when needed. Decouplers and fuel lines are also among the first parts i go for.
  15. That is NavHud. Get it here: http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/220889-navhud
  16. ...when you forget to reduce the throttle before staging the next decent engine, ramming the whole drive system right through the payload.
  17. Maybe, this video will give you some ideas. I found it very inspiring back then. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4EZ_gxnfWo I usually assemble a "transfer version" in orbit, then move it to the target with a tug or a pusher and then reorganize the parts into the final configuration. I also plan my stations completely in the VAB, even launch it with lots of launch clamps and do some dry tests on the launch pad. Here is one of my latest stations, that will be transferred to Duna, when the next launch window arrives: The station in its original configuration: Station prepped for transport: And my latest station on the launch pad for some testing. I find this really helpful to check if everything is nicely in place: I hope this will help you in some way. Good luck on your endeavors. Godspeed!
  18. The smallest rover i have built so far. It drives very stable and has 4 science experiments on board. Testdrive on Kerbin On duty on Duna. (with additional light on the back)
  19. You´ve made me laugh out loud...
  20. Today i launched my first row of Duna missions in .24.2 career mode. Two ships were sent simultaneously. One carried a single rover and the other a 42 ton fuel payload for the planned Duna Surface Base, including a landing system for the payload and in addition 3 mapping satellites (using ScanSAT parts) for detailed surface scans. The rover was parked in a 60 km equatorial orbit, while the other ship entered a 750 km polar orbit to deploy the 3 satellites first. After deployment of all 3 satellites and a 35 day scanning period, the rover was sent to a promising spot on the surface, to check if the terrain is suitable for a base... after driving around for almost 2 hours, i finally found a satisfying flat areal, capable of supporting a stable base construction and offer enough flat space for all kind of landing vehicles. The rover design is a total success. Even going downhill while steering and hitting the brakes at nearly 15 m/s won´t make it flip over... The rover exploring Duna The fuel depot landing... 01 - Right on target – the white circle marks the rover. 02 - Descending by drogue chutes and LFO engines. 03 - Touchdown. 04 - Landing system away. 05. - The rover at the depot. [edit] I thought this might look nice too 01 - Fuel depot and satellites on polar insertion burn. 02 - Deploying satellites. 03 - Rover lander approaching Duna. 04. Rover on final descend.
  21. Oh, and a screenshot of course My new micro rover exploring the surface of Duna in search for a nice flat area for my planned Duna ground base.
  22. Well... i was really convinced that this is a fake back in the .24.2 easter-egg thread... until yesterday... where i had the same phenomenon. However, i still dont get, why those kerbals aren´t wearing helmets... does this mean, the first Mün landing was a hoax? (Com´on SQUAD, give em helmets and make this a believable scene, please!)
  23. Thank you! The motor has been disabled for the front wheels as grip isn´t essential for that pair. It stabilizes the rover a lot, both to the sides (you really cant make it flip) and to the front, when braking while moving downhill, preventing a roll over.
  24. Today i tested REALLY small rover designs. I came up with this little thingie... It will be dropped on Duna, prior to the first parts of the Duna Ground Base i am currently planning. Its mission will be, to search for a wide flat landing area for the base. While posting this, i noticed, that it misses a searchlight... Hmmm... back to the Spaceplane Hangar then... [edit] ...and done.
  25. I like the procedural approach with fasa launch towers. Maybe something like that will be added later.
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