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Everything posted by Frank_G

  1. KUDOS MAN! Smallest craft i was ever allowed to witness!
  2. I will re-attempt my Grand Tour to Jool, as i did not manage to land on all moons the last time. The new spaceplane technology will help a lot for sure.
  3. You will need about 3300k of deltaV to land with a small margin of piloting error included and about 3100 deltaV to take off, as far as my previous tests came out. If you are a good pilot, you can land and launch with about 6200 m/s of deltaV. But that will be a ride on a horse from hell for sure...
  4. Exactly... thats why i am using fairings without having an aerodynamic mod installed... it just looks more rocket (and a lot cooler).
  5. Its always the best PR to take of the HZ-suits helmet in the middle of a believed-to-be-hazardous area. See *cough* everything´s fine here!
  6. Looks like a potato done by mr. Picasso on who knows what substance is needed to draw eyes oriented vertically... I prefer the Hype Train... And congratulations Squad for reaching the next milestone! - - - Updated - - - A Hyprofoil...
  7. Welcome to the forums then and great idea. KSP has been used a lot for that purpose. You will find some topics about using KSP in a classroom here on the forums
  8. That way i managed to land on Tylo too. I made so many mistakes during the first attempt doing a Grand Tour to Jool, i wanted a bit of certainty, that the new design can at least make it. My current lander is not only capable of landing on Tylo, but also can be used as a Lander for Val, Bop and Pol, after dropping the Tylo landing stage and returning back from its surface. And it has a slim profile, being not wider than a 2.5m tank in full Tylo-configuration. After dropping the Tylo-stage it would almost fit inside a Rockomax X200-16 fuel tank... while delivering 3.000 m/s of Delta V and having a TWR of almost 5 on Tylo. I will go on another attempt to do the Jool Grand Tour, when .25 is out, so i can make use of the new spaceplane parts. The lander is completely stock and has no clipped parts.
  9. I say, cupcakes craft are unique. I´ve never seen anything like it on the forums or youtube.
  10. I really like comparing KSP with Lego... like Justin or Red Iron Crown mentioned. It really hits the nail on the head.
  11. Totally agreed. I take what comes our way with open arms. Oh and i loved Deus Ex: Human Revolution (and the very first Deus Ex too of course)
  12. If it is something destructible, i´d like to see impact craters. Destructible buildings are not so cool in my opinion, because they are on Kerbin only... leaving a large permanent impact crater on Tylo is much cooler, not bound to location and more... individual. And it costs not much computing power, as the new crater only has to be rendered into the planets displacement texture. But speculations and hopes... we will see
  13. Yes, that is what can be verified through your videos... (which add the stupid laughter to my equation too)
  14. High Speed Camera System for Crash Replays? THIS WOULD ROCK!
  15. Nice idea Especially monitoring those on an EVA mission... i want Apone Kerman, Hicks Kerman, Vasquez Kerman...
  16. Putting on particles on a planetary scale seems to be not much more than a general test than a realistic approach... Cloud formations seem nice though.
  17. I´d like to see the scene, where the dragon kills the fire alarm thingies!
  18. Kerbal Space Program is a game, that makes your SCIENCE fiction dreams come true, while teaching you a lot about actual spaceflight. Imagine - Think - Build - Test - Launch - Explode
  19. This plugin is awesome. But where are the screenshots saved? They are not in "screenshots" and not in plugin data...
  20. Staging is MESSED UP beyond recognition... You´ll need lots of personell to clear that junk, if you launch right now...
  21. I am quite proud of my Eve lander and ascend vehicle. See the complete mission here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/93236-A-kerbaled-mission-to-Eve
  22. I bet, when it comes to cloud simulation, a procedural texture or one streamed in parts from disk will deliver much finer resolution and more decent looking solutions, while using less processing power and RAM. Why should SQUAD take the simple one-giant-texture approach, when the UNITY engine offers such nice streaming technology? There must be a reason, why they aren´t just adding a cloud texture and some volumetric placed particles, based on that texture, like EVE does (which looks awesome already and is a must-install-mod since i first discovered it). I think, we should just be patient on that topic.
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