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Everything posted by Clockwork13

  1. I toured a slightly modified Duna system, transmitting a lot of data from high and low orbits of Duna, Vix, and Ike. I'm currently about to attempt landing my probe onto Duna, but it doesn't have parachutes (it was actually supposed to be a Minmus explorer, but it had a lot more potential thrust than i intended) so landing might be a little hard. EDIT: Finally landed but in a rather explosive way. My ship tipped over and I lost my booster, but I still got some good science from the surface and atmosphere before I crash landed.
  2. A while ago, I downloaded some mod which apparently had KSPAPIExtentions hidden in it, but I can't figure out which one. I had no KSPAPIExtentions.dll either. I tried downloading it to see if it would fix it, but it didn't.
  3. I'm looking for some new mods. I already have plenty that add new things, but I primarily want mods that improve the visuals without affecting performance too much. Anyone have any ideas? I already have a custom skybox but I think I might want to change to another one. I also already have planetshine.
  4. Looks like you have upset the mighty space kraken. In other words, it's a bug that can't be patched
  5. Make your own conspiracy theory! It can be based upon an actual one or not.
  6. "235 hours played" "Joined slightly after 1.0" and i'm sitting here playing since 0.23 and i barely have 100 hours logged
  7. Change it back to whatever it was before it happened. If that doesn't work and you can't open any other saves, then you will have to delete the corrupted one. Lastly, unless you have set kerbal respawns to off, your kerbals should reappear on their own anyway.
  8. Yep, but before deleting it I wanted to give it another try, and I'm still sticking around longer this time than my last few times trying to get back into this game. 1. Half of the stock ones, but currently working with several planet packs. 2. Nope. 3. Yes, this is typically what I enjoy doing most. 4. Yes, no and no. 5. I've never really been successful with planes. 6. Not sure what that is. I just find launches boring. They aren't hard usually, just boring.
  9. Old thread, but still a useful one, so bumping.
  10. Just noticed recently that I have DNSUnlocker, and have been trying to get rid of it. It doesn't appear when I open control panels and look through my programs, and I don't really see any recent shady looking programs either. It doesn't appear as an extension on chrome either, and appears only on certain sites.
  11. Thanks for the info. After atleast 20 tries, I successfully came up with the idea sacrificing my second to last stage with magnetometer booms that were attached to my ship to slow down my descent enough where i was able to decouple my pod and not get blown up. - - - Updated - - - And it was going well until the game crashed. RIP jeb
  12. Unlike on other sites where the mods basically give an infraction to anyone who posts in the wrong place, the KSP moderators from what I have observed only give infractions if you break the same rules constantly ignoring whatever the moderator told that person. They also are a lot nicer and are a lot social and friendly than on other sites, replying to threads frequently and stuff, not just when they are moving or locking a thread.
  13. Might consider it but in the past when I've tried doing these things, it always never becomes very successful
  14. Maybe I'm just overreacting, but I'm pretty convinced that heatshields for me are broken. I feel like when I'm landing at my last stage, the ship acts as if my heatshield weren't there. I'm aiming perfectly retrograde, nothing on the side of my capsule, and a heatshield below it. Somehow my capsule ends up blowing up every time before I can reach the surface. I tried once using a whole stage of my ship as a heatshield, but then it flips over. EDIT: didn't realize this was wrong subforum. Someone please move it
  15. Cause honestly the moon isn't all that interesting. You can't make the Moon habitable, and all there really is is craters. "Owner of a planet" So we are going to be able to claim ownership over planets (assuming we can get there) yet not be able to make any planets habitable? Uhh have no idea what you point is, are you saying we turn planets into animals??? So we could use expensive equipment to mine mars, use expensive rockets to haul it into space, then use expensive equipment to assemble hundreds if not thousands of stations. Is this supposed to be any less expensive or time consuming? So are you saying that we will be able to live in computers? And weren't you just suggesting we live in stations?
  16. We simply need to give Mars more atmosphere at the same rate it's losing its current atmosphere to solar winds. After all, giving it a magnetosphere unless going to drastic measures is probably impossible, so the best way to keep Mars habitable would be by somehow supplying it with as much gasses as it is losing. Really to do this we'd just need to actively pump a very specific amount of CO2 into the atmosphere, and either plant a lot of plants on it, or start planting genetically modified plants designed to suck up CO2 and release oxygen much faster. Mars supposedly has nitrogen under its surface, so that could be used as a source of nitrogen until other sources are found.
  17. Heard of a mod like that, but I thought it was outdated. I already have like 4 planet packs already too, but for me there's never such thing as enough planets.
  18. Absolutely, I have recently married the Sun and we will soon give birth to 14 planets
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