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Everything posted by Thahat

  1. for anyone using the wonderfull cockpit iva's (and thus 3 new cockpits) made by http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/96148-V5-0-RC1-released-AeroKerbin-Industries-Modified-IVAs/page17 i have a connected living spaces config, already shared in that thread but eh, the better findable the better right ? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15950995/CLSAKIIVAs.cfg
  2. sounds like it might the the thing causing it, yes. so if i understand you correctly, removing the mesh reference should do it? or would i still need to add the rescalefactor (with the correct amount) ? edit: from your link MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Command/mk1Cockpit/model scale = 1.25, 1.25, 1.25 } scale = 1.25 rescaleFactor = 1 and remove mesh ° model.mu ? EDIT2 did the changes, part loads, looks good, currently testing if it still shrinks or not, unfortunately it did not fix the light toggle switch, will probably have to pester Ven from vens stock revamp for that info edit 3: you sir, are a schollar and a gentleman, it worked! no more shrinkage! ill fix up the configs and share them with the mod author (ill mention you ofc ) EDIt 4: it does move the nodes to a wrong location. :/ ... ah i have to use NODE{} somehow. im unsure how XD edit 5: ignore edit 4, i had just not noticed that i should not have changed the second instance of scale, but kept the one the mod autor used (because its the one responsible for the nodes) so it should have been MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Command/mk1Cockpit/model scale = 1.25, 1.25, 1.25 } scale = 0.1 rescaleFactor = 1 but now its fixed! and they dont shrink anymore! thanks insanedruid!
  3. hi! i have been extensively modding ksp and i know some stuff about config and such, but after searching and searchin, i cant for the life of me get why the following mod is making my cockpits shrink upon scene re-loading (sometime even when coming out of IVA) i suspect its a strange conflict between http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/96148-V5-0-RC1-released-AeroKerbin-Industries-Modified-IVAs/page17 and ven's stock revamp, but i dont get how its happening. in the IVA mod i cant find anything about rescaling, and all ven's stock revamp does is change out the models (on a side not, the iva mod also wrecked the ability to turn the cockpit light on/off (the one you see when outside the ship, anyone who knows how to fix that, please do tell me) so two issues: shrinking cockpit and no light on the cockpit. i have asked in the relevant threads but ven is a busy man and masseflieger is only online once every month or two.... so jeah, help please XD ps. any info you need that i might not have given, please do ask!
  4. theoritically someone could probably use the 1 man lander can and remove the right uppper and lower instruments to make room for more windows, but then you would be lacking in instruments, thought that could be overcome with rasterpropmonitor stuff/other iva enhancements/placement somewhat overhead for instance i guess. cant do it myself (can only modifiy config files somewhat, sorry!) but totally digging the idea
  5. original eve(the one you have) but the gray and white thing is caused by an error in citylights (as far as i remember) if i rmeember correctly there is a folder somewhere called citylights, remove that one, no more odd gray/white dark side of the planet. then if you want to be fancy (and you do) add scatterer. then add planetlighting then because your ram will curse at you, google how to put ksp into open-gl mode, and do that. but because you want prety stuff, let your graphics card overwrite ksp's opengl settings so you can have you pie and eat it too (specifically, let it overwrite the anti-aliassing setting, to at least 2x) and then play the game, and see that it is BEUTIFULL, during sunrises over kerbin XD afterwards
  6. Dear Ven, you stuf is freaking awsome -snip- removed my ramblings, it had nothing to do with this awsome mod, but more with http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/96148-V5-0-RC1-released-AeroKerbin-Industries-Modified-IVAs/page17
  7. this stuff is AWSOME! will be following your stuff with much anticipation also, i might be mistaken masseflieger, but havent you in the past made something like this already? i remember drooling over that stuff back then too XD EDIT: suggestions: -add mechjebs functions built in to the version C cockpit (so we dont have to slap an AR case to prety spaceplanes) -if using ven's stock revamp adding this mod removes the function to let the glass of the cockpit light up(outside of the plane) because you remove the original cockpit, and im guessing his stuff doesnt know the new cockpit names and thus cant add stuff , in favor of compatability, might want to add a config to your mod to fix it somehow?. for CLS and the shrinking bug, see post below:
  8. sorry to ask but, in what file does this line need to be changed? cause i have bean searching in the EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements folder and i could not find any config file to put these in, or are they in some sort of compiled file? (in that case, it would be awsome if you could share the change) would be awsome if my sky would not be a giant red glow EDIT: was looking in the wrong folder, needed boulderco folder! got it and thanks!
  9. yep, you just beat me to my edit XD, sorry blackrack! it is one upside, now people can find this post with the answer if they are as confused as me. for search purposes: red sun
  10. soo lets put this up front freaking WOW. currently using scatterer, wip EVE and planetshine, and strangely enough: all of it works, no strange big gamebreaking bugs! and best of all! no slowdowns! (it looks strangely HIGHER FPS even.. unsure how thats possible.) only one strange thing. there is a huge red glow around the sun as see going up in the atmosphere..i searched the thread but nothing came up, anyone know why thats happening and what i can do? EDIT: CANCEL MY WHINING!, its an WIP EVE problem, nothing to do with scatterer. soo DOUBLE the you are awsome rations for you!
  11. does this mean if i copy that bit of code, and change air to RSC fuel stuff i can make engines that dont use compustion to not have light?
  12. With all of these people ITS TOO DIFFICULT! OH LAWD I HAVE TO USE 2 seperate keys for now i have options! i can image being a modmaker might not be very rewarding. so i set out to use your mod and leave something worthwhile, KospY, you have the thanks of me and bill, and we made you this: we call it kospY relay. its the first part of a lunar base so jeb can stream crashes from mun-side in HD (and for when i want to use surface drones for i dont have satellites orbiting the mun to relay the signal.) (for the observant, yes it i ankered the craft with lines for i accidentally parked on a steep incline...XD) the entire thing on the left is built from the ground up from parts taken in containers (and the containers were dropped off the return vessel and slid off beautifully XD) (everything above the lamps took off, so just the drone, a lot of panels and batteries, and the antenna/dish stayed for now) EDIT: ah yes i remember, i do have one question: in the old kas you could grab a line and drag it to a connector port, i tried grabbing the line but no way was found. i tried bringing the port to the line (it made a sort of gui overlay as if this was suposed to be done) but i could only get it to work with the harpoon) pipes worked perfectly though. am i missing something in how to grab an un-attached-wich line?
  13. YES, even on kerbin, right on the launchpad. at least if you use the large array-style fuel cells. i think i had 6 drills, one large converter, and 3?4? large fule cells (experiment with how many need to be on) and it came out positive. though you do need some initial fuel to work with and preferably a large battery so if you mess up you dont instantly drain all your power.
  14. yep, exists in stock, noticed this when i attached a docking port to a heatshield. looks odd.
  15. you sir, are a genius, thank you. what are your thoughts on fixing this without clipping though? EDIT: that trick also works nicely to hide decouplers inside fusalages and tanks, so you dont end up with those ugly studs all over your spaceplane..
  16. Lets start off with some pictures so you dont go "well thahat, what on kerbin's name are you on about, did you sniff to much rocket fuel?" this is de default state of thing if you attach a heat shield on top of a docking port, notice how there is space between the fairing and the docking port, and the docking port and the heat shield.. this is what happens AFTER you quick load a save with such a craft: the fairing disappears entirely, and it graphically illustrates my annoyance. slightly more zoomed out pic for reference, so you also get WHY i'm making this thread. TLDR version: Dear Squad, please make heat shield fairing ONLY appear if you stack it on top of a decoupler, and modify the node on the bottom of the shield to be flush with the actual shield so you can put it on top of docking ports, girders, whatever. for now there is a hole between the shield and its node and that is annoying. additional info for people with more patience: in the current situation if you attach a heat shield on top of a docking port and use the undock feature on the dockign port the fairing does not disapear (bugreport!) the fairing ALWAYS disappears after a quick load, even when still attached. in the situation where you undock and the fairing stays, it is incorporeal and you can move through it, you can't "peel" it off. by scraping your ships together. reason why i want this to be changed is the third picture, this style of design originated with the use of deadly re entry(and its heatshields that WERE flush with the dockingports) this way you can have a munlander take off, decouple, re-couple with the topside docking port, and ride your heatshield down while deploying the parachutes mounted beneath the engine compartment (what is now the rear..) this way you can take your munlander/mun-ascend stage with you for the reclamation of funds. (and it looks awsome, always a plus!) this is just my two cents, i hope Squad might consider my proposal and i would like some imput from the community about their thoughts on this. (and if anyone knows a modmanager config to do this in the mean time that man/woman/kerbal would be my hero) EDIT: fixed spelling and typo's
  17. nothing but praise porkjet, nothing but praise. plus!, that is one DAMN .... engine+emissive.
  18. same problem here, flicker only ocures on the vesselviewer, if i had epilepsy i would have totalled my room by now
  19. i only JUST noticed the bug. i check the thread, the man already has a fix.. (this while i only downloaded RPM again today, what are you, the flash XD? SO FAST!) collor me impressed
  20. seconded, it would be BEST to have it configurable, or BETTER then now to have it sepate into halves.
  21. not to ressurect threads from the dead but, i think this has changed from impossible to possible? so requist seconded!
  22. its the heatshield. those are currently buggy and put their weight in the wrong place. some forum members have already found a fix you can do. either via module manager patch or the modification of a part file. dont have it on hand cause im on my phone in the bed but it has been posted on this forum numerous times by now
  23. Consider the following: when attaching a parachute to ANY engine stage the game warns you that there is a parachute in an engine stage. but im my mind the game should not warn you about this if it is ona the "previous" stage, so no warning if there is also a decoupler in that stage that will remove the engine. basically (so no warning needed if the engine is burned out and will be dropped on a parachute) that is all , hope it helps squad! EDIT: the report also has a problem with tanks radially attached and connected via fuel lines to a tank that attached to an engine: it does not get that the fuel is being used to fuel another tank, that fuels an engine. mechjeb(deltV..) and the game do see this though and properly use it.
  24. SO hi all, long time lurker and appreciator of mods here. since 1.0 i have been re grabbing all the cool mods and flying about in "campaign mode" and one thing struck out to me. your kerbals only gain their highest XP modifier when doing something. (acording to the wiki, please correct me when wrong) so if you fly by, then orbit, then land, then plant a flag. all you get is the XP for the flag. is there a mod or a MM config that i can use to get ALL the xp instead of just the highest one? (you would think pulling that stuff off, even as a nooblet kerbal would give you a truck ton of experience, right?) sorry if this in the wrong forum, please move it if required. hope someone can help me! friendly greeting, Thahat,
  25. after copious lurking and listening to people complaining about burning up i thought, NAH it cant be that bad. and immediately set off making an ODST-style drop pod for 4 kerbals using seats and the AWESOME new air breaks. (2500m/s until the atmosphere FORCES you to slow down even though i kept the orange tiny engine firing down, and then at 1KM open 8 air brakes all at once...thank Kod kerbals don't do G forces. no retro burns, just steel beams to land on cause those can take 80 m/sec and 8 air breaks RIP that 2500 m/sec to about 25-40 m/sec. it'd still be like hitting the floor at 90 KMH, but some cars have drivers survive something like that so eh, plausible enough
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