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Everything posted by Camaron

  1. Oh: And also: Congratulations! This is the first ship I've ever downloaded and flown that isn't my own design! I really like it. Well done. Later did a test just for kicks: How wide can I make a round orbit with that extra 2,000 Rocket Fuel from the launcher? It got me up to 640K x 630K.
  2. Here is a big prebuilt stack of Intakes I often use. It's very dense, and since theyre all strapped to a structural beam, you can simply tack it onto you ship as if it were one easy part. http://www.2shared.com/file/e_Kvz_V1/Intake_Pile.html Here's the result of launching essentially the same ship with four of those intake piles strapped on: (I also trimmed 16 of the ship's struts, bringing the total parts of the tug down to a solid 52.) Note: All the "Disappearing stubs" I was mentioning earlier typically only take effect after you shift to Space Center and back.
  3. Reversing the struts, at least when considering the final ship, is always good. Anything Temporary should be where the struts start point is attached. As for your computer, it seems pretty good to me. I would be surprised if you saw any serious lag under 400 parts. Lastly, I can tell you that the Ram Intakes will always be significantly better than other intakes in higher altitudes, and are the only ones capable of extending your range to anything substantially over 20K.
  4. Lag only affects me starting in the 600-800 range, I've got a pretty respectable PC. I mostly wanted to showcase what I meant about the struts though. However when you start sticking several ships and landers together, you can start piling up a lot of parts very quickly, so having a tug that is sub-70 parts can be phenomenally useful. I did also notice that you don't use what's known as "Intake Spam". Is that because you feel like it's cheating? or are you actually unaware of the concept? A good Intake spam can keep jets running as high as 35,000 Meters, but some consider it cheap. One drawback is that it can harshly rise your partcount though. (On the launcher - still would dissappear with the rest of it but could make for a chuggy launch)
  5. So I reversed the struts and relaunched the ship myself. I also changed the jets a little but that turned out to hurt me overall. Achieved WELL past the advertised 100KM orbit with the launch rig, and made a circular 145 Km orbit on this thing. Totally stock, with no mods at all, not even info-graphics. Here's a pic of your beautiful ship (68 parts! I'll admit Ive never topped that with a ship this strong!) in its round 45km with NO STRUT STUBS!
  6. This is really good! I've seen "better", with 600 parts, but I like how parts-efficient this is. Tip from a guy who builds with similar intentions: If you havent already, go to where the persistent debris is in the game settings and switch it to 0. literally anything with a dock is considered a procbe, not debris, so that's not a worry. Why is this good? That way, any of those parts that leave behind knobs which DO count as parts and weigh in against your physics, will phase out if you have them pointed the right way. (Decoupler stubs, fuel lines and struts from old stages) Basically, the actual physical base of the fuel lines and struts comes from whereever the thing begins. In this scenario, if a strut from a piece that was tossed off phases out and is based on the tossed off part, that debris will eventually disappear and so will the stub it left on your final ship. That might be a bit confusing, but it can save on excess little vestigial fragments on your ship that shouldn't exist. Weight too. That sort of thing will needlessly sit on you ship as weight as well. I bring this up because I can see several strut-stubs on your ship. if you went to you hange and simply reverse the direction so that the starting point is on the part that falls away instead, then the leftover stub will vanish whenever that debris does, because the strut still exists on BOTH points UNTIL the part which counts as the starting point is eliminated.
  7. Wow. I've already built a craft that can SSTO to a moon landing and return. I'll see what I can do about getting proof. Realized as I was writing that though my Terranova Series is up to IX, the one I have in mind is III. III is a true OG. I'll have to retrofit for runway takeoff though.
  8. Awfully lot of REALLY SMALL rockets getting posted lately after Moar's gargantuan N-1. Come on, guys let's see some behemoths!
  9. It's very sad to build something incredible with too many parts. I've been there. I've Terminated some of my most intricate creations with a sigh: "I can never actually use this, so it's effectively space junk" On the upside I may have a LGA 2011-based computer coming along soon. Here's to hoping it can smoothly handle over 1k parts. (My current machine is dropping under 10 frames in the 500-700 parts range) End up with over 1200 and you can just forget having any kind of frame rates. Keep in mind Im talking about an i7 with a GTX 660 Ti. Kerbal SP can be a really heavy game... I wonder what someone might offer to have people launch over-built lifters for them?
  10. I hope whackjob does have some preposterous creation to show us. There have been too many perfectly viable designs in this thread. And a Pig. I'm responsible for the pig, though.
  11. Then save multiple instances. Save this one as Big Rocket V1. Then immediately save again as V2. That way you can always go back and play with as many different variants as you want without risking losing your working versions. One of my crafts has 16 different versions. 16 different files. Some of them are failures, some aren't.
  12. They're self-instated. It basically runs on honor alone since Kerbal doesn't actually have any kind of achievement system. I find them a bit pointles since anyone could just lie about them, and also, it's very difficult to know what they mean since there's no tooltip for any of them.
  13. It's not the strongest lifter, but it IS beautifully simple! Low parts, minimum lag for a smooth easy liftoff. I notice the smart engine choices too. Very cool. I have one note for you, however. take the monoprop jets and rotate them 45. Its way easier to operate when they are aligned to your control point.
  14. Allright, it's time to make a full post of my biggest practical rocket to date, The Type Nine Titan Fueler. This rocket lifts a nearly 300 ton Fuel ship into LKO with an exceptionally reliable launch. The photo gallery shows a full launch from ground to 135Km round orbit. (!25-180 is my "docking orbit range). I built this ship around a month ago and, not counting than the occasional launchpad physics breakup, it has only ever failed once in about ten launches. There are no mods used for this ship, and the fuel craft reached orbit in this demonstration with around 19,500 Liquid Fuel, as well as around 1300 monopropellant. It operates on 6 LV-Ns which means it can get itself anywhere it needs to be. Here's the full launch gallery: http://imgur.com/a/x8PcE
  15. If I ever plowed a "Magic Space Bus" into the ground, it would take the cake. No pic Cause I already have a whole thread devoted to my Magic Space Bus.
  16. This craft isn't intended for any kind of re-entry.
  17. I'm dead-tired, so I won't make a full post now, but here's a teaser:
  18. Sorry about the delay! Here is the craft file, which I will also edit into the main post. http://www.2shared.com/file/VFzWeSwa/Space_Bus.html If someone could tell me how to clean up that URL mess, I will. When opening Space Bus, please keep in mind that it is not a refined design! Please consider it a Concept Vehicle at best. Launch after the Habitats are ejected is typical of your average heavyweight Jet-powered craft. Make sure your Jets are up to at least 105 Kn thrust before unleashing the Red Struts. I personally reccommend firing up the nuclear engines during acceleration in atmosphere, 10km alt and above.
  19. Thanks! But someone's gotta give me a hint as to how craft files are posted. He's...."Special"... He only gets invited to these things cause his Dad knows a guy. I'd be thrilled to know what you have in mind!
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