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Everything posted by nanowinner

  1. It is not such a problem. My chute is on top and it doesn't just rip off but the parachute and the whole vessel suddenly gain a massive amount of speed in a horizontal direction. The ship doesn't just brake apart by a sudden stop (which while using RC is non-existent thanks to the slow deployment) The problem occurs when the parachute fully deploys (while using RC) or deploys (without RC) and at that moment it just can't handle the stress of moving sideways in a thick atmosphere with great speed. Plus, in the last case, I reduced my speed to 40 m/s prior to chute deployment and even then I got amazing speeds that my craft just can't take (in the thousands).
  2. I tried something a bit different. I removed EVE, completely (not forgeting BoulderCo). But I left DREC, FAR and RC. KEEP IN MIND I USED HYPER EDIT TO REACH TO EVE EVERY TIME AND I DID GO BACK TO THE SPACE CENTRE AND TO THE SHIP AGAIN AFTER ESTABLISHING ORBIT. BOOM! Then I tried without DREC and EVE but with the rest still there. (Alt+F12 used for the purposes of the test) BOOM! x2 This time DREC, FAR and EVE are REMOVED. Only RC is left. BOOM! x3 Funny things happen even when I removed RC... What?! For some reason I removed Joint Reinforcement too. Still, same thing (DON'T consider this a landing, while falling down after the parachute ripped of I saw a number such as 12500+ m/s and it went up and down to 0 and repeated this a few times before it finally settled down and landed) And here is the output log from the last time. http://goo.gl/0Vr9Pg
  3. Okay, that's all nice to know, I didn't knew some of them. But still doesn't clear things up. I will try now without EVE and see how that works. Although I don't think that's the problem but I'm running out of options here.
  4. I said calibration because I don't know what other word to use exactly. I mean the way the mod is created, they way it's coded. Maybe there's some sort of bug in the code and when multiple mods interact, it just shows. I don't know, I'm not into the coding, my "skills" are VERY limited in terms of coding. And yes, I understand it's quite possibly a single occurrence but it happens EVERY time. No exceptions. That's what frustrates me the most. And I've no idea what might be causing it so I'm looking for faults in every mod I have.
  5. I checked. I have only one version of Module Manager and it's 2.1.5 placed in GamaData. I've just uninstalled EVE + Better Atmospheres to troubleshoot that. (I installed it correctly, though. Firstly added both EVE and the BoulderCo to GameData and then copy the files from Better Atmospheres to GameData so it merges with those of EVE) I'm constantly checking for outdated mods and I am updating them whenever they are uploaded BUT I have one that hasn't been updated for a while and it's the original Quantum struts that I've adapted to work with this version only because they had no specifications as to where in the tech tree they should be [bUT THEY WERE NOT USED IN EXPLODING CRAFT] I'm also using ActionGroupManager v1.3.2.0 (latest) but as people have said on its thread, it works with 0.23.5 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/61263 ALTHOUGH this guy might have something to say, not sure though: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/61263-0-23-ActionGroupManager-%28AGM%29-1-3-2-0-%2829-01-2014%29-bugfixes?p=1106979&viewfull=1#post1106979 Keep in mind that using all of these mods such as RealChutes, EVE and BA, I've no problems landing on Kerbin. It's on Eve that the problem occurs. Haven't tried on Duna, though. Could it be that Deadly Reentry or FAR aren't quite calibrated for Eve's atmosphere?
  6. Tried it again without using HyperEdit (even deleted the mod) and same thing happened. As soon as full deployment is reached - disaster.
  7. Thank you so much for this! - - - Updated - - - Amazing idea man! I like it! Thank you!
  8. As my browser crashes when I try to paste it all as CODE and I've never used the forum for support before and therefore don't know how to do it, I'm sharing a link to it. https://www.dropbox.com/s/bl0779i3hgiyb56/output_log.txt PS. Go to bed if you have to, I can wait.
  9. Trying that now. Will edit post afterwards. Same thing happened. THIS time, after going to KSC and back to the vessel, I saved and reloaded it, to see if that would do any good. It didn't. Also, a curious thing is that the debris left from the destruction have no names. If there's anything else I could supply to clear this thing out, let me know. Modlist maybe? KSP output log?
  10. I am not sure if this is the April First version because it has that line in the code but it is definitely not activated as you can see. Should I try a different version? REALCHUTE_SETTINGS { //If the parachutes automatically arm or not when staged autoArm = False //Activates April Fool's joke jokeActivated = False
  11. I tried exactly as you said. Transferred to an orbit just above the atmosphere, returned to space centre, returned to craft and the did the de-orbiting burn. Exactly the same thing happened. Pre-deployment went fine, but as soon as I reached deployment altitude BOOM goes the ship.
  12. Thanks for the astonishingly quick reply. I will try this with HyperEdit uninstalled (not only unused). If it works then, then there would be no need to post this on the HyperEdit thread.
  13. Whenever I try to land on Eve, the chutes arm and pre-deploy quite well, it's when it's time to deploy that they suddenly accelerate to the speed my ship should be if it was orbiting at such a distance. You can only imagine what happens to a ship that has FAR and Deadly Re-entry installed when going at +3000 m/s in the most thick parts of Eve (1500m - 700m). I don't know what causes that but without time warp or anything, the chutes accelerate and my ship (or should I say the pod cause it gets ripped apart from the rest) gets flung and either burns up or crashes into ground. PS I used HyperEdit to get into a 85000x85000 orbit (just inside the atmosphere) when doing these landings.
  14. Does anyone have a clue as to how I can make the SCANsat menu to appear on all pods?
  15. Can you add a mod that makes the bases function as decouplers? I used to be able to do that with a mod but it was way back for 2.4.4 of ProcFairings. The newer version doesn't work with that mod and it's a bit of a burden. If not, can someone show me what to do to make that happen?
  16. I have a similar problem. But with me the mk3 pod is all black! I can only see the screens and the buttons. Nothing else!
  17. I can't quite say why this is but if you wish, you could edit the .cfg file on every missing item to require the start tier, or any other tier for that matter so you can unlock them. I had problems with other mods and fixed it that way and it works just fine. Cheers!
  18. I can't seem to find the part in my Stock tech tree that should go under utility. The Ion Engine and the Xenon Tank. I've searched everyone of the tiers and nothing. Had to go into the cfg files and make this change " TechRequired = start". Every other part in this mod is great and I've been able to find them.
  19. I had the same. Whenever I got off rail on sometimes on, my ship exploded. I fixed that by removing KerbPain and updating my MM to the latest version from here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/...-6-%28Jan-6%29 Your problem might be cause by a different mod than mine but it's not MJ's fault. Just think what mod you installed last and temporarily remove it just to see if it works. Cheers!
  20. I had a problem with v2.2 of this mod in which after returning from TimeWarp to normal time it took about 2-3 sec just so the physics could load which in intercepts was disastrous. I am going to try this with the v2.3 but I hope it doesn't happen. While NOT using this mod the load time is unnoticeable. Update coming soon.
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