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Everything posted by Rohaq

  1. Is anybody else experiencing crashes when they enter the VAB with DebRefund installed? Running the 64-bit Windows version of KSP here, with the latest ModuleManager installed, if that helps.
  2. Is there any way to prevent fairings from ejecting at all? Removing the base from the staging unfortunately doesn't prevent any fairings from detaching, causing it to fall off. I'm looking to use it to create nice, smooth looking panels on the descent stage of a lander, but I want the fairing to remain when the ascent stage detaches. At the moment I'm sticking the fairings at a stage further than the decoupler used to separate the ascent stage, but it'd be nice to remove it from staging entirely.
  3. Sadly it looks like the MechJeb FAR plugin breaks most of MechJeb's autopilot in the latest MechJeb version.
  4. What's the range on the BTDT? I could build a rover to try and use it, but if I could use an extremely low altitude satellite on bodies with no atmosphere, that would be much better.
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