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Everything posted by RocketScientist00

  1. Heya guys!!! Let's do a suggestion discussion. What do you want to add in the 0.24 update? So that the devs will see this and we will be helpful to them . Happy discussing!!!
  2. Hey guys! Its been a long time since I posted something here. I have a suggestion. Since some people have Windows 8 and 8.1, KSP should add a touchscreen mode so they wont need keyboard and mouse to play. If this suggestion is bunk, close it! I dont care if you close it! Happy playing!
  3. Hi guys! I quit Steam reporting bcoz sal_vager told me to quit it. NOTE: This is a discussion, NOT a suggestion! If KSP can now be installed into the PC, what would you feel about it? Do you want a KSP Installer? (This is my comeback thread, bcoz I was busy streaming and forgot about the KSP forums.) Happy discussion!
  4. Hey, I had a thread like that in the past, but they totally rejected it. But some didn't. But, I don't have the microbe things discussed there. I think it will be awesome having extrakerbestrial life.
  5. That's easy man, you just have to launch the center of your refueling station around 150 km, and don't forget to put docking ports in them. Then launch the fuel tanks. You got to be precise with your rendevous. I recommend MechJeb 2.1.1 to help you.
  6. Well, this plugin don't operate in my KSP 0.23. Why is that happening? Do I need to download the source and the license?
  7. Hi guys, I need a break from the suggestions page. Hey, post pictures here and some info about it! NOTE: It should have MechJeb and Infinite Fuel. "Show Off Your Ships!"
  8. Hi guys, I'm back! This is just a suggestion and my classmate asked me if KSP has an Android version! So this is my suggestion, having KSP for Android Please answer in this thread. NOTE: Just a suggestion. Don't hurt my feelings again. "Knowledge is Power!"
  9. OK fine! I want to close my thread streak. Close this one for God's sake. Just asking questions.
  10. Hi guys, looks like my 4th thread has been closed. Anyway my 5th thread is: Do you want BLACK HOLES in later versions of KSP? This is just weird, but black holes are big concepts in our own universe Black Holes do you want? Yes or No? Thanks "Knowledge is Power".
  11. Hi guys, my 3rd thread hasn't got many replies. Please answer "Should there be other life-forms living in Kerbin on later versions of KSP?" This is my 4th thread, do you want female Kermans in future versions of KSP? Because I agree to the thread that KSP can't always be a "boy's club". Thanks.
  12. Hi guys, thanks for answering my 2 discussions. Hey, do you want other life-forms living in Kerbin in later versions of KSP? Ex. Animals, sea creatures Note: I do not invoke predators of Kermans. Thanks. "Knowledge is Power"
  13. Thanks guys for answering, maybe there should be other space centers on other planets of the Kerbol (Sun) system so that we can go to the other planets of other star systems. Please watch out for other forums that I will discuss with you all.
  14. Hi guys, thanks for answering my question about having aliens in KSP. I'm thinking, do you want other planetary systems in future versions of KSP? Like another star system. Please answer.
  15. I think you all are correct. I was wrong. Live aliens BAD!, Ruins of aliens, AWESOME! Thanks for answering.
  16. Hi guys, I was wondering do you want alien civilizations to appear on other planets in future versions of KSP? Please answer!
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