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Everything posted by Sutima

  1. Yes, i tend to Remove everything first then Install the update, this was more to show 2 simple ways as Harvoification Had trouble installing it due to a break(?) and mod installation changed (for the better).
  2. Mac, linux or pc? 32 or 64 bit? And when you say you dropped everything in game data folder i hope you dident drop the game data folder in the game data folder =D Copy it like this http://puu.sh/aPcsk/fcd10ed88d.jpg Or like this http://puu.sh/aPcrJ/d0afd5fbd9.jpg Either drop it in the KSP folder and "merge Gamedata folder" or go into the zip's gamedata folder and copy everything in it to the ksp Gamedata folder it should all look like this when done http://puu.sh/aPcAW/60c4661ea0.png If you're still having problems send me a PM and i'll see if i can help you over TS3 or Hangouts. Edit#1 Made a Imgur album and a youtube video to help explaining, if you are still having problems after doing it like this, send me a PM.
  3. Ah okey. Is this mod Far compatable? I've had stuff destroyed while in the cargobay due to aerodynamic pressure thingy.
  4. All that use a part that had RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 0 maxAmount = 0 } Even tho i changed it in the Part cfg it still show Nan/0 until i remove and put it back. By removing i mean click on it remove it by clicking in the part menu and then pick it from the part menu and put it back. Basicly what you saw it the pictures from my first post.
  5. I still cant use the premade ships tho, have to manually replace the parts =/. The Arm is working for me.
  6. Read the install instructions since different mods use different structures, Umbra mods use the same Base folder GameData\UmbraSpaceIndustries\Karbonite While Klockhead mods use separate folders, its easier to update mods nowdays ^^.
  7. Rover, you rock, really.... I lack words to express your rockness without sounding like a broken records, I might lack the knowledge to help coding and my skills in blender and or gimp is not close to what you and the community have done in Karbonite. BUT if i can help in any way shape or form with you projects don't hesitate to ask =D. The Karbonite Project made me want to learn Blender and gimp and i'm having a lot of fun with it.
  8. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B-748mPPvmGGTXRlTnJ2azNpZlU&usp=sharing Crashes and more Crashes, Can use some of the parts but when loading pre-made ships it crases as soon as i hit launch. Way to tired to run it on a clean install and do the whole add one mod thing as i've been up for 30+ hours now, already done bug hunting on 3 other mods today, will get back on a later date with my final result of the hunt.
  9. Also check your "ShuttleExtras- See install notes" in the zip, the install notes States that i have to download "Mk3 IVA", TT left his mods to die with spaceport IIRC, and all your links are Outdated.
  10. Well I get NaN in the Career mode Price thingy when i add and then right click on the Mark 4 Shuttle engine & RCS structure, And/or TS-25 Jupiter main engine cluster . Logs and all that funstuff below. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B-748mPPvmGGb2FkLVZIOVExMWc&usp=sharing Okey so after some tinkering and editing i changed the Part files and added electrical charge so its not NaN/0 and so far i think it fixed it =/. Is it a Collision with MM ? or a tweakable mod? Edit#2 : Okey so in every part that had the line RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 0 maxAmount = 0 } I changed to RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 0 maxAmount = 5 } And that fixed it, For those that have the same problem as me, Download Notepad++ Take the entire Parts folder and drag it into Notepad++, it will ask if you really want to open 212 files, click yes, then Ctrl + F (word search) and then search for maxAmount = 0 You will get a "hit list" just doubble click each hit and then edit it =)
  11. YES, Give us this, Current contracts are meh, and after you've done 10 of them you realise the profit margins are slim. I already have fun with stations and mining so introduce contracts to it . something like that ?
  12. Yes in the savefile, but trust me, you don't want to do that.... Not kidding...... Better to delete the Plugin and keep the parts for now until you can launch new satellites, if deleting stuff is your goal. If you want to try your luck on OCD, Tears and more tears " name = kethane.sensor.1m " "name = kethane.highGain" BUT that might make stuff happen (or not). THIS ->>>> http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51029-How-to-delete-a-part?p=666425&viewfull=1#post666425 Make a backup of your KSP folder first, Then try this http://kerbaledit.codeplex.com/ Just tried it for you with success, but you need to make a backup of your entire KSP folder not just savefolder.
  13. You are updating this mod and thread to fast, Can't even F5 ONCE without it being updated... Good job tho really like this mod and i've been following it since an hour after the initial thread went up and i thought " that Might be interesting when it actually is finished in a few months" Hah, i was so wrong regarding my timeline xD. what made this mod so fun to follow in its progress was Your dedication, both to making the mod(Addon?) work but also your dedication to make it "crowd funded" and keeping it that way. And The fact that it is crowd funded and following peoples ides and discussion. Really nice work, to you and to everyone who contributed to it.
  14. You are including an old version of Modulemanager.
  15. All mods that Use the KSPAPI HAVE to use the same version or stuff will happen (or not, or both). =D http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81496 Also, RoverDude Thx for this, Just thanks. This truly is a fun and awesome mod and i have a lot of fun testing ahead =D. A Big thanks to everyone who helped in this Fun packed kerbal death machine *gets a spine chilling glare from Jeb*.
  16. Are you using PC, Linux or mac? Do you have Modulemanager installed? Your realchutes instalation shoud look like this Gamedata->Realchute. And your SDHI Installation should look like this Gamedata->SDHI->Service module system. Modulemanager2.2.0.dll should be in the gamedata folder. The Output_log.TXT that they are asking about is in Kerbal Space Program\KSP_Data OR Kerbal Space Program\KSP_x64_Data if you are using the 64bit. To upload them i suggest using googledrive or http://www.speedyshare.com/ To upload pictures i suggest http://imgur.com/
  17. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/12384-PART-0-24-2-Anatid-Robotics-MuMech-MechJeb-Autopilot-v2-3-1?p=1319348&viewfull=1#post1319348 Fixed the delta-V and general issues with mechjeb for me.
  18. Hm i have The Special Parts but never got the scaling to work =/, And yes i have the Tweakscale installed. Yaay more bughunting xD Edit: disregard that, found the issue. Infernal robotics had an outdated scale.DLL in its folder, updated and it all works \o/
  19. So a few things need to be said.. 1: I do love your mod, its one of those that i really can't (wont) play without, my relentless barrage of questions is for that very reason if it annoys you just tell me to shut up =D . 2: I have a lot of mods so it really could be a simple collision. 3: What the KM Mod series need is Cockpit and cargobay for a shuttle =D 4: Had something clever and witty to say here but i forgot..... 5: speaking of wheels (See end of post*) Would love something like the Modular wheels for the smart part pack ( the awesome wheels that could adjust hight on the go and suck fun stuff http://goo.gl/O3HFE6). Hah, yeah why reinvent the wheel. *
  20. Did you try to install it by removing then installing Smartparts first? Firov: What did you change from 2.0 to 2.0.1 ? didn't see a changelog, hoping to figure out why the problem went away by overwriting 2.0 and not deleting then reinstalling.
  21. well, the problem is gone.... For some reason.... I honestly don't know why, after i had completely removed all KM mods and reinstalled them over and over, also removed AGE during this process since it messes with action groups. I tried different versions of KM and still that odd problem, and when i had done the exact same thing over and over again the problem just disappeared and i can't reproduce it now. Only proof i have left is those logs ( and i can't read them xD ). I have a lot of mods and it could have been any of them that caused the problem in the first place. If i do get that problem again i will Take copies of my gamefolder and upload it so that you can look at it ^^. Just glad that i didn't have to remove either KM mods or AGE..
  22. Well if you want to change the wages download http://www.jetbrains.com/decompiler/download/ and open the dll and change it to your liking =). I would like it if it scaled with time and experience, amount of missions etc. Would integrate nicely with Final frontier =).
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