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Everything posted by jacobgong

  1. Some of the stock parts simple have absurd values that either make them OP or completely useless. I just wanted to make a simple ModuleManager config that attempts to fix these silly things. For example all three stock reaction wheels have the same 20 torque. However they have different masses at 0.2, 0.3, and 0.5. And it is the big one that weighs the least. Most of these are just mass adjustments, Notable changes: buff radial engines truss weigh less, with less crash tolerence 3 different reaction wheels, rather than 3 same ones with difference mass actual connector parts weigh less so they are actually relevant NERF THE GODLY CUBE STRUT NERF THE GODLY MICRO ENGINE landing gear and launch clamp now have zero mass Poodle is now slightly better than stacking LV-909 //Nerf OP God engine @PART[liquidEngineMini] { @mass = 0.35 } //buff useless junk @PART[radialEngineMini] { @MODULE[ModuleEngines] { @maxThrust = 5.0 @atmosphereCurve { key = 0 330 key = 1 300 } } } //buff useless junk @PART[microEngine] { @MODULE[ModuleEngines] { @maxThrust = 5.0 @atmosphereCurve { key = 0 380 key = 1 300 } } } // Poodle is inferiour to LV-909, no reason to use the former? @PART[liquidEngine2-2] { @mass = 2.0 } // stupid heavy for no reason @PART[advSasModule] { @mass = 0.1 } // otherwise identical but lighter than asas? @PART[sasModule] @mass = 0.05 { @MODULE[ModuleReactionWheel] { @PitchTorque = 10 @YawTorque = 10 @RollTorque = 10 } @RESOURCE { @rate = 0.15 } } // otherwise identical but EVEN LIGHTER than small sas? @PART[asasmodule1-2] { @MODULE[ModuleReactionWheel] { @PitchTorque = 40 @YawTorque = 40 @RollTorque = 40 } @RESOURCE { @rate = 0.60 } } // heavier but holds the same fuel as two tiny RCS @PART[RCSFuelTank] { @mass = 0.09 } //Why would you get 1 port for the same mass as 4 ports? @PART[linearRcs] { @mass = 0.02 } //larger decoupler gives no benifit because you'll strut it anyway @PART[radialDecoupler1-2] { @mass = 0.1 } // useless part because absurd gigantic mass @PART[structuralPylon] { @mass = 0.05 } // too heavy @PART[stackSeparatorBig] { @mass = 0.15 } //too heavy @PART[decoupler1-2] { @mass = 0.1 } // mass is meaningless except mess up mass calculations @PART[launchClamp1] { @mass = 0 } // mostly useless part for huge mass @PART[airplaneTail] { @mass = 0.1 } //ENOURMOUS MASS for a useless part? @PART[noseConeAdapter] { @mass = 0.01 } // gigantic mass for a useless part @PART[rocketNoseCone] { @mass = 0.02 } //ENOURMOUS MASS for a useless part? @PART[standardNoseCone] { @mass = 0.002 } @PART[noseCone] { @mass = 0.01 @rescaleFactor = 1.1 } // useless part because absurd gigantic mass @PART[smallHardpoint] { @mass = 0.01 } // OP part because of almost no mass @PART[strutOcto] { @mass = 0.02 @crashTolerance = 10 } // OP part because of almost no mass @PART[strutCube] { @mass = 0.01 @crashTolerance = 10 } // useless part because absurdly large mass @PART[trussAdapter] { @mass = 0.07 @crashTolerance = 10 } // useless part because absurdly large mass @PART[trussPiece1x] { @mass = 0.07 @crashTolerance = 10 } // useless part because absurdly large mass @PART[trussPiece3x] { @mass = 0.2 @crashTolerance = 10 } // useless part because absurdly large mass @PART[structuralMiniNode] { @mass = 0.07 } @PART[nacelleBody] { @mass = 0.1 } // useless part because absurdly large mass @PART[radialEngineBody] { @mass = 0.06 } // useless part because absurdly large mass @PART[stationHub] { @mass = 0.5 } //misleading since it has no physics significance anyway @PART[SmallGearBay] { @mass = 0 } //buff useless junk @PART[radialLiquidEngine1-2] { @MODULE[ModuleEngines] { @atmosphereCurve { key = 0 330 key = 1 315 } } } I am posting it here because I am too lazy to make an elaborate release post with all the stupid CR licensing and stuff. If anyone wants to do it please go ahead and you can claim it to be your own creation, I don't really care.
  2. Don't need crazy slingshots, too much trouble. I prefer boosters. 26.4 km/s
  3. When you drop a booster that is off-centre, regardless of how many other off-centre boosters you have, you will also loose net thrust equivalent to the booster you just dropped, regardless of which booster you drop next. Preferable you will drop the opposite booster next because if you don't, or don't have an even number of boosters, you end up loosing more thrust.
  4. Finally somebody makes a simple thrust controller that just works, thank god! Yes but it's pointless because the rest of the engines will then have less effective thrust, which means you will be carrying extra dead weight for thrust you can't use.
  5. With one vertical stabilizer it is pretty easy to flip out on the horizontal axis. For pitch you have to adjust your control surfaces and engine gimbal on the F119 to not pitch so hard. If you have all 3 on gimbal and default 20 degree deflection yes it will flip out simply because the angle of attack is too high. otherwise it is pretty stable with aerodynamic centre quite far behind centre of mass as it should be. With the high pitch high thrust F119 engines it's quite easy to recover from stalls, although the hyper sensitive pitch and small wings makes landing difficult. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/ferram-aerospace-research/
  6. If you do all Mun and Minus and Kerbin bioms you can pretty much unlock everything and get more than I did up there from Jool. Bioms OP.
  7. I started off with exactly 0 science, the extras come from transmissions.
  8. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66953-Ultimate-Jool-5-Challenge-571-tone-single-launch-to-land-on-all-5-moons%21 11,020 science
  9. I tried it, it isn't as fast because you have a few extra parts but it still does 800m/s+ I think it has to do with the version of FAR, go download the latest version.
  10. Post your recreation F119 is a smart choice because it has the most thrust under 1000m/s, he clearly knows that he's doing.
  11. He exploits bad challenges but he doesn't make fake screenshots for simple cheats, I'll try it myself. Edit: I don't know what you were doing with 300m/s but it does to to 800+ for me
  12. I don't get it, both of those images look exactly like how it is in game by default, what is supposed to be the difference?
  13. 81 kerbals on the mission, 1 is Jeb, 1 pilot, 1 medic, making it 78 extra kerbals and -780 days Manned lander for -200 days Mission time: 413 days 22 hours Score : -566 days
  14. It is bad because there is no good way to tell G-force, that flight log is inaccurate.
  15. Never use the radial engines, they are worthless. If you can't do without them then change your design. Using them automatically make your design overweight.
  16. 0.23 571 tone single launch, no refuel, stock parts, Jeb's level, 11020 Science, no jets, Jool Probe, extra science! 140t in LKO, 60t at Tylo, 30t at Laythe, 17 tone at Pol departure, 14 tone at Kerbin re-entry. I know I don't actually have 5 kerbals, but I do have room for 5. Even had Jeb sit in the command chair on the way back for the extra 0.08 mass. And yes I started with exactly zero science with modified save file. The extra 2000 or so come from transmissions. Ship Profile: 1x lander w/extension 1x Tylo extra stage 1x Laythe special science unit 4x generic science unit 1x RCS bot/ Jool probe 1x hitchhiker + external seat for 3 Lots of SCIENCE! 4x extra material bay, 8x extra goo experiment, 6x extra graviton scanner. Generic science module contains: 1x material bay, 2x goo experiment, graviton, accelerometer, thermometer. Laythe special science module also contains: 1x atmosphere data cone, barometer. Mission profile: Launch, escape Kerbin, Jool aerocapture intercept and capture Tylo Take off Laythe unit, lander docks with a generic science unit Land and return Lander and RCS bot +laythe Unit balance the ship on two sides Transfer and capture Laythe Lander dock with Laythe unit, RCS bot dock to front port Land and return, Take atmospheric data, undock sensor cone to dock back to mother ship Transfer and capture Vall Use generic science unit #2, land and return Transfer to Bop at AN/DN without plane aliment and capture Land and return with genetic scince unit #3 Transfer to Pol at AN/DN without plane aliment Detach RCS bot, which then escapes into Jool orbit as a probe capture and land/return with genetic science unit #3 Detach lander once science unit and experiment, personnel have been transferred Perform escape burn when Pol is at the right angle to Jool retrograde for Kerbin return trajectory Adjust intercept, burn off excess fuel for landing, transfer all fuel to bottom tank for detach Aero brake, open chute, retro burn near the surface, and detach final engine+tank for more padding RECOVER 10 TONES OF PURE SCIENCE!!! Laythe's atmosphere is a trap, just because you can use jets doesn't mean you have to. For a small lander small rockets is actually lighter than jet. Real men don't align planes, we simply capture at manly angles. For a mission like this you're gonna need some modular parts, but making everything modular is inefficient because each module will at least need its own docking ports. Keep in mind of the constantly reducing mass of your ship. Compensate that by having the right amount of fuel and jettisoning engines, nukes are heavy. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66953-Ultimate-Jool-5-Challenge-571-tone-single-launch-to-land-on-all-5-moons%21?p=924005#post924005
  17. 0.23 571 tone single launch, no refuel, stock parts, Jeb's level, 11020 Science, no jets, Jool Probe, extra science! 140t in LKO, 60t at Tylo, 30t at Laythe, 17 tone at Pol departure, 14 tone at Kerbin re-entry. Ship Profile: 1x lander w/extension 1x Tylo extra stage 1x Laythe special science unit 4x generic science unit 1x RCS bot/ Jool probe 1x hitchhiker + external seat for 3 Lots of SCIENCE! 4x extra material bay, 8x extra goo experiment, 6x extra graviton scanner. Generic science module contains: 1x material bay, 2x goo experiment, graviton, accelerometer, thermometer. Laythe special science module also contains: 1x atmosphere data cone, barometer. Mission profile: Launch, escape Kerbin, Jool aerocapture intercept and capture Tylo Take off Laythe unit, lander docks with a generic science unit Land and return Lander and RCS bot +laythe Unit balance the ship on two sides Transfer and capture Laythe Lander dock with Laythe unit, RCS bot dock to front port Land and return, Take atmospheric data, undock sensor cone to dock back to mother ship Transfer and capture Vall Use generic science unit #2, land and return Transfer to Bop at AN/DN without plane aliment and capture Land and return with genetic scince unit #3 Transfer to Pol at AN/DN without plane aliment Detach RCS bot, which then escapes into Jool orbit as a probe capture and land/return with genetic science unit #3 Detach lander once science unit and experiment, personnel have been transferred Perform escape burn when Pol is at the right angle to Jool retrograde for Kerbin return trajectory Adjust intercept, burn off excess fuel for landing, transfer all fuel to bottom tank for detach Aero brake, open chute, retro burn near the surface, and detach final engine+tank for more padding RECOVER 10 TONES OF PURE SCIENCE!!!
  18. Simple for you to say, I have a ship with at least 10 docked pairs and all of them are bugged.
  19. Jeb level mission incomming! Well this will probably have to wait cuz all of my 12 pairs of docking ports are bugged and I can't undock them. Whooray!
  20. Hi all !! By day my profession is a full time photographer and I thought id do a huge kerbin adventure in my own style and concentrate on getting awesome pics as if I was there
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