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Everything posted by jacobgong

  1. there is nothing creative about it, you just didn't know this abuse existed. You could land on the moon with just decouplers, in 10 seconds or so I might add.
  2. under 200m/s is slow, under 100m/s is unbearable. Jeb doesn't have to die, but he can take risks.
  3. Because Unity has no HDR, the incredible range of brightness of the real world cannot be captured in the pathetic 256 levels of brightness. screenshots are in 8-bit, no photographer will edit photos in 8-bit.
  4. All I see is you have one rocket going to Eeloo, and then on a return trajectory, and another going to Moho. and then I don't know what happens after because your video is too damn long. That is definitely two separate missions. the challenge is to leave and land on both planets with the same lander, not same design, same lander, and you have two landers here.
  5. that's two separate missions, unless I missed something in your super lengthy boring video. the challenge here is to land on both Eeloo and Moho in 1 mission.
  6. the speed you need to be going to fly is depended on aircraft design?
  7. yea equivalent of cfg edits in minecraft, what kind of a proof is that? the reason we are arguing here is because you posted a mod with stolen assets from other mods. Most people would have ignored you if you used stock models instead. Either way you have a bad mod nobody wants to download.
  8. good challenges have a, well, good challenge and consistent scoring criteria, not lengthy story that nobody cares about. The challenge here is confusing and doesn't seem to be much of a challenge, more like a generic MMO go to talk this NPC that NPC quest.
  9. You can't, because of the intelligence you have demonstrated so far.
  10. The biggest problem is that people don't seem to understand any idiot can do a cfg edit, especially simple cheat parts. Having good models is the single most important part in part mods.
  11. ok, so it's not a cfg edit of stock parts. It's a cfg edit for parts stolen from other people? the responses are not invalid, you're bad "mod" is invalid.
  12. boooooooooooooooooooooooooring! too slow, too safe.
  13. I think mine looks pretty cool, it's just really hard to fly without proper computer aid. You can't even point at nodes because your actual acceleration vector is offset by the external tank and engine gimbal.
  14. they blew up because I didn't land as soft as I wanted. You never said it had to be perfect landings. It is theoretically possible to do, I just didn't feel like trying it again. Now the crew add-on: -kerbals to KSC2 -Kerbals to island runway -20% cargo to KSC2
  15. Aero add-on: -Launch from launchpad and land on the helipad -go over 2000m/s -circumnavigate (under 40km all the way) To be continued
  16. I don't get it, Microsoft Flight Simulator is a hard core simulator and used for training real pilots. If someone is familiar with it I'd trust him to land a real plane especially with the help of the control tower and hopefully a copilot.
  17. if It does that then it is not balanced, a nuclear powered electric helicopter going at 2000m/s is clearly in violation of the rules of physics. If you remember your math classes in school, you always calculate with the original value. Like if you buy something and there is 15% tax, the tax is 15% of the original price, not 15% of the total amount you pay. If it can be done by a few lines of code, then I don't see the fun of doing it manually.
  18. Humm let me guess, lame cfg edits for stock parts?
  19. I don't suppose this is a good place to debate philosophy, so here is the short version: Defects are there, regardless of whether or not someone point it out, and regardless of whether or not the person pointing it out has a better suggestion to go with the criticism. The only question is whether or not you want to acknowledge their existence. Also, not everything has a happy solution for everybody, there are always dead ends.
  20. you could just dock all the modules onto the core in one go.
  21. some people just don't think things through before posting . we need more people to abuse these challenges so they might learn something from these fail challenges.
  22. There is no difficulty sending things over to other planets with ion engine you just gotta sit there and watch it burn for 5 hours while your computer is smoking from the insane part count.
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