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Everything posted by problemecium

  1. Wow, neat! I never knew this and am pleased they stuck with a minimal-failure-modes design paradigm. I too would design my spaceship with a similar system, with a few added motors and buttons here and there for convenience.
  2. I feel threatened by the scale of this ship. When it's finished, make sure to give us detailed stats in regard to its total fuel capacity, part count, full/dry mass, TWR, etc. Then if it turns out (as I fear) to be bigger than Kidonia, I shall set about one-upping you simply for the sake of prestige. ;P
  3. Can we Stickyify this thread so that in the future people see it instead of thinking hey have to post their own thread? Not to be mean to OP, but this seems like the sort of thing that needs to be made sticky, given how often new "I found a castle on the Mun" threads pop up. And in other news, it took me well over 1000 hours to find the Mun castle. As far as I can recall I've seen it a grand total of two times despite being addicted to KSP for the last two years unabated.
  4. TBH what we as a civilization need to do is give them all the Silent Treatment en masse, but I feel hypocritical saying this considering my own failures xP Still, you know that whole thing about BoB and Neil DeGrasse Tyson that's going on? I hope Tyson is having fun, because otherwise he's feeding BoB's ploy for attention while accomplishing nothing. In other news I'm sorely tempted to put up a ranty, unconvincing video where in the comments I post a poorly-worded spiel about how "Conspiracy Theorists Don't Exist, ALL Conspiracy Theorists Are Just Trolls and Do NOT Really Believe Earth is Flat."
  5. Nah. Flinging a crude insult and blocking me isn't beating me; it's running away and hiding from the truth, which is losing. The sad part is the waste of living flesh that will come out of this person choosing to never listen to others or attempt to grow.
  6. In response to the above quotes, yes indeed, you guessed right. Shortly after I left the comment I received a terse reply, which I have censored pursuant to the forum guidelines: Still. I tried. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  7. ...is shaped like a giant pair of legs and made of Legos. The next building is a radio tower...
  8. I got so used to this stuff that I often forget as soon as I've heard it, but here's a few I CAN recall: - Rockets require something to push against, i.e. the launch pad, in order to get to space. (This person did not understand Newton's laws) - Gravity is a property only of rotating objects. - (Not about space, but) Since JPEGs use lossy compression, you should make a copy and then open the copy instead of opening the original file, to avoid the original file being degraded by repetitive reads. (no concept here of how copying works, digital storage, or the true nature of lossy compression)
  9. I'm busy right now, but I have added that video to my Watch Later playlist and intend to come back and amend this comment with my reactions xD Okay here's the promised update: I confess that I gave into temptation and posted on the video with a short explanation that the rocket was performing a gravity turn and the reasons why. I'm probably going to go back to YouTube tomorrow to find a whole bunch of poorly-written flame comments, but at least I tried to do something good xD
  10. Yes and no. I included tons of reaction wheels, and when I did a "test" of the empty hull early on using HyperEdit, I found it pleasantly maneuverable and stable. However, with over 1000 parts added, it still felt like dragging a skyscraper sideways through Gorilla Glue. ^^;
  11. Oh yeah. I'd forgotten about that. Not that it matters on Gilly where there's no atmosphere, heh.
  12. ...I suddenly feel very glad I decided not to make "Sights of Kidonia" in graphic novel format xD
  13. Indeed. And if by "render distance" you mean the distance at which craft will load, we're looking at a radius of 2.25 km (or up to 2.5) and thus a diameter of 4.5 km (or up to 5), not 45. Unless I misunderstand, you seem to have shifted a decimal point.
  14. Yeah, I believe that petition was started in our very own Science & Spaceflight subforum.
  15. I'm all for the spirit of one-upsmanship, but yeah - Blue Origin did go "to Space" but not into orbit. Most Kerballers know that a vertical suborbital hop is significantly easier than an orbital insertion and recovery.
  16. Indeed. We don't need to use transfer windows, but with our current state of affairs it's preferable to other options. Our solar system is small enough that Earth orbits the Sun every year, and thus we get roughly one transfer window for every planet every year. If things were different and Earth took 500 years to orbit the Sun, we'd probably get impatient and just design (more expensive) spacecraft to go there on our schedule. Also, the galaxy is much denser as far as the number of gravity wells go than our solar system is. A transfer trajectory that would move us from one star to another in half a galactic orbit would be grossly perturbed by all the stellar gravity wells nearby (or on the way, depending) and thus require near-constant correction thrust, to the degree where it wouldn't be any more practical. That, combined with the fact that on a galactic scale, going to Proxima Centauri is like going from Earth to the ISS (just distance-wise of course), means it's about the same trip no matter when we decide to go. And of course if things were different and our solar system orbited the galactic core every ten years for instance, things would be different and we'd look into using transfer windows.
  17. Please submit bug reports and ask questions in the Gameplay Questions or Technical Support forums if you want people to help.
  18. No offense meant, but that just means you're bad at it. Once you've practiced enough to get good at rendezvousing and docking efficiently, it pays off hugely. My typical Mun landers are able to rendezvous and dock with the Mun station multiple times with just the Monopropellant in the capsule. That said, I'm probably too much of a veteran to be allowed to post in this thread xP
  19. I share the OP's concern. Currently my remedy to unwanted rescue contracts is to "save" the Kerbal but never actually return them to KSC. Okay so they're doomed to a life in space, but hey, it's a lot better than dying. Or a life in space alone in a derelict capsule. I expect I'll just have to continue using said remedy in 1.1, although I do hope for an alternative.
  20. ...that sells bananas. The new building is a port-a potty...
  21. And to make matters worse, the Mohochu was evolving! Erin mashed "B" in desperation, but alas, before she knew it it had transformed into...
  22. ...OF ROCK! Where they provide a solid educational foundation to rocks. The new building is an aircraft assembly plant...
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