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Everything posted by Castille7

  1. Thank you! Make sure the sound is on, cool song with the video - - - Updated - - - Thanks Columbia! - - - Updated - - - I didn't think about that and I do have a few tweaks I left out on the Craft and the Video, I had so many hours on this one I started leaving details behind, I might put some more work on it and repost at a later date with some updates Thank you selfish_meme good advice is always welcome, this helps for future builds for me and others.
  2. Galaxy Myth This craft can takeoff like an Aircraft or VTOL. There are 24 Whiplash Lift Engines in the Engine Compartments with 12 on the Wings and 4 on the Stern. It seems to have enough fuel to deliver the two Myth Rovers in it's cargo bays and return to the runway but I have been falling short, if fuel is used wisely it might be possible. Flight Operations: Takeoff Activate RCS & SAS at takeoff with full throttle press the spacebar once to Engage Lift Engines, allow the craft to lift then activate Starboard, Port & Stern Engines by pressing the spacebar a second time, I have been allowing the craft to reach 60ms to 70ms before disengaging the Lift Engines by pressing 1 and then pressing 4 to close the Engine Compartments. Landing When approaching a Landing Zone disengage the Stern Engines by pressing 2 to slow the crafts traveling speed, then open the Engine Compartments by pressing 4, Note: Lift Engines will not activate with the Bay Doors Closed or Partially Closed. Now activate the Lift Engines by pressing 1 and reduce to half throttle, the craft will hover near half throttle or just a little above and this will help you to adjust for descent speed. Using your Throttle and the S,W & K keys will give you enough control to land the rest is your Pilot Skills. Unloading Cargo When unloading the Rovers they need to be unloaded one at a time. Flight Controls: 1-Lift Engines 2-Stern Engines 3-Port & Starboard Engines 4-Engine Compartment Doors 5-Cargo Bay Doors 6-Cockpit Ladders 7-Vertical Landing Lights 8-Head Lights 9-Safety Lights 0-Galaxy Myth Lights SPECIAL NOTE: This craft is a Top Secret Mission Craft and any unauthorized access would jeopardize our Countries Safety so whenever you are unloading Cargo please close the doors or the Craft will Self Destruct!! .........Click on the Craft Name to Download the Craft. Video Footage - A Must See
  3. Incredible and fascinating work! esinohio!
  4. I think I produced the largest Space Station for a single launch and it barely got noticed, don't let the lack of replies discourage you, keep building and you will make more crafts that will have this one looked at in the future. I like the craft but I don't use any mods at this time as the Major explained.
  5. Nice work, goes in orbit with a low part count, I like it!
  6. I like the choices and how they were presented, congratulations to all of you for making the cut! nice work!
  7. I like the crafty ideas used on these craft jetenginestar!
  8. Looks like something that would be in a movie....lol Nice Craft man!
  9. Man! that's some genius stuff you people are doing, I am just starting to work on these type projects and I can see I have a long way to go! Nice work to the both of you!
  10. The proportion is very nice, sometimes that is what makes a replica look its best!
  11. I'm am with you Zekes! very impressive and inspiration that makes me want to jump on that wagon too!!
  12. I first have to say that Sky Crane is an amazing design!!!! The video does not stay focused on anything for too long and that's great, taking short clips keeps them from being boring, also it would be a good idea to mention the part count, someone mention they couldn't fly one of my crafts because the part count was too high, other than that music can add a little punch to it but it's hard to find the right clips and often some have the music volume setting to loud. Ok my jaw is off the floor now after seeing your helicopter!....lol
  13. Looks great! I need to do this soon, I have been building crafts for a while and have a good size collection of a variety of creations.
  14. Thank you Azimech! glad you enjoy my humor - - - Updated - - - Thank you for the tip Flip!... lol I will probably download Take Command soon!
  15. Kerbin Commander is my most recent Dropship Design and would like to share some of the pictures.
  16. I am going back to some old post and noticed my reply did not post, thank you so much for the compliment and I am going to show the part count in the Engineer's Report later today, not sure how this is going to work in the 1.0.5 version. I just noticed there is an Engineer's Report in the photo album and it's showing 583 parts, also it just loaded nicely in the Hangar on the 1.0.5 version and I will give it a test flight to see if all is well.
  17. Sector 7 Space Laboratories - Dropship Division This craft has amazing features, three deck levels, ground level loading for mobile crafts, internal lighting for all Stations, A free Personnel Carrier Shuttle Bug and floatation that would probably make easy takeoffs from the water. Note: Ever had to get out of a tight parking spot by going back and forth a few times? Well this is how the Shuttle Bug had to enter the Cargo Bay, you may want to create your own mobile crafts to enter the Cargo Bay easier. Flight Controls and Operations listed below. Kerbin Commander Flight Testing Flight Controls Lift Engines - 1 Port & Starboard Engines - 2 Vertical Landing Lights - 3 Internal Ladder Systems - 4 Landing Gear LY-10 - 5 Landing Struts LT-2 - 6 Cockpit Lights - 7 Co-Pilot Station Lights - 8 Mechanical Engineer's Station & Cargo Bay Lights - 9 Software Engineer's Station Lights - 10 Flight Operations: Takeoffs 1 - Apply Brakes 2 - Engage Lift Engines 3 - Engage Port & Starboard Engines after craft has left the ground 4 - Disengage Lift Engines after reaching 40+ m/s Note: Without a load craft holds a good course at about a 10 degree angle Special Note: The craft should not be lowered with the LT-2 Landing Struts direct to the ground, this will cause destruction to the craft. Landing Operations: 1 - Engage Lift Engines and allow them to gain a few rpms 2 - Disengage Port & Starboard Engines as you near the Landing Zone 3 - Use Thrusters to assist the Landing 4 - Good Luck! We are still undergoing testing and are giving an early release due to testing pilots always going on vacation. The Shuttle Bug has a really neat surprise feature for those who try it and expert rover operators have been known to ride them on two wheels when making corners. The Kerbin Commander cost $619,100.00 and the Shuttle Bug comes free with your purchase.
  18. Thanks branjoman, I will make adjustments and repost at a later date.
  19. Good advice is always appreciated Columbia, thank you!
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