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Everything posted by Castille7

  1. Somewhere in all this I would like to see Kim Kerman on the scenes! See Kim Here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/87594-Kim-Kerman?highlight=kim+kerbin
  2. This is so funny! I like the comment DEAL WITH IT!
  3. I've updated a water craft that I made and renamed it Water Bug, this was a great challenge and learning experience. Eve has an atmosphere that will support a parachute but not oxygen for the engines, I plan to redesign the craft and post it at a later date More Pictures here http://imgur.com/a/cAd4z#0
  4. Finally got around to take you up on this challenge and should have looked back at your advise before doing so on this thread, now I will need to tweak the craft a bit as you suggested Gallery Here http://imgur.com/a/cAd4z#0
  5. This is soooo cooool! rep indeed!
  6. Often I've needed Longer Landing Gear for some craft designs, here is one of them
  7. Sector 7 Space Laboratories Space Exploration Division Eeloo Mission Complete More Pictures here http://imgur.com/a/Vk271#0
  8. I found a walk around for this by saving the items as a sub assembly - - - Updated - - - Ok thanks the Undo Function is what I was referring to, I don't have a problem waiting for it to be enable
  9. I've placed a few panels together and removed them from my craft then clicked CTRL + Z and these items will not connect back to the craft, they won't even delete
  10. I am using the latest Beta Than Ever and the Control + Z is not working, this function is a very nice one and would like to see it working again for me in the new version, if there aren't many with this problem is a reinstall recommend for a quick fix?
  11. Inspired by Star Trek Fleet Command and HKA - My Latest Project is a large Exploration Space Station "Kerbin Gazer" This has been a very challenging project with lots of builds and rebuilds, testing and retesting, with quite a few trips and return trips to get this craft to this point. The Escape Pods were delivered and were a lot of fun docking them in their Cargo Bays. I am still not sure if I should Jettison the Launch Rockets from it's sides because they look nice, but there are solar panels on each side of the craft that look really nice also when they are deployed. Also there are large Bay Doors on Kerbin Gazer for entry of small crafts and it has two docking stations inside. I've removed one door on a previous build and it didn't stay together as I hoped it would and if so it could have been controlled to close after crafts entered. Still tweaking it and having fun as always in KSP! Escape Pods: Gallery http://imgur.com/a/d7QXa#0 Kerbin Gazer: Gallery http://imgur.com/a/A233h#0
  12. The speeds are nearly the same and both can be landed to a complete stop in under 3:00 minutes with out damage
  13. I do apologies for being so vague with my Craft Details I will up date this soon thanks for your insight Major Jim
  14. When flying this craft you will understand where it gets it's name. I also posted a Challenge with the previous version vo.23.5.464 at this link Challenge. If you set the SAS and go full throttle the craft will liftoff on it's own Hope you enjoy flying it as much as I do! Craft File Here https://files.secureserver.net/0sD7BQQxUnwA6n
  15. My apologies for this confusion I will update Jitterbug without the older parts soon! - - - Updated - - - My apologies for this confusion I will update Jitterbug with the v90 Version without the older parts soon!
  16. My apologies for this confusion I will update Jitterbug with the v90 Version without the older parts soon
  17. It's available at the top of this thread but someone said it's not working for them, if you have a chance to try it let me know if the craft file works for you thank you!
  18. I performed an update and this was still available, would I have to purchase the new version to be compatible with the latest version?
  19. Zekes, first of all thank you for checking out some of my work, I just updated the postings with the latest vo.90.0.705 Beta Than Ever version. Landing in under 3 mins is more of a challenge to myself and I did mentioned that I wasn't sure if it could be done, this is the challenge. You are correct that I should have set the bar then posted the challenge I will do this in the future but for now I do believe you will see the challenge met by someone that's been playing longer than I have and better at this than myself. Thanks again for your input I love good criticism. - - - Updated - - - Challenge met Record time 2 minutes 58 seconds
  20. The best time to beat at the moment with version vo.90.0.705 is 3 mins 12 seconds, complete stop no damage to Jitterbug!
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