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Justin Kerbice

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Everything posted by Justin Kerbice

  1. Hi, this is a set a small, low profile, efficient, quite over-powered/fun oriented engines to make all your crazy contraptions come true. This release includes: LPMJE: a low profile medium size (1.25 m diameter) jet type engine, stats have been mostly took from basic jet engine, with half the IntakeAir needed, thrust set to 60 kN, speed doubled. (thrust may be lowered a bit in a future version) LPSXE: a low profile small size (0.625m diameter) Xenon propelled engine with a very high ISP and a low energy consumption (you'll dump your ION drive off !). This engine produce 20 kN of thrust and can send a small probe anywhere in space. LPMEME: a radial attached electro-magnetic engine. It is very light, use a self-generated propellant to simulate an abundant electro-magnetic energy harvested from the body itself, ideally it should work better in high altitude in space, but for now it use atmosphericCurve to do the job, which mean on Kerbin and high density atmosphere, the engine can not really be used on its own at sea level and need some help to climb up (5000m minimum, depending on the total mass and the total thrust of the vessel) and become really useful. Warning: this engine has "virtually" an infinite dV value (MJ or other will not show it, as propellant is generated while running). LPMEMES: the same as above but stackable as other engine, at the expense of not being a true low-profile engine. download from kerbal stuff or mediafire (patch 0.3->0.4) license included in archive. A further release will include custom sounds and FX, experimentalMotors will also be change to something more accurate. changelog: 0.1 14/07/2014 early release 0.2 30/07/2014 LPXSE added, LPMJE texture improved with more details, some words here or there added here too 0.3 28/08/2014 MEME & MEMES added 0.4 11/09/2014 fix surface attach nodes of the 3 stackable engines 0.5 12/09/2014 fix experimentalMotors node name Have fun.
  2. Amazing !! Too bad I don't have colour printer What's next ? Some fireworks in it to make them really fly/crash ?
  3. good job. - for colour scheme some people may like some other dislike: why not providing some theme users can choose ? - it looks like pictures (even duplicated ones) takes a while to load the first time. - the header images in the mod list (profile list) doesn't use the same alignment as set (pic are aligned top like HTML table cell alignment parameter) - the stats graph use 3 colours only ??? Look at http://beta.kerbalstuff.com/mod/58/Kerbal%20Foundries%20Wheels%20and%20Repulsors%20ALPHA, the colours are reuse all the time making graph meaningless. and the last: removing screenshots without prior notice and giving any chance for modders to do something before change is not the best and friendliest thing to do IMHO.
  4. mmm I see, I've never have a good feeling with Python (a lanaguage that's force you with the indentation is not good IMHO) but performances anyway are mostly irrelevant for the target application here, don't forget whatever the job of packaging/processing text files/creating file structure & dummy files can take 1 or 5 s, it will not change so much, it's not a physics simulation after all so the good thing to do is to take the fastest way to create/maintain/update code. And there, interpreted languages get the first place, Perl mostly, especially with all the available modules to do almost anything you need to do on any OS you work on. Python main weakness IMHO is the lack of something like CPAN. And the GIL thing appears to me as quite a failure on its main purpose. The benchmark you give is a flawed as possible, it quite confuse people and is not precise enough (differences between Perl 5.005.. and Perl 5.14 are huge for example, and it still perl 5, java embed it's horrible vm and everything so memory usage will always be against it, string it not the best object to test too). If the guy/girl have tested with arrays, it would have been a lot more... interesting (Perl is/was a dumb with that, as dynamic array = recreate a full new array each time an item is added + destroying the previous = sssslllloooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwww)
  5. mmm I think title are quite a bit "overrated", it's nothing about modelling and texturing, just dealing with unity and make things works in KSP. And these info already exists, the people who ask for help are just too lazy to read all the existing work done before.
  6. Some update: add a building with a light and emissive anim (3 objects under the main GO in unity). with the KSP 0.23.5 I use with some buildings: Kerbtown plug-in is totally messed-up, menu doesn't open anymore, lot's of exception in log. with a KSP 0.22 with one single dummy test building: kerbtown works (remember it was the last official compatible version), the existing building disappear after adding the new one (just the files, not in the game), reappear after, the new added building with emissive anims is there but lights stays ON all the time. I'll continue testing. EDIT1: removing building on the 0.23.5 install makes Kerbtown works again. It looks like something added by Honeyfox in the fix brake something (unrelated). Need more testing.
  7. Not agree, "worse" compared to what ? assembly (the one no one use anymore, almost). Python is quite fast in fact and it is pre-compiled/use a bytecode interpreter (as Perl for example) which can be more than enough, especially for a tool which doesn't care about speed. Also, it is use for Asseto Corsa plug-in, just to say, and Kerbal Stuff too. I may be interested to join . @keks: are you sure about what you sad about python (horrible with GUI, not multithreaded, ...) ? Do you know which language is used for Blender ?
  8. Why not the best: the same as bettertimewarp plug-in => SETTINGS ! (seems to be the word Squad don't like at all). Stock TW increment factors are too big and TW decrease too laggy.
  9. I have something you may try (I know it's a part module, so if you don't want to either think about it, it's ok ), a module which inherit (maybe) ModuleEngines and use a new curve which would be like atmosphereCurve, but which will really be an altitudeCurve with a true meaning of vacuum = far from body's surface, ground/in atmosphere = where at least any gas pressure > 0.00000... (0 or a minimum to set). I use any gas, to be used in every situation: breathable air like on Earth (not kerbin maybe as kerbals still hold suits), destructive as Venus, thin as Mars, or various like gas giants. So such engine may work or not depending on the environment with a consistent behaviour, as atmosphereCurve is flawed in its very own definition (unofficial by the way), "vacuum" = low gas pressure so "sea" level on Duna = vacuum whereas chutes works and air drag there Why ? I have made some electro-magnetic propelled engines and really would have them to work only on high altitude, kind of hypothetical engine which use body's magnetic field to work (inspired by the story Gradisil by Adam Roberts). It's of course not very "realistic" or accurate as at least Earth magnetic field intensity didn't depend on altitude only but it would be too complicated to make anything else. @Javster: AG sound when triggered is a nice idea, I like it.
  10. B9 may use thing like FSFuelswitch (or something that has inspired snjo to make his own), but AFAIK there is no plug-in available yet to have decoupler ON/OFF, except maybe TweakableEverything which can do it bt not really "on purpose". There is this thread for stacksymmetry.
  11. Brilliant idea () for the symmetry issue: use only one, mount your parts on it, THEN and ONLY THEN, use symmetry with the whole "sub-assembly". Practical example: you want to mount on the bottom a fuel tank, an engine below, and one landing leg on surface on each fuel tank, and on the top another fuel tank, one battery bank and some other stuff like SAS/RW, ... all of these in 4 symmetry way. Start with one, put your part, the 'two way' decoupler, the fuel tank, the engine, the landing leg, the other fuel tank, etc then detach all, use symmetry (4x) and attach it to the main part, it's work . POL001: Regarding decoupling or not, why not providing both ? One version with yellow/black warning stripes which decouple, another without the stripes which... don't decouple . For crossfeed issue, there is the almost cheating goodspeed pump plug-in which allow to enfore the crazy fuel flow rules and spread resources among all fuel tanks with even priority ! POL002: for testing, people should not use career mode, that's the purpose of sandbox mode ! Why bothering about the node for just this single purpose.
  12. without forgetting: cut the throttle off before you actually do and glide to your landing zone. But airbrakes are really mandatory (Firespitter, B9 as I heard and nil2work's retro future planes)
  13. @SirCmpwn: it looks like the download per version graph is a bit flawed: (this is for my low profile misc engines set). @Ippo: of course but restricting by some means the users base of KS is a bad thing and IMHO a "modders only" website is mostly useless. (many hosting sites provide the same important features like download statistics and obviously hosting, it just need more work on display from modders)
  14. Excellent ! Thanks for sharing it and using a friendly license .
  15. That's exactly the case. But I remember doing the same kind of thing on another less modded install without issue .
  16. painful ignorance pit can be filled by reading the sticky threads in this very forum. The icon issue may come from DECOUPLER_HOR (R is missing !) (you're lucky KSP doesn't freeze here like when using a wrong resource's name or invalid flow rule) You may have noticed stock decoupler works in VAB/SPH (icon is ok) AND there is something left behind (the six anchors). You may use firespitter FSTexSwitcher debug mode for example to list models found and I'm sure you'll get the transform's names. srf may refer to the node_attach node as top is connected to node_stack_top for stack decoupler/separator And some stock decoupler like the TT-38K has to be made of multiple objects, as there is no way to cut meshes AFAIK (and it would be a big source of troubles).
  17. Hi, I have build quite two simple vehicles using mostly stock part including 2 claw in the front and back of each of them, + lo-fi twitch wheels. 1st vehicle move away after launch (from runway, with Kerbtown launch button), second vehicle sent and get close to connect 2 claws. When docked => Kerbin disappears, there is only clouds from and in the beginning of the issue: and Then a lots of similar groups of lines until all parts are destroyed I guess. (looks like someone use gettransform without checking the result... very bad !! Remeber Murphy, everything which could fail will fail !)
  18. colliders wrongly set can send an invitation ticket to the kraken I think so.Try yourself with stock parts (all couplers + engines and tanks) soemtimes it also works and sometimes not for no reason (using EditorExtensions). By the way, didn't tried your parts yet (shame on me ) but if you haven't set parts right, I'm afraid decoupler won't work (nodes names are unity gameobject's names, so if a GO is named "decnode", this is the name to use. This is for decouplers like radial stock ones, where some pieces stays in place whereas the most of it is ejected). Need to check this, I didn't work too much on decouplers. This apply for "anchor" and "srf" names. EDIT: The symmetry issue seems to be due to colliders setup, part clipping enabled on 0.23.5 allow use of x3 symmetry for example.
  19. nice, finally I may good to drop girder and micronodes/tanks to do radial attachments. For the symmetry issue: have you look at stacksymmetry parameter ? Anyway, symmetry works very badly and failed with adapters/couplers too (sometimes due to clipping like SP+ bicoupler + turbojet engine)
  20. Look at bettertimewarp plug-in, you can define your own TW, as crazy as you want (1e+somethingbig).
  21. Thanks cake>pie for this info but gravity really matter as on Minmus, a single jumb allow a lazy kerbal to climb ~ 10-20m maybe even more. And with your size thing, I'm not sure the given size are accurate (you could just use rescaleFactor =1.0 to keep sizes as they are). Regarding the colliders, I can imagine a serious slowdown even in the VAB (you may have 14 colliders, I tried 16, KSP/unity don't like it).
  22. Standard licenses can use a link to the related website, custom one have instead plain text, as simple as that . so license could used: name, link (optional), text (optional) but one of the two last is mandatory.
  23. @keks, and others: things have become quite serious glad to see that, but in the other hand, debian packaging system was not a one day work and it has evolve with time and features needed. So I suggest doing the same: a first basic step which allow a single mod per package to work without even dependencies, then adding feature one at a time. Including license text is a pure waste of space and bandwidth, as there is just a few licenses for thousands of mods, license name/version is more than enough. + add a link to the full license. OR you'll get something as ridiculous as some software with license data is bigger than useful data. and this: looks to be a lot's of work which can be done by a script (create repo, create a dummy meta.yaml file, create release tag, at least)
  24. Hi, could it be possible to get the 0.24 companies logo in HR (or original pictures files) please ? The small PNG images are very small and aren't good enough to create custom texture for skinning for example. I have think of adding all companies in my advertizing mod but just can't or I would have to spend hours/days to recreate each single logo (finding the right font, recreate shape, ...). Even in the contest result threads, pictures are the small useless PNG :/. Thanks
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