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Justin Kerbice

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Everything posted by Justin Kerbice

  1. Don't forget not a single mod license forbid private "hosting", you can always keep a particular version in a place you own, asking modder in such case when old version are still needed.
  2. Look there, it may be interesting for your project.
  3. Talisar have a similar issue with his cargo solution parts, this was due to colliders (duplicate and/or bad settings, look for in the thread for more info about this issue). Not sure it was the exact same issue as you but it may worth to take a look. "magically" is always bad, what do you have exactly done to get the lag disappear ? A good thing is to always plan a change, take note of it (being as much specific as possible), do the change, note the effect, and figure out the rule behind it.
  4. To answer your big question straight, put 6 nodes on the hexagon (you can name them stack_node1 to stack_node6), you set the vector to "outside" according to each normal vector. You can get the correct coordinates using 3dsmax script "get vector tool" (see this for more info) and don't forget to add stackSymmetry setting on the hexagon config (it will make possible to connect 6 arms at once in editor). The script is not mandatory as the hexagon make things easier for you as angle can be calculated without too much trouble (each angle is 60° so coordinates are, kind of cos(60) and sin(60) depending on each face I guess). On arm part, just put a single stack node at the bottom (or the left/top/... depending its own orientation, matching the wider area). Another node on the opposite side (top) if you wish to stack other parts (tank, girder, ...). hope this help.
  5. I have thought of EPL things (which is quite a logical change), thanks you made it . Maybe you could add a readme and some more instructions (dependencies especially) because the bare files alone are a bit short + a working config for your converter as example for people who are not familiar with this.
  6. tried it, on the launchpad, test craft vertical, there is smoke everywhere in a 50m "bubble", FPS drop to 1-3 in worth case (not too close, not too far). And strange thing, when putting game on pause on 15 FPS displayed, the whole computer slow down and I can't even type these words smoothly . horizontally like you (cheater ), not better, 15 FPS on default camera zoom setting. You may not have set the view to the real worth or whatever the expensive and fresh hardware you have, it's pretty much the same.
  7. All tests I've done are with ModuleEngines with fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.05 which may take over fx parameters (they may be used as fallback if fxOffset is not defined.) AFAIK ModuleEnginesFX is used with new fx structure (EFFECTS {}) but don't know yet how all effects/engine module behave mixed together. For the GPU perf issue you've got, you can send me your modified engine if you wish, I would tell you how it is on my hardware.
  8. @keks: you get it for plug-in auto compilation. I think it may be easier than we may believe initially as modders just have to provide a build script, so it can call the compiler, put all source files together and build a super nice library ready to package. For fields, instead of mandatory/optional dep, I believe Debian's style is better: depend: the mod CAN'T work with it (ex: hotrockets/smokescreen, HR can't work without SC, I guess or some other which use MM) recommend: the mod can work but with less feature mostly (ex: Extraplanetary launchpads: Kethane is not hardly needed, but without it, mining is off) suggest: the mod can do even more incredible things with the dep (... not sure such an example exists) or just the suggested mod(s) improve users experience (I guess more example can be found with RSS, Lifesupport, etc mods + RF/MFT) or simply a new mod with heat-shields suggest Deadly-Reentry as without it it'll be just visual. + KSP version can be a substitute for distribution version, ie instead of stable, testing and unstable, we can have 0.23, 0.23.5 and 0.24 so people keep the choice of moving from one KSP version to another as smooth as possible (maybe similar to what they have with Steam), with the ability to find and auto update mods to another version. ex: 0.23.5, mod A,B & C A v1.0 dep on B 1.2 C v 2.5 suggest D 1.3 upgrading to 0.24.2 => check A... v1.1 exists, support 0.24.2 ok check B... v1.2, no update, A is on hold and so on. Finally the modding tool may include a checker, so it will verify a mod to be sure all requirement are there (a readme, not empty ! , a license, an install instruction, a GameData folder, ...) and display warning like "no readme included" or even more better: "mismatch between dir name aaAA and part using aAAA" (as KSP is case sensitive)
  9. 1.34 fix the scale down issue with surface attached parts: good. EDIT: the following is not related to tweakscale... (removed, still have them) But I got another more serious issue: an infinite loop of these exception are thrown on launch, leading to a slugggiiissssshhh KSP which is just too busy in this mad loop. sometimes there is: before. I just put a 2.5m diameter probe core + rescaled to 5m: big SAS module, large batteries bank, a FLT-400 tank and a poodle engine and a Rockomax Brand Adapter on top. By the way most of the structural stock parts are not tweakable . Making it quite useless as-is (how to connect a 5m parts on a 2.5m ? there is a ugly gap in size)
  10. Thanks for this nil2work. FPS drop may be linked to your own gfx hardware (I remember massive drop on GTA3/San Andreas with the small clouds with a 9600M GT, I have now a GTX-780M and didn't notice FPS drop with smoke type effect, even with EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements clouds). Any data on fx offsets values ? I'm not sure to be right but experiments I've made shows the fx coordinates given are not used or ignored with 0.23.5 ModuleEngines, all effect comes from thrustTransform defined with the engine model.
  11. I see. To avoid either to cut & paste this or rewrite it again and again, you would put it on the first page. I like this attitude, what a change , it may be good to find someone to be able to do it (rarity instead of a large abundance), just for people who want this way.
  12. Thanks. oups my bad, yes, the chopper engines with yellow mark on the end on the blades + yellow arrow on top. Speaking of it the node on the bottom seems useless (didn't check but I guess allowstack is not set), and surfattach can make it not 100% centered on cylindrical parts (I use to put it on top of batteries or reaction wheel).
  13. Found an issue with FSairBrake module: by using targetPartObject = abtrans where abtrans doesn't exists (I know... I know ). This is at least for the last 0.23.5 compatible version (I'm lost here 7.0pre2 maybe or 6.3pre-something). dll version 7.0.5283.33887 19/06/2014 19h49. + the module itself is not (yet) in your new documentation. And maybe you've not notice one of my old post here, the FS1PE propeller can create lift even with retracted blades, whereas it should not, I think.
  14. Is there any chance to get depletion on resource ? Cause as it is now, I don't see the benefit of finding the best spot and get the best of them, unless you are in a rush (despite there is no real pressure as there is no opponent), just dig 10m away the launchpad, timewarp, store somewhere, and do it again and again. I think IMHO there should be only rare and small deposits on Kerbin (background story: drop there by asteroids, like the Iridium on Earth), and as it may be (very) valuable, kerbals would be motivated to spend time and funds to grab more of it elsewhere in their system.
  15. @keks: good plan, lot's of ambition, but be careful, too much ambition at the beginning may lead to messy development (want to go everywhere at once like a rover with 4 wheels, each one on a side of a square ). Maybe a simple tool to start: create base directory tree + dummy files according to some parameter like debian packaging tool, then step up the game with dependencies management (not an easy part) and so on. Beware of evil statistics gatherer and crash reporter, some noisy people don't like this (see the great controversy thread). For plug-in author, a checker may be useful: check if a version is provided inside the dll info + eventually check against some fields, like mod version and warn if there is mismatch. I guess "auto" recompilation with a chosen KSP version may be a great tool too. As a part creator only, I don't need so much, I even don't upload like crazy. But I have doubt about auto uploading, as it will need one module per website, and worth, check those websites (especially the commercial one like most of spaces providers) regularly for updates they don't talk about (quite like JDownloader tool which have tons of plug-in for almost each single one online storage website).
  16. For your normal map: 1. does the unity setting are correct ? A normal map should be named something_NRM.<format>, also unity editor ask for fixing it usually when you first start using a texture as normal/bump map. Is the material set right ? (KSP/Bump-something, specular, or other) 2. to add more bump, gimp have some nice settings of depth, level, etc, does PS have such settings ? If not, too bad (or maybe through an expensive dedicated plug-in). One example here.
  17. There may be an issue with the launch pad part (the one which looks like a big T when folded, made by Bagel, cost 1250, mass 5t, ...), the spawn point of vessel is wrong and even small ships collide with the "base" behind the launchpad or the launchpad itself. KSP 0.23.5 with EL 4.1.2 (not sure, launchpad.dll version is 1.0.5216.19985 from 13/04/2014 11:06).
  18. @Laie and some others: Scansat mod doesn't include a requirement/dependency/optional word about modstatistics BECAUSE it doesn't add any user's feature but an author's feature (to get stats about his/her mod), that's explain why. The bad thing is the author didn't pay enough attention to talk about it in the readme, miscommunication again maybe. @many people who complaint: it's good to look at the source to check if everything is clear but... why complaining about this situation and some small stats, whereas you don't compile each single plug-in you use from it's source (provided according to rules) ? Are you 110% sure the plug-in you use (compiled code) comes from the provided source code ? There is no checksums (bad habits or lack of good habit) so it is always possible the compiled version is the best-of spyware/malware ever made, and was not compiled from the source code provided. But you don't care about it, do you ? And when you don't have any source code to check, you don't complain ? (MS OS and utils, Google apps, etc) This controversy is just a black-hole that's suck a lot of time here, is there any redirect/shut-down black-hole mission ? contract maybe ? Jeb please come to help us !
  19. Just wonder about one thing: there is sounds there: SciFi\_Enterprise\Parts\Enterprise\part\Sounds and another sounds dir (the main one I guess) there: SciFi\_Enterprise\Sounds Any particular reason for that ?
  20. All of this for just (another) miscommunication (it's the season) ! Unbelievable . @Ippo: rely on a forum thread is bad, cause curse mods are not tied hardly to the forum and if I decide to browse curse, download one mod, nothing, absolutely nothing, force me to go to the related forum thread and read. If it is so, the mod is really badly packaged and could be considered as a 'crap'. I think IMHO the least modder have to do is to include a bare minimal readme to make thing work as expected without using the laziness and think "if people want to know what I didn't take time to add because I'm too buzy being awesome (@Chuck Norris ), too bad for them". This should be added to the add-on posting rules: "add an instruction manual which should be good enough to use your content and make it's work as designed." Licenses on the other hand are useless to users but they got a higher priority, too bad :/.
  21. fx_exhaustSparks_yellow added. To any moderator: could you make this post sticky please ? Unless it doesn't deserve it.
  22. This is something which may help or tease you (it comes from smokescreen plug-in talks I think)
  23. I hope this time the bridges contractor won't take all the money and run
  24. A little feedback: - landing legs of the 'all-in-one' structural frame doesn't deploy/retract using 'g' key , - the small sensor is more than over-powered (it may have been feed with karbonite when it was younger ), it can detect hotspots at quite far distances (> 100-200kms !)
  25. Better than KSP part categories... or not, see below. Career may be split into "science" and "contract" maybe. But most of these categories are for plug-in only, then stand-alone tools, parts themselves are quite left aside. Could I suggest: tools/plug-in: your list (almost) parts: KSP parts categories which is the closest applicable, or a new list : command control engine tank plane rocket structural rover landing (gears, legs & chute + airbags or anything else help landing) wheels energy (batteries, SP, generator, ...) staging (decoupler/separator + helpers like separatron) resources (storage, converter, ...) science
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