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Justin Kerbice

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Everything posted by Justin Kerbice

  1. GRREEEAAATTT !! You give a fix to one of a annoying issue of KSP editor I'm just in it too for a part and it was boring to do quite twice the job, correct me if I'm wrong but it's not (yet) auto-magic and you have to design the part for the plug-in. It doesn't work on all (stock parts for ex.)
  2. They looks good, may I suggest you to add a readme in your archives and be clear with dependencies ? There is quite "a lot" (FS, ORS, Karbonite, amybe some other...) to get them to work, I don't see the point to spend time to put licenses, but no readme . (This should be a rule in add-ons posting rules !)
  3. @RoverDude: IMHO you are not really friendly in this case, SirCmpwn work on his own on a mod hosting website, do a great job (he is alone, he is not paid for it, don't forget, and he is good to don't put tons of damned ads and killing pop-ups to earn a few miserable bucks with it), I can only suggest you to cool down a bit. What's such a big deal to even receive ONE single mail from time to time on update (not 1000 a day !) even if you don't want to, does your mail box is 1 mail ready to explode ? Does the 1000 of spams you got every day is a pb to you ? Did you complain to ALL spammers because they have never ask you to "opt-f<something>-in" ? Seriously what the matter with you guys ? Continuing flaming every single individual who do something for many will not help at all ! @SirCmpwn: keep up your good job. ----- What this world is becoming... I'll make a Tron-like digitalizing device to go to the kerbal universe .
  4. There is a lot of good stuff here, thanks for the wheel package SpannerMonkey, it would be good also to have a offline version of all the text + pics (forum is subject to kraken too )
  5. imgur is not very reliable, their bandwidth is sometime very low, and they only "offer" 225, or a close amount, pic max for free account (don't know exactly what that's means, maybe all pics after 225 are not publicly visible !) I really would like to have something safe and fair like a local storage, if the storage space + related bandwidth is not an issue of course. Just to be sure one day there is no mod without any pics at all.
  6. Thanks, and no pb, I'm patient, just remember screenshots are the main way to show people what a mod is and it's not unusual to need more than 4 of them (lot's of parts or lot's of way to use parts ). Let me know if I can help (redoing the steps when you're there for example).
  7. @5thHorseman: you're just crazy , congratulations to have found one ! It can also be Middle (NEAR-MIDDLE-FAR) or THERE or even HERE. @Ferram4: using stock planes, Aeris3 is ok, Aeris4 have some trouble, I get to a bit higher than 20000m, 800 m/s, then it became completely crazy and can't do too much except waiting, finally get control back near the water (below 500m), where it calm down. Albatross turn right on its own and became crazy less than 30s after take-off, not so bad as others, but roll didn't really works, with or without SAS roll right do nothing and it goes down left instead ! The Ravenspear mk1 seems to be good but near 6000m, pitch down makes it crazy too. It just fall down turning in circles :/. All SAS on with default fuel amount in tanks. And I got something playable by moving backward the center of lift (close to CoT and behing CoM) and removing a bad canard I use as tail on one of my small plane.
  8. I guess yes, there is also Extra Planetary Launchpad, with it you can "hyperedit" a base launchpad and drop it on Duna surface, so you can spawn rotor based vessel directly on surface. I found HE lander quite a bit strange to use (1st time vessel is not released, a second click land it but there is no help and you have to know very well your body geography to succeed to have a safe spawning + landing) or you can just add some chutes and drop it from a high enough altitude (~20 km).
  9. Why not adding it as an optional module (maybe, if it's not too much work for too few benefits) ? NEAR is quite too much FAR lite, or we may need an "heavier NEAR" or NEAR with some FAR tools . By the way, it's quite a bit of my bad cause the major instability may have been caused by disabling MM (2.2.1) for some test, I guess the bare plug-in without its base config files is quite a bit confused . But with the full plug-in + configs + MM, it's quite tricky with planes, without mentioning this really dumb SAS, I'm sure it's a spaceball'brain () put in a nice box and sold at an expensive price. It may be possible some trouble comes from config-less wings (I mean not tuned for FAR) like the one from Tiny_Cat_Co._Plane_Parts mod. I'll try with only stock parts to get something useful to you.
  10. Still get bad request error on "save changes" in edit media after adding a screenshot for one of my mod. 1st screenshot added was ok (5th pic), save ok, added another pic after, save => bad request error :/ and I get it consistently, upload ok, save take a while (what it is supposed to do on save ? upload has been done so it shouldn't take too long). (Kerbice Group, mod = RNO set 2). Thanks.
  11. like llanthas, simple planes tend to turn more and more to the right and SAS is completely overwhelmed and makes things worth and without it, control didn't even respond, plane seems to be lost when it's happened (and it's happened fast, just when it reach ~ 1000m altitude and various speed from 150 to 400 m/s) By the way, the documentation, derived/coming from FAR, talk about "a static analysis tab in the FAR GUI" in plane design, NEAR may be a bit too much "FAR lite" as it looks like such tool is not included so... what we could do to design a better plane without tools ? Usual (endless) trial & error promoted by stock game ? For sure it's not the B reason, C is ... C like craken, a smaller Kraken maybe or its tiny bro/sis, and A... I tried with stock delta wings with a deluxe delta as tail, so if it's the reason, it means provided MM config is wrong.
  12. Maybe it just need some doc instead of new parts or code as there, there is new joints in attach nodes paragraph: But nothing went out after that and things stayed in the dark. Also, claw use some module (ModuleGrappleNode) and contraints which can help making moving/robotics parts but again, no doc. And I don't see the needs of such hinge for just cargo bay doors as all the existing ones, based on animation, already works.
  13. OK, It would be really great to store this info somewhere where it will not be lost (the wiki for example), because in a year, this thread will may be buried deep. A bit off-topic here sorry but a lot of people talk about stock aero model, but stock engine/fuel model could also benefit from improvements.
  14. The same particularly to landing gears and 'g' key, I have ALWAYS to press it twice to make it work , it looks like some stupid kerbals literally kill the button by pressing it to death when trying to land !
  15. Be careful on vacuum recognition, atmospherecurve is flawed (Duna ground level is considered as vacuum despite the atmosphere ), it may be needed to get a stronger check on this.
  16. Your parts are good, hope to see more later/soon . Maybe fuselage with fuel may be in propulsion category, where other similar parts are for now.
  17. Maybe translating text (part name & description) into english may no be a bad idea, it's good anyway just quite not easy to put on some surface (I've tried on a LF tank, need to play a bit with all rotation keys before succeed).
  18. Finally tried today , nice sets of parts. I just wonder why keeping the name for monopropellant tank (ie "RCS tank"), why not cut this link down for good and just call them monop. tank ? Especially you've add quite a bunch of monop. engines. Also, radial attachment point are great, putting them as decoupler would be awesome (decouple node = node attach point). I have thought creating some x2, x3 -> x8 or even more array of them with arms which can be decoupled (to remove fuel tank which may feed an engine in the center for example).
  19. +1, I have suggested a similar feature for those few downloaded mods before. And I don't think it's a "stupid" idea . Keep up your good work SirCmpwn.
  20. Maybe I got very (un)lucky ! impossible, I just install these repulsors ! still KSP 0.23.5, latest plugins + repulsors part. I'll see what I can do later, what I saw from logs was nothing relevant (no exception at all, not too bad, or not)
  21. Sadely not, for now, mods are global, especially plug-ins, and parts can't be enable/disable on demand per savegame. The only way to do this is to use multiple KSP installs, each one with different set if mods.
  22. Tried the new surface repulsor... disappointing: - the part name have a e and c inverted: "...Surfaec mount..." - the energy consumption is not funny at all (nuclear companies sponsored ? ) (6165 EC drawn in less than 2000m with only 3 repulsors !) - the behaviour is weird: when they run out of power, they retract and never deploy anymore, I mean they may deploy but it does nothing, they stay on the ground, use a lot of EC and don't repulse at all. (+ height reset to 0) + AG doesn't work retract can't be use till there is power. (extending/retracting saw in log) "same player shoot again" .
  23. yes. (need a little bit more characters to make the checker happy, hello Jeb by the way !)
  24. Nice, I imagine the download link appear on mouse over picture (just a "download" or "download it"/"get this mod" text/button).
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