I really like the idea of using the flexible docking ports to connect modules for surface outposts, but there is currently one major issue which makes it difficult or impossible, and one minor issue that I think would improve the experience:
First, the major issue is that while deploying the docking port, it has colliders enabled, and fully extends itself before "seeking" a mate. This combination results in a base module that is shoved away and out of range before the port can connect itself. If either the collider were disabled until a connection was made (probably the less good solution), or the port began seeking before fully extending (probably the better solution), this would be the absolute best option for building bases currently available.
The second minor issue is that the ports become rigid once the connection is made. If the port were to remain flexible, some of the explodiness might be avoided, and building outposts on ground that is not perfectly flat would become less of a risk.
Anyway, I really love your mods, @DMagic, and I think you do fantastic work. Thanks!