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Everything posted by godefroi

  1. Here's the question; why NOT transfer to Steam? Squad already got their money, so it costs them nothing. As has been said already, nothing can beat Steam for getting new updates, and you can run your Steam KSP EXACTLY (EXACTLY) like you can run your non-Steam KSP, Steam doesn't need to be involved in any way. I, for example, keep an extra copy of my (Steam) KSP in a different folder for BTSM.
  2. Sorry, it would be more clear if I'd said, "wings deflect air down". Yeah, air gets pushed down, but there are more things going here on than a piece of plywood.
  3. The "wings just push air down" explanation is just as over-simplified and wrong as the "bernoulli's principle makes airplanes fly" explanation. Turns out it's much more complex than that: http://www.allstar.fiu.edu/aerojava/airflylvl3.htm
  4. You're doing pretty well. If you find your circularization burns are a lot of dV (and yours are, here) then make your turn sooner or steeper (more horizontal velocity). If you're neurotic about perfectly circular orbits, then add a little +/- radial to get them just right, and/or move the node forward or backward A BIT.
  5. Yeah, they're not though. The Cubli is, you'll notice, essentially 100% reaction wheel. A spacecraft like that would have no room, for, you know, astronauts.
  6. Don't need a laptop for that. I've tethered over USB as well as over Bluetooth.
  7. Originally with "Build 6". I just downloaded 6.1, and tried with that, and it didn't work either.
  8. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I have a Karbonite Detection Array orbiting Minmus at ~250km, and when I click "Start Karbonite Scan", it flashes and returns to "Start Karbonite Scan". Is there something I failed to read?
  9. No computer game "blew up" your graphics card. What most likely happened was that the cooling fan on your card failed, and it overheated and melted. If your car's cooling fan failed and it overheated and threw a rod while you were driving to Wal-Mart, would you blame Wal-Mart? Factor in what? Overheating your video card? It's a possibility, as higher resolutions will generally put more load on your hardware. This isn't strictly true, because the game could simply run at a much higher frame rate at lower resolutions, putting equivalent load on the hardware. What is definitely true is that "[your] windows" doesn't have a "correct" resolution. Your monitor likely does (it's LCD, right?), but HDMI and VGA cables have no effect on that. So update/remove your mods. Can't really blame KSP for that, they made it clear that x64 was less stable. Mod authors are working on fixes where necessary, but it takes time. It's quite new. You mean OpenGL. The KSP devs don't recommend that, as far as I can tell. You're on your own in OpenGL mode. Starcraft (we're talking the Blizzard game, right?) and Minecraft use their own engines. Minecraft is a Java game and its engine is significantly less powerful than Unity, is my guess. *Sigh* Upon reading more of your message, I'm not sure it's worth it to try to help. You're ranting, and you make little sense. The fact is that the game works well for most people, especially those who do not attempt to run it on marginal hardware. In fact, I run it on a computer I bought for $40 at the university surplus. It's got a $60 video card in it (well, it was $60 when it was purchased about 2 years ago...), and it runs just fine. Not at high resolutions, but just fine. If you'd like help, ask coherent questions, and I'm sure everyone will be willing to help you out. One thing I will say, however, is that your obsession over HDMI vs VGA is a red herring. Your computer cares not which you're using. It has no effect at all on memory usage.
  10. I will also say this. Going through BTSM in 0.23.5 made me a better player. It's an educational experience, and something about it is weird, making MJ consume monoprop whenever it's "engaged", executing a node, holding a heading, or whatever, and since reaction wheels are essentially useless, and all your maneuvering is done via monoprop, you can't have MJ go around wasting it rolling you back and forward for minutes at a time.
  11. I often let MJ do my ascents (from Kerbin, not usually from other bodies), and occasionally let it set up my circularization burns. Other than that, I use it for the stage-by-stage dV numbers in the VAB (is there an addon that gives that without requiring me to place a part?). MJ has failed me more often that it has succeeded in performing landings, dockings, and interplanetary transfers. I never even bother asking it for suggestions, now. I let AlexMoon's tool do the math, and work out the node myself. VOID gives me as much orbital/etc info as MJ, and does it in a less intrusive way.
  12. Sorry, man, them's the rules. I don't make em, I just quote them. XP hasn't been an acceptable OS for a LONG time. One can be forgiven for skipping Vista, but not Win7. The problem with buying the bare minimum (especially when it comes to RAM) is that if you ever decide later on that you need more, it's MUCH more expensive. RAM is always cheapest when it works with current architectures, and when it is replaced by the next type, it starts getting steadily more expensive. Expensive enough that it's cheaper for me to replace old computers with new ones than it is to upgrade them from 2GB to even 8GB now. Also, it's not only about how much RAM the games take, you want to have a healthy amount left over for things like disk cache and SuperFetch. Yep, that's a bummer. You can have another 50 internets back for doing it on your own. Good on ya.
  13. You lose 100 internets for installing XP at any point in this decade. You lose 100 more internets for building a computer in 2013 with less than 16GB of RAM. I get that it was a budget build, but still. You were going to play games on it. You have to take the hit. Finally, you lose 100 more internets for installing a 32-bit OS (XP, again) on a machine with more than 4GB of memory. You're in the hole 300 internets here. It's ok, though, since you're only 12, and you have plenty of time to make it up. I'll grant you back 150 internets for building your own system. That'll give you a good start.
  14. I'm going to be out of town for a few days here, I'll play around when I get back, and keep you posted.
  15. When I hit escape to bring up the pause menu, all the HUDs change their font, shifting the lines around. I assume this isn't intentional?
  16. The log is at http://pastebin.com/riR27JFK. There's a lot of other mods in there I know, but I've seen this with nothing but KAC, MJ, and blizzy's toolbar installed. I can recreate it with just those if you'd like. This is what it looked like when I switched to the space center:
  17. I'm seeing some odd issues, and it seems to be related to KAC. I'm running 0.24, and I've tried in both 32-bit and 64-bit, and the results are the same. When I'm jumping around between ships and the SC (well, really only one ship, because I'm running in career and I'm early on), I'll jump back to a ship and time warp will no longer work. I can't use the hotkeys, and even if I click on the arrows (which light up promisingly), no time warp happens. Once this has happened, if I jump back to the SC, I'm given an odd perspective, and nothing works from there out. I can't click on buildings or anything else. Also, when looking at the SC screen, if an alarm comes up, and I check the "Delete on close" button/box, it takes me into the VAB or SPH or another building (it seems to be random). This may be what triggers the issue described above, but while I've seen it 5 or 6 times now over the last couple days, I didn't find an obvious way to reproduce it reliably.
  18. I had quite serious problems with the mod installed, both 32- and 64-bit, under Windows. After a while, the time acceleration hotkeys stopped working, and clicking the arrows didn't actually accelerate time (though they did light up). Going back to the space center showed me an odd view of it, as if I'd moved my camera around (which I hadn't). Saving and reloading didn't fix the problem, and neither did returning to the main menu and re-entering the game. Removing the mod solved the problems. *EDIT* Never mind. Removing the mod did NOT solve the problems, so I don't think it's EN that's causing them. Something odd with 0.24, or another mod maybe. I have now seen the issues in both 32- and 64-bit KSP with and without EN.
  19. Yep, and that's what I do, but lots of people don't.
  20. The sad thing is that KSP is set up for disaster like that, because it runs as administrator. Why doesn't Windows protect its files? It does, duh, by requiring you to be an administrator to modify those files. Running your applications as administrator or turning off UAC explicitly disables that protection.
  21. If you're getting a BSOD, the problem isn't with steam. Only drivers and the kernel can do that. Of course, a bug in steam could be triggering a bug in your video driver
  22. I wouldn't be surprised if the best clue that 0.24 were imminent was that the win64 build suddenly blew up to the size of the win32 build...
  23. Um, can't it mean both? In KSP's case, it certainly does. When using lots of (or just certain) mods, you end up using more memory than can be addressed. That may or may not also be more than you have, or more than you'd like to give to KSP because you like to run other memory-intensive things in the background, or whatever, but KSP is actually running out of address space in these cases. I wouldn't call 64-bit a "band-aid" solution, but you are right that texture (especially) loading could be optimized. The problem with saying that, however, is that it's much easier to say than do, especially when you can jump instantly from one scene to another, using vastly different sets of resources, with no warning. When you go from one area to another in a first-person shooter, for example, the engine knows where you might go from where you are, and can work in the background to load whatever resources might be needed for there. In KSP, however, you might click on whatever ship from the tracking center, and each ship might need different planets, parts, etc.
  24. I'm not part of the cognoscenti, but I do watch Scott Manley videos. Also, I read the Wikipedia article on bi-elliptic transfers. According to it, the savings are minimal (as in, 2% savings in a transfer scenario where you extend your Ap out to 30x the distance to the moon, which it labels as "impractical" and "extreme". This example transfer would take 4.5 years, where the equivalent Hohmann transfer would take 15.5 hours. All to save 2% of your dV. I doubt doing the bi-elliptic transfer out near Jool would cut the dV requirement nearly in half. It's my experience that the dV maps grossly underestimate the Moho insertion requirements. That's why I ended up burning all my return fuel, my ascent fuel, and my descent fuel just to get into orbit when I went there the first time. I ended up sending not one but THREE ships full of fuel to get the landing done and get back to Kerbin.
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