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    Capsule Communicator

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  1. I used this successfully for several days without issue. Now since yesterday all my saves the Parts load in the wrong spot. Hinges are off by 90. weird gaps in surface attach points. etc etc. it is now unusable. i am very sad.
  2. Hey! whats up. I used to do Kosmos Mod once upon a time. I found my models. But they ll have KOSMOS colors. I'm not into that anymore. I'd prefer RE!release with StockAlike texture and feel to them but I don't want to texture them myself. Anyone want to team up?
  3. Does thi mod work? Sorry been out of the loop for a while. Have not played since 2015. edit: ah it still works. much happy.
  4. I used to make KOSMOS mod and a Dragon capsule mod. I still have the model files. I can provider you.
  5. oh, I would not be the one doing it haha. I but I'll happy release any copyright of it for people t use it and i'd gladly give any models that are out there.
  6. You are still going strong evne after all these years huh? Impressive. Keep Up the great work.
  7. Whats up! anything happening here? I probably still have models original formats for editing. Didn't know people still wanted this soooo many years later. If you need to get in touch with me about this and continuing the mod please email me Cardboardboxprocessor@gmail.com i recently loaded KSP up and saw that they have added a lot of stuff I original wanted and the like
  8. we gather together cause we mather together. need any other kerbal stuff? i cna give you all my stuf for it I'd suppose.
  9. That was done quite quickly. obviously several differences but you got the initial shape quite quick. congratz
  10. http://imgur.com/kPnLBQz - and my photography is better than my rockets. Certainly better than my stock texture attempts... does KSP allow for more combined modules these days? I recall being ahead of my time
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