Hi Ferram4, First just wanted to say love your FAR mod, make the game so much better. I've been having a problem with G-Max from the Deadly Reentry mod when using your KJR mod together. List of mods i'm using: I have 000_Toolbar, B9_Arospace, BoulderCo, DeadlyReentry, EnhancedNavBall, ExsurgentEngineering,FerramArrospaceResurch, Firesplitter, HexCans, KAS, KerbalJointReinforcment, Kethane, KineTechAnimation, KWRocketry, MagicSmokeIndustrys, NavyFish, ResGen, SH_Mods, Squad (Duh), ThunderAerospace, TreeLoader, VNG, and WarpPlugin in my Game Data Folder. I thought erroneously that the problem lie with TAC Life-support, but now believe the problem to be in how KJR, FAR, and different mod parts (B9, KWR, ect.) interact because I removed and re-installed each, and the problem only exists with KJR enabled in conjunction with the other stated mods (with the exception of removing all adding part mods -B9, KWR, ect.-). I believe that the inherent oscillating nature of the craft that is suppressed due to KJR is the culprit. Deadly reentry detects the suppressed oscillations (that increase with acceleration) and views this "suppressed" G's sustained from the individual parts as actual G's instead of the whole spacecraft. This the mod detects, which leads to G-Max being reached, even though it should not under such little stress to the rocket and occupants. For example, traveling at less than 20/mps^2 acceleration with less than 3G's at about 1km for 10ish seconds will equate G-Max being reached.