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Posts posted by Pockrtplanesairways

  1. 25 april. Such a good weather, isn't it?




    Uugh, man that sucks. It's nice and sunny in Alaska today. No snow to be seen. 20 More days of school left.

    considering what Russia and US are both going through...

    It's fine in Alaska.

  2. Macbook... I won't pressure you with my anti-mac fanboisim if that's a thing, but I am curious as to why the retina display has anything to do with a lot of ram... Ram is independent of the display typically, i mean the display is just an output device, now the video card that comes with the retina display may have more video ram, that I could see and would make some sense but you could easily just add ram to any old mac book that didn't have a retina display couldn't you?

    Well, the normal macbook pro has 4 GB of RAM auto, and the one with retina display comes with 8 GB of RAM auto.

  3. You could always try making one yourself :)

    I'd love too buuuuutttttt........

    A: I don't have a professional modeling software that can make .mu files.

    B: I haven't downloaded unity.(It would take 6 hours to download with my crappy internet)

    C: I would want to make a good IVA to do with it, which would take months.

    D: I'm in school most of the time.

    E: I'm going to summer camps for most of the summer.

  4. OK, newest update is up. There's been a TON of changes so I can't stress enough, end all flights in progress using this test version. A lot of geometry and node positions have changed so there's a HIGH chance that if you don't land before updating that your craft may get deleted.

    The soy-Juice now needs a heatshield for reentry. To get that working the decoupler had to change a bit. I also dropped its expanded node. This was to make it less wonky, and lets face it, at this point the Soy-juice is a 1.875m pod for all intents and purposes. The service module is back and now includes a small engine and an animated engine cover. I've seen a plugin that would allow the cover to toggle depending on engine activation, but it isn't fully released yet. Once that plugin is finished and stable I'll likely add it. The large inline chute is completely remade, with a lower profile and better canopy. Pretty much all the non Soy-juice stuff got an art pass. (mostly adding ambient occlusion to everything:rolleyes:)

    A lot of the new stuff is unpolished, but that will come with time. I think on the whole everything is taking a much better shape and this starting to really come together.

    I did a LKO reentry test, but haven't done much other testing yet, so feedback on how well the heatshield works would be appreciated.



    Edit: I also added my entry for the Open Part Mod as well. However since this only a test version of HGR, I didn't include NathenKell's crossfeed Enabler. It will allow the fuel to flow from that tank into whatever it's radially attached to.

    True, for me it's just a bit too digital. I prefer analog controls and 1960's designs.

    *Insert Cartman voice* Shweeeeet.

  5. Hey, Frizz, are you planning to make the MOL for career mode?

    EDIT: Also, after you are done with the american stuff, are you thinking of doing soviet stuff?

    EDIT 2: Dammit, i keep saying stuff before i try something. For get about the MOL thing. Also, how do you do strikethrough?

  6. Voskhod is nearly the same as Vostok, and at "Kerbal" level there's no difference.

    Yes, but the spud is really tiny, and the voskhod held 2/3 people. I would like to see a new IVA if that were to be done. And probably a larger pod, because do you think 3 kerbals could fit in that dinky thing?

    Durring a non-emergency situation does the Soyuz's shroud get pulled off by the escape tower or does it open in a clamshell style?

    It does, but during an emergency it goes up with the thing. My advice is to add a separator to the LES and to add however many nodes to place the top part of the fairings and make the faring pieces into two pieces and have the bottom one decouple.

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