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Posts posted by Pockrtplanesairways

  1. I've looked at that and it looks nice, but not exactly what I was hoping for. I mean a shenzhou that looks like the ACTUAL spacecraft. Something like the Soyuz in bobcats soviet pack.

    You really only need an orbital module. I really want the R7 family. And the early Soyuz generations with Salyut stuff. Oh, and the Voskhod IVA. How's it coming, MrTheBull?

  2. Luckily, I have my special strength suit.

    I proceed to K.O. Ridding and the next poster and throw you in a leaky Soyuz 7K-OKS (the one in which Soyuz 11 occurred) headed to the moon. There is no control inside and no hatch. Or space suit.

    EDIT: And you are strapped to the seat, and there is nothing to use to escape. Even food.

  3. I was hoping for maybe a Shenzhou spacecraft since it's really the last manned spacecraft that needs to be a mod in KSP. There's pretty much a mod of every other manned spacecraft in KSP that I know of, shenzhou is the only one missing.

    HGR is working on a Shenzhou/Soyuz

  4. You don't get it do you? BobCat said nothing new. That means nothing new. Not "I would like at the very least the old Soyuz to be changed to look like this..." When you say 'at the very least', it sounds as if you ordered something from him and he failed to deliver, so you are asking for compensation. That is not the case. BobCat spends his free time making these (absolutely stunning quality) models. He distributes them free of charge so we can use them. You are not paying him, so you have no right to demand anything.

    By the way you write, it seems to me that you consider yourself somehow higher than others. If I had made the mistake of posting such a large request list when BobCat said that he will not be making anything new in the near future, as well as starting the list with "I want", I would definately not do what you did and use the phrase "At the very least" in your reply to someone who tells you that what you did is considered rude.

    And another thing: that Soyuz that you so insist on getting is not the same version of the Soyuz that BobCat has made. He made the original Soyuz and the -TMA. What you want is something I between the two (I'm not sure which one, but I think it is the ASTP Soyuz. Someone corrected me if it is something different), so re texturing Soyuz to look like it would not make sense.

    Now, I've got a great idea! How about you stop pestering BobCat and go learn to use Blender or Sketchup. Then you can make yourself a blue Soyuz, and everyone will be happy! Yay!!!

    I'm not demanding, smart@$$. I'm politely asking him. But I still would please like to see ONE more update for the old soyuz. I would like a bare one. Since, you know, KSP doesn't have thermal effects YET.

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