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Posts posted by Pockrtplanesairways

  1. Right at this moment, there is completely no sense in playing KSP. If you were planning on porting your save to 0.23.5, nothing is stopping you, but remember-if you use a 0.23 save in 0.23.5, no asteroids will spawn, and nice everyone wants asteroids, pretty much everyone will have to start a new save.

    How the hell do you know that?

  2. KSP Development Team:"Tuesday, April 1st announcement, We regret to inform the KSP community that due to an unexpected error in our antivirus software, all progress on the ARM update seems to have been lost. It is unknown when or if a future update of this nature will be released, all we can say is SOON."

    "April fools!"

    Wouldn't fall for that jack crap.

  3. Sorry guys. Definitely not out today, nor this weekend. New test builds are being pumped out, such as the one Harv is playing. If I am able to get a more definitive answer on a date or some type of range, you will definitely hear it in here. Thanks for being so patient.

    Well ^%^* it. I'm out. *gun cocking* BLAAAAMMM! *wakes up* It was all a dream. *looks at self* IMAKERBAL! SWEEEEEEETTT!

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