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Posts posted by Pockrtplanesairways

  1. Give me an image to work with and I'll see what I can do.

    Also my current mission flag, a picture of myself as a baby.

    -creepy effing snips-

    Sorry, but i have a POS mac. You can't paint for some reason.

  2. I see now the stats and shape of this new incoming engine. And my first thought again is, "I should put one hundred of these on something."

    Poor you. You can't play it. If a genie said i could make three wishes, first one would be for me to have a really awesome computer, second one would be for .23.5 to come out, finished, today, and last one would be for you to have the best computer commercially available.

  3. Sorry, I just feel like to do it right I'm going to need to give it a degree of attention that I just can't handle at the moment. I think coming back to it and doing a complete redesign when I understand engines and such will result in a much better part.

    Please, Just keep it as a placeholder while you work on the Service module V2.0.

    P.S. Make a spherical service module like the Soyuz to carry 2 and a cylindrical one Like Shenzhou to carry 1.

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