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Posts posted by Pockrtplanesairways

  1. Something is very wrong with mine. The other star is Kerbin, Joker looks like Minmus, Sentar looks like Jool and all the other planets and moons are stock ones.

    EDIT:And now its Effed up my KSP. Time to Reinstall. Uggh.

    EDIT(Again, Uggh):Messed it up. Mod's still fine.

  2. Kerbals are an actual race of aliens that are exactly as they are portrayed in the game. Felipe just happened to dream of them once after one of them invaded his dreams.

    Oh, if only that was true.

    Kerbals are a real race that live right out of the Kuiper belt in the Kerbol System and the government does not tell us that though or everybody BUT KSPers would cause mass Pandemonium.

    P.S. I just bought KSP :D

  3. In this game one person says a scenario and the next person says what they would do then the next scenario.

    Ill begin, you go to sleep one night and wake up in what seems to be a Hitchhiker Storage Container. you look outside and you see empty blackness with a spatter of stars. What do you do?

  4. ...but they disguise as SQUAD to prevent them from being catched.


    the design of kerbals are of a genetic structure anomaly that was found at roswell and SQUAD got the classified document. The roswell ailen was a kerbal that they named jebediah.


    ...but they disguise as SQUAD to prevent them from being compromised.

    What ever.

  5. In this game, you think of a conspiracy about KSP, it's development and the devs who make it.

    I'll start: I believe that KSP has already been finished but SQUADâ„¢ is acting like apple still releasing junk that is totaly obsolete. Also, I believe that all of the devs have h4xed games so they have unlimited jebs.

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