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Posts posted by Pockrtplanesairways

  1. 3280: Jeb starts new religion called Kristanity that believes there is one god and pink fleshed creatures exist in a larger solar system they are orbiting around and a man named "christ" came down and cleansed all sins. within 6 months all kerbals believe this.

  2. The trusses are now done and will be in the next version of NFP!

    So, on to more random ideas. I was building a moon base, and was thinking that the structural fuselages that I was using for habitation tubes were a bit lame. So, I thought I might give a nicer looking hab tube a shot.


    They're supposed to be covered with spacesuit-style insulation material and be generally cool for use in ground bases and space stations. I mocked up a basic one, one with a viewport and one with an airlock segment. They're obviously quite WIP and would get more detail and proper textures. 1.25m size class... I suppose if I did one of these I would also do a couple of hub components. Anyone interested?

    That last one looks like there is a Mk1 lander can in the middle.

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