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Everything posted by Rakaydos

  1. "Samples of whisky produced by Suntory will be stored in the Japanese laboratory facility of the International Space Station for at least a year, with some flasks staying longer." Reading is a thing that helps. http://www.ctvnews.ca/lifestyle/japanese-company-to-age-whisky-in-space-1.2497981
  2. Circularization isnt a problem if you use something other than a mass driver. The company Liftport has run a few numbers and figured out that you can string a kevlar rope from the moons surface, all the way to the earth-moon lagrange point, if you can anchor it with enough counterweight past the lagrange point. Putting an elevator car on that cable is an engineering problem that is already being worked on.
  3. If a company is setting up a lunar fuel extraction base, they will be in the market for lunar transfer ships- being able to pay for their own fuel brings the cost down. Since "Expand or die" is a general corprate thing, expanding to other kinds of lunar manufacturing seems inevitable. Want a jupiter probe? We can build it for you on the moon for a fraction of the launch price!
  4. in theory, a wormhole might connect two points in space via a significantly shortier distance. However, if a wormhole has an event horizon, it's useless- you can go in, but you cant come out the other side- it's effetively just two black holes with anomalus mass growth. My headcanon for darkmatter is that since gravitons are theorized (in string theory) to be unbound to our 4 dimentional slice (membrane) of a larger set of dimentions, Dark Matter is actually the gravity of mass in another nearby 4 dimentional membrane. It doesnt exist in our 4d universe, interacting only through gravity.
  5. When posting in this section, please dont refer to mythical celetial bodies. If youu want to ask a serius chemistry question, ask it about Venus or Mercury, not Moho.
  6. What are the odds that a tangentially related effect has the same thrust bleed off as thermal emmision in vacuum?
  7. This drive can only work if it doesnt violate conservation of momentum, but it can avoid that violation in exotic ways and still be "real". If it doesnt violate conservation of momentum, it is pushing off of something, and physics remains relatively intact. Reasonable assertion?
  8. Define "working." There are ways it could work that would have minimum changes to physiics. Then there are "theories" that violate the fundamental priniples on which we've built over a century of scientific progress. Or it could "work" via understood principles that we failed to account for in control expiriments. I believe it's the first. The internet believes its the second, and skeptics are trying hard to maintain that it's the third.
  9. Really? Your posts come off more as a catigorical negation of the whole concept of the EM drive, without any exceptions for rational explanations, such as the parts of my post that you deleted when you replied.
  10. If pushing off something (not just empty space, actually something) is a violation of GR, I'm not sure how useful GR really is. (but you deleated the part of my quote that explains what I'm talking about)
  11. But if the drive relies on a preferred coordinate system, and that coordinate system can be identified as the presence of (low vacuum particles/planetary magnetic field/other effect translatable to at least near earth space) then the EM drive can be said to both work and be useful, without violating GR. (like the electromagnetic tether, it needs to push off something, but not nessisarally something solid) This drive can only work if it doesnt violate conservation of momentum, but it can avoid that violation in exotic ways and still be "real".
  12. From the EMdrive wiki (http://emdrive.wiki/Energy_Conservation) So, is there somewhere in the gauge symmetries or GR that REQUIRES constant acceleration for constant power?
  13. Is it? I mean, I definately agree that if you had to ship each piece of every space colony to orbit from earth, World Peace would be easier to accomplish. But after a certian point, it's better to have built infrastructure for space developent than ship everything up anyway. A nearside lunar elevator with automated mining base feels to me like the "entry level" to sustainable space development. it's expensive to build, but cheaper than world peace would be... and once it's online, you can start bootstrapping yourself to better space infrastructure with "dirt" cheap lunar building materials.
  14. Which does what, exactly, on a cloudy day? 20 hours a day of predictable output is better than the same potential amount of enviromentally variable power.
  15. Except, of course, in places were there IS a shortage of real estate and power. At one point Japan was looking into an orbital solar farm transmitting to an artificial island just outside Tokyo, because they couldd generate more power from that one island (minimally disrupting sea trffic) with a more consistant bse load, than ground based solar.
  16. I would guess it would be between lowest stable orbit prograde and lowest stable orbit retrograde, or twice your orbital velocity in D/V. Or lowest stable orbit to highest stable orbit, retrograde for the extra few m/s of cost, if that's larger. That's just a gut feeling though. I'm assuming you mean minimum DV transfers between orbits- A brachistone transfer can burn a LOT of DV in a hurry, on an otherwise easy transfer.
  17. At present, it stillmodels out as being MORE effcent than an ion drive.
  18. And if your leg breaks walking down the street, you wont be able to walk anymore. better bring a set of crutches everywhere... just in case. Seriously, it had a 500% saftey margin. Failure is inconcevable.
  19. I recall reading an article about how the main gas giants of our silar system could not have formed in their current orbits, but that if we assume another planwt formed between them, our current planets would move to their current orbits while ejecting the extra, possibly from the system entirely.
  20. 2/3 Better, 2/3 cheaper, 2/3 sooner. Adds up to 2, right?
  21. What could possibly be a higher goal than being reelected? :/
  22. Ways that dont involve tipping into the water?
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