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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. The first mod I added was KerbalJointReinforcement. Sometimes I think the developers spent too much time giggling. "Haha, Jello ships!". I think more struts are also a burden to simulation time and memory. I think hiding parts from the simulation behind shrouds would improve performance. Ladders, parachutes, landing gear and other hidden stuff would add payload weight while reducing effective parts count for the actual simulation and give faster simulations and fewer crashes.
  2. I haven't played KSP2 and I don't know if this stuff could be done with mods. What I want are better design tools. Something like this. I think there is too much trial and error. I want to design stages to have so much thrust, for so much time with a starting mass and ending mass. I want my stages to have so much acceleration above gravity and account for air resistance and want graphs and tables of data to help me work it all out. Adjusting how much fuel there is and how much thrust doesn't help unless I know how long it is going to burn. I want wind tunnel tests. I want to collect data I can analyze after rocket flights. To me, there seems to be a lot of science and engineering built into the simulation but very little built into the game. As for game play, I think linked anomalies would be fun. You start with an artifact which gives you a clue of where to look on Kerbin. That anomaly tells you where to look for the next one and so on. Maybe there are keys you need to find that open artifacts to get Easter eggs about alien civilizations. Or linked science. You build satellites to map the planet, that gives you maps you can look at. When you deliver it some scientist tells you more tests to setup and that leads to some Easter eggs that tell you about the evolution of the planet.
  3. I disagree. Take Two sold KSP because its narrow appeal meant it would never sell a lot of new licenses, but from a directed marketing viewpoint, its narrow appeal is its value. It's the same reason companies sponsor PBS shows like NOVA. These are the eyeballs you want. Because of Musk's politics, it would be in the interest of SpaceX to spend money on public relations to continue to attract the kind of employees they want and to maintain support for their space program interests. Boeing with all its mishaps would also benefit from positive public relations. That's why I think NASA should run some sort of open source community effort with sponsorship from their contractors. The value of KSP is not in sales but in the contact it provides with a certain group of people.
  4. You could try contacting NASA and they could run an open source project funded by sponsors with volunteer programmers. They would buy they code and the sponsors would get their Logo displayed when you start up the game. Companies like SpaceX, Boeing, Blue Origin, etc. Companies that want to promote interest in the space program.
  5. I suggest going a route similar to thedarkmod. The Darkmod is a game built on the Doom3 engine. It is now stand alone with a deal from ID. KSP the next generation would be an "official" package of mods and external support programs built on the KSP1 engine. I think for the most part the KSP1 engine is fine. It is the chaos of competing, abandoned and unsupported mods. A pared downed standardized set of mods with a wiki and tutorials and an official group of community developers would define a path for the future and give newbies a foothold without having to get lost in outdated documentation and forum posts.
  6. It's not a problem. It's just funny to watch. I don't think it's sliding. I think it's a Dean Drive. I've repeated it three times landing in three different places. The video works for me. This forum I have trouble with.
  7. Ship Walking Video I used my cellphone to make a video.
  8. It did it on two landings. The first time I thought it was the wind and rushed around cutting chutes until it tipped over and exploded. The second time I realised it was running in the opposite direction of the chutes. I think it has to do with the wobble of the neck. I wish I had a movie. The legs are bending and stretching. It looks like it is running.
  9. Here are old threads on the topic. I copied the ladders to a new directory and made my own high temperature ladders by changing: maxTemp = 2000 //= 3200 to maxTemp = 4000 //= 5200 I'll see if that works.
  10. I want to use aero braking. The ladders tend to explode. Is there a way to protect them from the heat?
  11. Yes msbuild works. I thought I needed Visual Studio to use the csproj files. When I searched for c# command line compiler I got a tutorial for csc.exe. Thanks
  12. I looking for precisenode_1.1.3. I found the source code here https://github.com/blizzy78/ksp-precisenode/releases/tag/1.1.3 I'm trying to recompile it with the command line CSC.exe. I'm converting the csproj file to an rsp file. I'm stuck on how to convert these resources. </ItemGroup> <ItemGroup> <Content Include="CHANGES.txt" /> <Content Include="Parts\CBAtexture.png" /> </ItemGroup> <ItemGroup> <None Include="LICENSE.txt" /> <None Include="Parts\CBA.cfg" /> <None Include="Parts\CBA.mu" /> </ItemGroup> What do I do with these files? Thanks
  13. Does Kerbal Joint Reinforcement effect the new aerodynamics in KSP1.0.+ ?
  14. What I need is a structural fuselage that fits the Rockomax rockets. I don't know if there is one ahead of me when I get more science.
  15. Here are some numbers. I stripped off the solid boosters and launched straight up until the fuel ran out and took a screenshot. The mass really didn't change with the number of fins from 81.1t. fins top speed apoapsis 0 980.5 m/s 93793 m 1 vertical 977.9 m/s 93471 m 2 butterfly 953.5 m/s 89228 m 3 bf + vert 952.3 m/s 88918 m I'm not sure how to measure stability. With the butterfly, the center of lift is at the butterfly. Without the butterfly, the center of lift is above the center of mass.
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