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Posts posted by Uzric

  1. Or perhaps a topographical map representing relative grade rather than absolute hight?

    I recommend you ScanSat mod. You make a satellite with an altimetry sensor and deploy it on mun on a polar orbit. When it's finished mapping, open the "big map" screen, there you have different information modes one of them being "Slopes" (iirc). I think that one marks sudden height change, aka, inclination of terrain. Hovering the mouse will tell you the height of the region too.

  2. As, for the Ferram aerospace, I've seen a Manley video where a booster is able to fly due to that mod, and that really put me off.

    If you mean it is very easy with it to achieve orbit, then (when the ship is well designed) you are right. Delta-V for LKO can be even half of what it normally takes on vanilla KSP. This makes challenging the designing of the rockets, but piloting is trivial.

    I was in the same boat as you, until I found KIDS: another ferram mod that changes the Isp of all the engines so FAR goes back to intended KSP difficulty. It is fully customizable, can be chosen per saved-game, and has some nice Isp-changes-thrust-based-on-height configurations available if you like them (which you should since it is more challenging and realistic). It is compatible with most part mods too.

    Also, I tend to spend most of the time outside of atmosphere...

    Kerbin is not the only body with an atmosphere. Not that you said that, but I thought you would eventually try a landing on i.e. Laythe, or aerobraking.

    Now, if you excuse me, I must ask someone to pay me for the advertising.

  3. Less than a week to know who wins (Poll closes on 12th February 2014 at 02:49).

    Since only participants are supposed to be allowed to vote, we can see that all the voted crafts are in a draw with 1 vote each.

    Now is when the participants who have to vote yet (zorque, Fengist, and Blaster) decide to vote Heagar, Fengist and Uzric...


    Dullest challenge ever if it happens, though.

  4. You have only a few minutes to make an action within this forum. You may have the state "logged in", but you are after time went by unable to submit a post or poll.

    Therefore log out and log in again, an you should be able to poll.

    Thanks for the information, but this couldn't be the problem: in forums I'm always logged out unless I need to do something, then I log in, do it and log out again.

    By the way, I can vote now, so I think it was indeed a "Curious George" user group limitation.

  5. My favorites were the X53a5 and Algol2.

    After a lot of testings in the game (with FAR), I finally chose my vote must be for...

    SlyReaper's Algol2. It had way more delta-V after achieving orbit.

    If I could multivote, I would choose both of them though. It was a tough decision.

    However, I've just realized while writing this that I can NOT vote. Maybe I can't vote because I have a low post number? Any help here, Sirine?

    EDIT: I can vote now, I think the problem was I had less than 3 posts. Problem solved.

  6. Hi all, this is my first post on the forums but I've been lurking them since October.

    I present you: ZRC Zirsdaedge


    Mods needed: FAR, KerbPaint. It works on vanilla KSP too (only if you tweak the control surfaces: cannards for pitch, wings for roll and pitch, the others for yaw)

    Maximum mass: 18.94 t

    Maximum vacuum delta-V: 4308 m/s

    Number of parts: 66

    In the album it's shown how I manage to SSTO it and land on Minmus without refueling. Had to cheat 50m/s worth of fuel for the return trip, though. I landed it on KSC (totally intented. Yep):

    Javascript is disabled. View full album

    Craft File: http://www.filedropper.com/zrczirsdaedge-sirinesstochallenge


    Stage: Shutdowns LV-N. Used so it's easy to liftoff at MET 0:00 - Just press space and shift and you're good to go.

    Abort: Shutdowns all the engines, fires the decoupler and deploys the chute.

    1: Toggles the LV-N

    2: Toggles the dual RAPIERs

    3: Switches the RAPIERs to oxidizer-mode and back. Toggles air intakes too

    6: Toggles the Inline Clamp-o-Tron. It's easy to dock with it if you use Dock mode and Smooth (?) mode (toggle Smooth mode with CAPS lock)

    7: Toggles the solar panels

    8: Toggles the ladder

    10: Logs in all science

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