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Everything posted by Hammersamatom

  1. Also, is there a plan for what to do with Mysterio? Is the orbit gonna change, plans for moons, etc?
  2. Change the deformity to what you want (The deformity is how high the highest point will be, in meters) VertexHeightMap { map = Astro'sPlanets/Kosarn/PluginData/Kosarn_height.png offset = 0 deformity = 4.0 scaleDeformityByRadius = false order = 20 enabled = true } VertexSimplexHeight { seed = 98374 deformity = 50.0 octaves = 8.0 persistence = 0.5 frequency = 4.0 enabled = true order = 59 } The lighting is because of how the normal map is formatted, once you change the deformity to your liking, hold down Alt-E-P and enter the name of the planet in the top bar. Type its resolution in the bottom, click export and look through the Kopernicus folder for your new textures.
  3. I'll take a look at Kosarn. Seen it happen before. --UPDATE!-- I fixed Kosarn! The deformity is also really high for a celestial body it's size, downscale it a bit to remove the spiky terrain. [Remove the } before the science data in the config!]
  4. No problem, I'll work on getting a couple more and work through some configs.
  5. Here are the textures I have exported so far: Textures
  6. I could definitely do Space Engine textures, I tend to spend most of my free time exploring the random universe anyway. Do you prefer that I upload them to dropbox or GDrive? What resolution do you want on the Space Engine textures? What type of planets would you prefer me to export (Terra, Desert, Ice World)? As for how much I know regarding Kopernicus, I can help with basic (not so advanced and easy) PQS mods, workable orbits, humorous science, etc, etc.
  7. I would like to volunteer to help, if I may. Email: hammersamatom@yahoo.com
  8. (Probably considered a necro bump. Apologies.) Amarius, I downloaded Interstellar and managed to change a few things that you may find beneficial, still working on getting the comet to load though. I'll stop babbling, if you want any of the configs, I'll upload them to GDrive later. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bxd4h42aMkbffnh5WVJYcVVPdEpYM2ItclB6ckdvdGNIdTFtRDVuNFJPZk9CSFduYlBVWjg&usp=sharing
  9. Mau, those are temporary, Amarius copied the Duna config to get the base for the planet down.
  10. Ah! Good to see you started the thread for this, now we don't need to clutter the Kopernicus thread. I assume we'll get a dev build within the next few months?
  11. Hello, I just wanted to know if any others were having the same problem as I am now. When I try to use a height map generated by SE, the terrain is odd, as in spikes everywhere and impossible to land on. Also, thank you Kragrathea for creating this amazing mod.
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