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Everything posted by DavidHunter

  1. Press B when in the map view during flight or in the tracking station in order to display the magnetic fields of the body the map is focused on. N.B. the belts are always on - they're just not always displayed. The B key toggles the display.
  2. Just launched a dozen identical probes to Duna and Eve. I understand Kerbalism is responsible for parts malfunctioning. Well, anyway, one of my landers made it all the way to Eve and then the fairing protecting the command probe and all antennas (which was meant to be jettisoned 1km above ground during landing) was jettisoned when in orbit (as a result of a malfunction in the PF brought on by Kerbalism). Long story short, I should've invested more instead of going with the crappy quality fairings (and control wheels, and everything else that failed during the interplanetary trek). Anyway, could you please create a button that lets the user switch the quality on ALL parts in a craft when in the VAB? Instead of having to click each and every part... Better yet, a system that lets the user decide which quality is the default for specific parts, e.g. it'd be nice if I could set payload fairings to always be of the higher quality, even in other designs... Just an idea. Thanks in advance.
  3. Ahhhh yep, that'd be the cause. Thanks a heap! Side note: isn't it annoying how KSP isn't supported by Nvidia's live-streaming to Facebook feature?
  4. Hello, I recently bought a new laptop and have installed KSP on it. But I can't open the debug menu... Running Win10 64-bit, KSP v1.2.2. I was previously running KSP on a Mac so I'm not sure if I've got the right hotkey or not, and I can't find the modifier key settings in the game settings either..? Can someone confirm that I should be using Alt+F12 on Windows to bring up the debug menu? If that's correct, any ideas why I might not be able to do so on my machine? I have removed all mods earlier for testing and still wasn't able to bring up the debug menu, so I won't bother listing the mods I've actually got installed at the moment (let me know if needed and I will...). Thanks in advance.
  5. Ahhh ok, thanks for explaining and glad it was a deliberate issue and not something that you'll need to fix. And it certainly makes sense. I don't want my SpaceX Interplanetary Transport Spaceship (with 100 Kerbals) to only have support for four Kerbals...
  6. Howdy. I've been using Kerbalism for a while now (about a month or two) under KSP v1.2.2 on Windows (64-bit). I've had capsules working fine and have had Kerbals on-orbit for a few months (in-game time) without issues with life support requirements. In the last week, for some reason, the CO2 scrubbers don't seem to be working. I've currently got a craft based on the stock three-person Mk 2 Command Pod, and even though the scrubber is turned on (both in-flight and in the VAB), the Kerbalism read-outs in the lower-right corner in the VAB show inadequate scrubbing, and after a few days on-orbit, CO2 levels increase and the Kerbals all die. For the first time, I used the CO2 air filter part last night, but a) that didn't help at all, and b) if that part was intended for scrubbing CO2, why was I able to have Kerbals stay on-orbit for months up until a week ago? An interesting side-note is that my pre-existing space station is perfectly fine - there are no issues with the scrubbers at all. I just can't launch anything new... Any suggestions on what might be the cause/fix for this please? Thanks. UPDATE: I just right-clicked on the pod in the VAB, clicked on Configure, and switched the scrubber to something else, and then back to scrubber again, and now the indicator in the lower-right corner of the VAB screen is showing 'Good' for scrubbing CO2. About to do a test-flight but presumably it's now working. Seems like a glitch?
  7. Speaking of space weather, @ShotgunNinja, I do space weather forecasting for a living - if you want advice on how it all works let me know. There are a few things that could be added in to Kerbalism if you wanted to get more complex.
  8. And much better now. Thanks a heap. PS Great mod.
  9. Noob question, but when I fly out to sea to rescue an EVA'd Kerbal on a GAP contract, when I reach within physics range, the Kerbal starts sinking so I can never fulfill the contract. What do? Thanks. EDIT: forgot to mention, I have Kerbalism installed, so once the Kerbal reaches around 300m deep, the pressure is too great and the Kerbal dies. I presume that's a Kerbalism thing and not stock behaviour... I haven't played stock KSP in years...
  10. My first ever crewed Duna landing. Was doing a powered landing with MJ set to surface velocity minus. Overcooked the landing and started going up, which caused MJ to steer sideways (while the engine was still running for a split second). Landed a big orange fuel tank, a mainsail, and a cupola on its side. Thankfully, I planned for this inevitability, and actually put landing legs on it sideways in case it happened (my earlier probe landing crashed due to landing on a hilly site). I was able to launch back into orbit by lowering the landing legs that were close to the engine (leaving the legs near the cupola extended, thereby pointing the rocket just above the horizon). #wining Then I realised that I forgot to do the surface science experiments.
  11. Ok thanks. KSPI is up-to-date already, but SCANSat is awaiting an update in the next few days; hopefully that'll fix it. Out of interest - so I can try and figure this out for myself in future - what exactly did you see that was an error? The only thing I could find matching [KSP Interstellar] was the following, which doesn't look erroneous at all...: Thanks again for your help.
  12. I just came here to request that you increased the resources for EVA Kerbals being rescued. Glad to see you've literally just made that fix. Well done and thanks!
  13. Hello, I have about a hundred mods installed. Running 64-bit KSP 1.2.2 on Windows 10. output_log.txt here. KSC-AVC mod list: I'm having several issues and I'm wondering if they're all caused by the same underlying problem, as the issues haven't been mentioned in the individual mod's forum pages... @Blizzy's Toolbar appears everywhere except for in-flight. Mod buttons sometimes disappear from the stock right-hand-side toolbar, only to re-appear after quitting and restarting KSP. Sometimes when loading a vessel onto the launch pad, the throttle is not controllable. Staging, etc. all remains responsive, so it's not a lack-of-connection issue (I've got Remote Tech installed). Just the throttle. (and yes, I'm using liquid fuelled rockets, not SRBs. ) Sometimes I load the game and all my contracts have been reset. (Thankfully, I have the SAVE mod installed that backs up .SFS files, but it's still frustrating, given that it takes about ten minutes to load KSP in the first place...). Very rarely, when in-flight and in the map screen, there is considerable lag, for no apparent reason. Restarting KSP fixes the issue. Some of the contract pack mods I have (like Giving Aircraft a Purpose) haven't been updated for KSP 1.2.2, so I presume that's the cause of issue 4. However, all other mods are up-to-date and explicitly support KSP 1.2.2. Is there a quick way of identifying from the logs which mods are having problems? That way I can try to isolate the problem further before harassing individual mod authors. Thanks in advance.
  14. Yep; I'm yet to be able to launch anything with any of the launch towers in this pack... EDIT: my derp. The strongback/launch towers are from a different mod, this one - not from the Launchers Pack mod. Looks like that's no longer being worked on, though; the last comment was from September...
  15. Wow. That thing was close enough to the ground for them to touch it if they put their hands out the window.
  16. Hello, I'm running KSP v1.1.3 and ...no idea what version of CC or the contract pack. But I just thought I'd run this by you to see if you'd heard of the issue, and whether or not it has already been fixed in more recent versions. (I'm currently stuck in v1.1.3 until all my mods update; I don't expect a fix for the outdated versions I'm running) Anyway, I had a contract to establish a comms network around Moho. I accepted the contract ages ago. I just loaded my space station (in Kerbin orbit), and randomly, I got a notification saying that I had met the requirements of the Moho network contract, and I had been paid the $1.8m to do the contract... without having a single thing in orbit around Moho. I've had this same issue with other celestial bodies too over the last few months. Has this issue been encountered and fixed already? Or do I need to send you some logs? (my player.log file is 1.2GB in size... how should I go about down-sampling that log file?) Update: my ridiculously-large log file is here. Thanks
  17. That could be cool. Would allow for building standardised launch vehicles with known payload capacity to orbit, for instance. (I know this can be done with sub-assemblies in the VAB, but it's not really user-friendly) It'd be good if this could be compatible with FMRS as well.
  18. I'm still running KSP v1.1.3 and use the Aerodynamic Docking Port all the time on my Dragon V2 spacecraft. I've never had issues with them locking. You might need to provide error logs.
  19. Well spotted. I saw that mod ages ago; didn't think I had installed it, but apparently I did! Ok, I'll give that SpaceDock version a try tomorrow. I was going off the GitHub version earlier. Thanks, Allista. Update: tested the SpaceDock version and all is working fine now. Thanks again!
  20. Hello. I just installed TCA v3.2.3 (as I am still running KSP v1.1.3) and can't seem to get it to work. The Y keyboard key doesn't toggle anything when in-flight, the TCA button doesn't appear in Blizzy's Toolbar (nor is it in the list of buttons that I could add to the Toolbar), and it doesn't appear in the stock toolbar either. Instead, I get a new icon in the stock toolbar that I've never noticed before, which does nothing when pressed. I have highlighted this button with a red arrow in this screenshot. It looks like (backwards R) M2. Interestingly, I note the TCA parts are displayed in the Tech Tree within the R&D screen. Do you have any suggestions on how to get this to run? I believe I have installed it correctly: the folder "ThrottleControlledAvionics" is within \GameData\; I also have ModuleManager v2.6.25 installed. While I'm here, I may as well ask... I was impressed with the landing autopilot demonstrated in the OP videos. I would like something that is as precise as TCA is when going from orbit to landed on a planet with an atmosphere (e.g. I'd like to do a precise landing near KSC from orbit). MechJeb isn't capable of landing within a few hundred kilometres of where I want to be... 1. I note your video shows the deorbit burn bringing the periapsis down to below 0. However, with Deadly Re-entry installed, if the periapsis is brought below roughly 30km, then the entry speed is too high and you overheat and blow up. How does TCA handle Deadly Re-entry when landing? 2. Is TCA's landing autopilot able to handle Ferram Aerospace Research (FAR)? Or does this only work on stock aerodynamics and stock heating? Thanks! :-)
  21. Ever since I mentioned it, the error hasn't happened. *facepalm* Feel free to assume this issue has resolved itself, unless I bring it up in future...
  22. Has anyone got this working with macOS Sierra yet? I can't seem to get it to start... ..I'd love to send screenshots of the errors I'm getting, but I can't figure out how to attach something... the "Insert other media" button down the bottom doesn't seem to work. :/ I'm using the current (Sierra-compatible) version of the Matlab runtime thingy as the one listed in the OP doesn't support Sierra. TIA
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