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Everything posted by DavidHunter

  1. There any trick to getting it to work? Whenever I turn on autopilot, it suddenly and sharply turns the plane a little, and then lets it tilt back to prograde, and then turns sharply again, then back, repeating every half a second. Doing so then causes the plane to stall. (I am running FAR... does that have specific requirements?)
  2. Hi folks, I know nothing of programming, otherwise I'd write the mod myself... but is it possible to change the background music, e.g. to either a) specific tracks per scene, or randomly-selected tracks from a folder of MP3 files? I'm thinking of a mod that lets you specify what tracks to play from either a folder within the /GameData folder (e.g. the user copy-pasta's their MP3s into the mod directory) or possibly from an iTunes library (although I understand that'll be a lot harder). I'm just thinkin', it'd be good to have, say, 39 by Queen playing when you turn on the Alcubierre Drive from KSP Interstellar. TIA.
  3. No, you don't. Just press the escape key in-flight to get to the pause menu. Then press settings, then change the volumes from there.
  4. Hi there, great mod, have used it for a while. Just updated to 0.25 and downloaded this mod including the 0.25-specific DLL. Unfortunately, when I go to make more than one action group, when I click on the Current Action Group button, the window doesn't appear so I can't create more than one action. Running 0.25 on Mac OS X (32-bit version of KSP). Making any changes to the action groups (e.g. click the normal KSP Action Groups button, or clicking on any buttons in the AGE UI) doesn't trigger anything to be written to the player.log file, so I won't bother posting it... let me know if you specifically need it... Any suggestions please? TIA. EDIT: this is when in the VAB. Haven't tried it elsewhere yet. EDIT 2: my first rocket blew up on the launch pad (too heavy), so I reverted to the VAB to attach some launch supports, and then tested AGE again and all seems to be working fine now. Dunno what that was all about but will advise if the issue re-occurs...
  5. Impressive mod! Suggestion: can you ask MechJeb to integrate a button into their Smart ASS to point the vehicle in the direction needed for landing at the target site?
  6. Thanks, stupid_chris, for making the last four or so versions of KSP enjoyable with your parachutes. I am sad to see they will not be making an appearance in future versions.
  7. It already has that ability. You can send a mission to collect the data on EVA from the part, put the report in a return capsule and recover it for max sciences.
  8. Ahoy-hoy, Just installed this mod and am having problems. I am running KSP v0.24.2 on Mac OS X. Player.log here. Specifically, when I enter the VAB, the toolbar doesn't load, and the stock parts bar to the left of the screen is blank. Furthermore, I am able to click the mouse once, but after that, any mouse-clicks do nothing (e.g. I can right-mouse-click and rotate the view, but after that, nothing works). I believe I may have identified the issue: The log shows missing directory, which (as you can see from my folder structure to the bottom of the screenshot) those folders don't exist. Any thoughts please? TIA, Dave EDIT: Nevermind me. I'm just an egit. I installed it wrong. <facepalm>
  9. That's what I was doing already, and yes, ATM was on aggressive mode. The point I'm trying to make is that it is impossible to build a space station with every experiment aboard once you add in all the required support parts (RCS, docking ports, segment computer cores, power, etc etc) because you run up against the memory limit.
  10. To pre-empt the mods: "Please read and follow the instructions in this sticky thread and update your post with the required format and information."
  11. Le sigh. Oh well. Thanks anyway. So how am I meant to build this space station and actually use it?
  12. Procedural Parts' tiny SRBs with high-thrust are 'da ....'.
  13. Sepratrons need to be angled so their exhaust isn't pointing toward your inner core engines. Other tip for when you get to building bigger rockets with massive boosters: use launch escape systems mounted onto the side of the boosters instead of sepratrons. Something like this: Like Wanderfound said: By the way... note that launch escape tower in the dead centre? That's pointed retrograde because the inner core gets me into a stable orbit, but I need to de-orbit that section, and by the time it's in orbit, it has no fuel left of its own. So that lets me de-orbit that section (parachutes also tied in on the same stage so it's all recovered and refunded using the DebRefund mod).
  14. Turn off RCS and try again. But yeah, also do what NathanKell said in future.
  15. Hi there, Installed Station Science on my Mac OS X install last week. Enjoyed the mod, then started building a super-size space station (one with literally _every_ experiment, and all required support parts) so I could take it to Minmus (conveniently, I had contracts to do most of the sciences there). Docked the very last part (engines) when in Kerbin orbit, and then hit the memory limit. Dang. Anyway, so then I switched over to Linux (64-bit) as per NathanKell's suggestion. I downloaded the latest KSP from the website, installed it, then copied my old Saves folder and mod folders into the relevant directories. Fired up KSP, and it hangs while loading a Station Science model. (i.e. during the very first KSP loading screen during which it loads the various mods) As I detailed over here, there seems to be an issue and Linux KSP isn't writing to the player.log file. That said, KSP is writing to the KSP.log file, and from that I note the following errors during KSP loading, at the end of my log: Are you aware of what might be the cause? Thanking you in advance for your help, Dave Addendum: downloaded Station Science from OP link again and installed fresh copy (rather than using the copy I had on my Mac to begin with). Still no joy. Worth trying, though.
  16. Thanks for that advice. Ended up just copy-pasting. I've got several TB of spare space, what's 500mb of mods?
  17. Uhh, unfortunately I've hit a snag on the Linux idea. Specifically, during the first loading screen (when KSP loads all the mods), it just hangs when loading a part from a mod, i.e. StationScience/Parts/StnSciZoo/model So I deleted that mod and retried... which is a pain 'cause the space station I mentioned in OP wouldn't exist if not for that mod. -.- Anyway, the reason I'm not posting this in the Station Science mod forum is because the issue happened again even after removing that mod, except this time, KSP hangs on a Squad part: Squad/Spaces/mk1PodCockpit/model Then I removed all mods (keeping only the NASAMission and Squad folders in \GameData\ ) and it loads fine. Things get even more curious when I go to the player.log - it has only two lines total: PlayerPrefs - Creating folder: /home/david/.config/unity3d/SQUAD PlayerPrefs - Creating folder: /home/david/.config/unity3d/SQUAD/KSPLauncher That's it. That's the entire log. ...that's after about two minutes of Active Texture Reduction doing its thing, and the mod update checker doing its thing, and all sorts of other stuff going on... ...seems like the Linux 64-bit version isn't writing to the player.log file?? :S That said, the ksp.log file is being written to just fine, and I see there is an error with Station Science, and will contact the dev thereof. But that doesn't explain why the Squad mk1PodCockpit model caused a hang despite Station Science being uninstalled. EDIT: in case anyone finds this post in the future through a search and wonders how I get on with the dev(s) at Station Science, I have posted here.
  18. By the way, simply copy-pasta'ing (or sym-linking) my mod data should work fine under Linux, right? Mod files are identical regardless of OS, yeah? Or should I go and look at all those mod forum posts again and check?
  19. Thanks guys. I found it, and I can zip it up in one file as you'd hope. Good to know. Ta. You guys obviously know your stuff! Thanks again for teaching me. All interesting. I suspect you'll find it's 2.96GB. That's what Activity Monitor says KSP gets to just before I get out of memory errors. I've been tracking that for a few weeks actually... I'll give the Linux option a go. Cheers! Well, 2.96GB is pretty close to 3GB. Thanks again to you both. I'll test it out on Linux and will report back if I have further issues. Ta.
  20. Ok, thanks for those tips. Hopefully I'll be able to figure out what mod is causing what error soon and I won't have to bug you in the general support area. D'oh! I looked everywhere for that error but missed it. -.- I was of the understanding KSP for OS X was 64-bit? Obviously I wrong... :/ How stable is 64-bit KSP under Linux? (I have heard the Winblows 64-bit version is unstable so probably won't try that...) It's interesting that the craft was fine and there was NO lag whatsoever before I started the experiments. Is that what could have tipped it over the 3.3gb max? All this time I thought I was using the aggressive mode. Seems I wasn't. Facepalm. Retried with all scale = parameters changed to 2. Still crashed, same symptoms, although this time it seems to have gotten further (note in this screenshot the readings in MechJeb aren't zero or N/A, although the readings are all wrong, e.g. look at the altitude. ) Can I change the scale parameters to a higher number for MOAR memory savings? Or is it just the 1 or 2 option? Bit frustrating, but I understand there's little that can be done. She had just reached maturation. Was going to add on some nuclear engines onto those radial trusses and take her for a spin 'round the cosmos. (I'm wondering if I can just copy-pasta the save and GameData folders into a 64-bit Linux install...) The only way to save it is t open Console, find the log and go File > Save As, right? Or is the log itself hidden in a folder somewhere that I can get to via Finder? By the way, what on Earth is a null exception? I see them constantly in the logs... I'm also getting "malloc" errors, which I assume are memory allocation errors... here's the tail end of the latest log: Does that mean anything in particular? I note Activity Monitor shows KSP is only using 2.96GB of memory...
  21. (Sadly I have no idea how to make sense of the logs; just out of interest, is there some webpage I can read to learn about them?)
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