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Everything posted by Kryxal

  1. Real life, you're aiming for a 3 degree descent path, you impacted at about 10 degrees. Your controls seem too abrupt for the purpose, try using more trim and less direct inputs for pitch. Also, though I don't think it's really related, the wheel base looks pretty ridiculous. The mains should be just a bit aft of the CoM, which we did not see there.
  2. Copy over, from both the craft and the contract, the following: Apoapsis, Periapsis, Inclination, Longitude of the Ascending Node. Those define the orbit, and should make it immediately apparent what the problem is.
  3. First thing to ask is, do you want lift generated by fixed or moving (relative to CoM) surfaces. That is, plane or helicopter?
  4. 1:30, the throttle is non-zero, the delta-v numbers are changing. Use X to cut throttle.
  5. If you want to work with a lower TWR and higher delta-v, that's fine. Fuel is cheap, boosters are cheap, decouplers are somewhat expensive, engines are expensive. I routinely launch below 1.3 TWR, aiming to hit 4-5 degrees by maybe 100 m/s. Not the fastest launch, not the smallest launch for the payload, but it works. If the first stage is boosters, I tend to use a higher TWR to start but not for long.
  6. If you're not going to be deep in a fairly substantial gravity well, the recharge time shouldn't be much of a concern. It might be worth having some light solar panels for the initial boost phase, or even use a different propellant in another stage.
  7. I suppose, if you want them gone permanently, there's an easy fix: either SPLAT or SPLASH! Build a rocket with no chutes and fire them off! I tend to run a lot of rescue missions, so I'm sort of overflowing on all types right now...
  8. In real life, your CFI would be telling you "More right rudder!" this very instant...
  9. Also, 090 is the heading, this isn't the same pointing up, you're going to be pointing fairly close to the horizon. So long as you're not in danger of hitting terrain, it's all good.
  10. One thing that people haven't mentioned yet it, it's good to have a cheap direct antenna if you have a retractable relay antenna, for launch purposes.
  11. I tend to take two of the mystery goo, mostly for symmetry. I also tend to put them inside a parts bay that's part of the returning craft for now, this will probably change later on.
  12. Not sure you have enough delta-v to fix this, perhaps a gravity assist off the Mun would get close to reversing the orbit. Next time, launch west and keep burning till apoapsis is well out there.
  13. For the seperatron, I tend to mount them aligned to point up and in, so you get both down force and rotation away. That, or use the spaced decoupler.
  14. My solution was to use a mothership in a puller configuration. Docking ports are going to handle stresses trying to pull them apart better than lateral. They could probably handle compression better but for one thing - off-center forces will push the docked ship MORE off-center, while a puller tends towards centered.
  15. Also, once you get the thrust in the right direction, you might still find yourself turning to the left. The answer is, and always will be, "More right rudder!"
  16. My usual method is to match inclinations, change to an orbit that will intersect the other orbit at a near tangent, then fine-tune from there. When I go from trailing to leading on the next orbit (or vice versa), that's the time to adjust this orbit to get an intercept. This can generally be done with just prograde or retrograde inputs near the intercept point, and maybe an extra, null maneuver node to make sure the next displayed intercept is the following orbit.
  17. Looks simple enough, make a rocket with a heat shield on the capsule, capable of reaching orbit and returning. Maybe a 75km circular orbit, then reduce periapsis to 25 km and detach the rest of the rocket. Set up test conditions. If that's not sufficient (and it really should be), adjust your burn to be more radial-in so as to increase apoapsis while you decrease periapsis.
  18. I doubt the extra fuel tanks are even needed, just refill the current ones. No need to worry about placement of new parts and center of gravity that way.
  19. Make an asteroid miner with lots of fuel, grab an asteroid as extra fuel, and away you go! I completed a contract to take a class E asteroid to Moho once like this. I used multiple NERVs, and adjusted thrust output to correct torque.
  20. If you just barely escape Kerbin's SoI (which means it's going to take a while) you can easily return to the SoI with a small burn, pretty much directly at Kerbin. To reduce your periapsis, aim a bit more retrograde relative to your velocity vector from Kerbin.
  21. Do note that L1, L2 and L3 are unstable. Only L4 and L5 are stable.
  22. A bit late, but the best Moho transfer from Kerbin's going to be at node intersection, aiming for Moho PE. Just meet the orbit, don't worry about meeting the planet first time around. You'll be able to fix your inclination cheaper, further out, and combine it with the ejection burn. Once you're at your PE, bring your AP down so the next orbit is a rendezvous, you'll then need less delta-v on the capture burn.
  23. For that matter, if you flip, just start using body lift to add extra drag. If you're going to be on the low side, pitch up, and if you're high, pitch down.
  24. Starting from an orbit with a period of 30 minutes or so, a "kick" of about 430 m/s will result in an orbit of about 90 minutes. Plan that "kick" 3 orbits before your target departure time. Similar methods can be used so long as you're short of the Mun's orbit, so under about 800 m/s in any combination, past that planning gets more complicated.
  25. I would have suggested using Jool instead of Eve, I accidentally ended up Kerbol-retrograde once due to a Laythe flyby by a probe!
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