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Everything posted by StarDrive85

  1. can you or someone explain what this changes? (short version)
  2. Remember this is just a idea/request for a mod, as for what you would do with a blob of goo, you could just move it around as you stated (witch is what i was thinking when i made this post), but as you can see some people have already posted ideas and there not to bad, take Porkjet's idea for example, you right click and get the options to turn the goo in to parts N stuff, as well as there are other ideas people posted... so yeah As for how it would replicate, maybe it would just grow overtime?.
  3. I have no idea whats inside those canisters , but i was thinking of the mod being made so you have to send like a sphere/box to a planet and then open it, that would realise the goo that could then expand
  4. why no new updates? and why the silence... the silence is growing
  5. i was thinking of it just being 1 entity as well that would just look like a blob, but would move and behave as if it was made of billions of nanites.
  6. This is just a request for a mod that i think would be fun to have in KSP as well as this being my first EVER thread iv made on KSP, i took interest in this when i saw the lore for the Goo of the game Grey Goo (hear --> ),so the goo was sent in to space to explore, who thinks it would be interesting to have a blob of billions of nanobots? witch you could then leave on a planet E.G EVE, and control it like a rover. this is just a idea/request .
  7. This is a stupid question. but how far are you along with the next update?
  8. Why don't you ask RoverDude to plan this for a future update
  9. I never said you should try to code it now.
  10. What about coding it. and making it a separate download? for those who just want a more cool looking bubble?. like a download with a changed config or something. - - - Updated - - - No your ship will explode. you can use 2 rings with the KSPI mod though.
  11. All i ask is 1 day you will be able to do it.
  12. Maybe write it down on the future to-do list?
  13. Hay RoverDude i just had a interesting idea. why not change the warp bubble shape to be more oval like then a complete sphere?
  14. In Real Life nothing can physicaly orbit a black hole. so how will planets orbit the BH in KSP?. also will there be no day time on the planets?. since there is no sun
  15. sweet. also i was sires about IRL black holes are gods cameras .
  16. When this is finished. will the BH have the gravity to suck you in?. also what will happen if you fall in to that thing. (IRL black holes are gods cameras. Its true!)
  17. PLZ PLZ PLZ! i really want to see that!. my ksp cant run on my computer with this mod. and ATM keeps crashing it
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