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Everything posted by undercoveryankee

  1. MM tries to run only the most recent version, but there were some pretty widespread versions where that feature is broken and they'll run even if a newer version is also present. The conventional wisdom is that removing extra ModuleManagers can never hurt. It doesn't always help, either, but anecdotally it makes a difference more often than it ought to.
  2. I expect that karbonite and the four MKS resources will continue to be on every planet and moon with a landable surface, with similar variations in extraction speed to what you find with the current ORSX implementations of those resources. You'll be able to configure resources that are available only on certain bodies or in very few places on a body's surface if that's your cup of tea. AMT will demonstrate some of the possibilities; more possibilities will be there for other mods with different needs.
  3. Jump beacons are by a different author: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/91582-24-2-ESLD-Jump-Beacons-Dev-0-3b-2014-09-21. Trivia: the JumpBeacons author, TMarkos, actually coined the name Karborundum. The early betas of what became K+ were calling it Karbonium, and it ended up being easier to unify on a name from this side. Some of the advanced parts in things like Interstellar are crazy expensive. By the time you're mining on Eve and Eeloo, you might want to be able to build more than one 80-million-credit ship.
  4. Just "view source" in your browser or open the HTML file in your favorite text editor. All of the JavaScript code is right there.
  5. The list of known mods that depend on KAE is at http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81496-0-25-KSPAPIExtensions-V1-7-1-Utilities-for-shared-mod-use?p=1184459&viewfull=1#post1184459 . You may have a dll left over from a partial uninstall of another of those. Also, find a way to post your full output_log.txt. The text log includes additional stack trace data on those exceptions that might point to a culprit.
  6. If you look at the cost that an empty EPL tank adds to your rocket in the VAB and compare it to the cost in the same part's config file, I think you'll see that the cost in the config is indeed the cost of a full tank.
  7. I see something that could be useful. In the second screenshot, the lines between "COM Rescue" and Kerbin disappeared when you switched to the dead satellite. That suggests that upstream of "COM rescue" is a dish targeted to "active vessel" that's breaking the link when you switch away. Couple of questions about your pictures: In the second picture, where it looks like you're focused on the dead satellite, it looks like you have a couple of the orange lines indicating dish connections connected to the dead satellite. Where is the dead satellite's dish targeted, and what's at the other end of those lines? In the fourth picture, showing Kerbin, it looks like you're focused on the rescue ship (same MET on the clock). Am I correct that the dead satellite is on basically the same orbit, close enough that the icons overlap?
  8. For a long-term mining and manufacturing base, time is cheap because you can easily make as much as you need before the next transfer window to ship it out. So the system should be balanced around setting these up on the long-term stable concentration and not hopping from hot spot to hot spot. But it's also cool to have a rover that finds a hotspot 20 or so meters across, slurps up a tank or two of material, then looks a few hundred meters away for the next patch of material that its lightweight extractor can reach. It makes sense for those small-scale patches of naturally exposed material to deplete so that an expedition that's relying on them has to keep moving, and if you want to settle down you'll need to bring in the hardware to drill down to the main deposit. I seem to recall Rover saying that depletion on that scale would be implemented.
  9. MM doesn't know that the thing you want to delete is a node unless you use the curly braces. The example in post #2 is inconsistent with the text "!NODE[foo] {} deletes node foo completely." farther down the same post. Looks like the example needs to be revised when someone gets a chance.
  10. Here's a little bit of a Hail Mary question: What types of probe cores do the two ships have? I've never bothered to ask whether a manned ship with an antenna but no probe core can relay, or if a ModuleSPU is required. If your rescue ship is manned and that's a requirement, that might do it.
  11. The methane engine that we have is meant as a Kerbin first-stage engine like the SpaceX Raptor it's based on, so the methane tanks we have are based on the LFO tanks you would most likely find in a first stage. In that application, it shouldn't require any different construction techniques than similarly sized stock engines and tanks. If you didn't realize that the methane engine performs somewhere between a Mainsail and a KR-1x2 LFB, you might have put it on a rocket that would be better off with a smaller engine. To give any more specific advice, I'd need to know about what aero system you're in, what your ascent profile looks like, and what the rockets you've tried have looked like.
  12. I see the plasma thruster in quantum vacuum mode, so you're not out of reaction mass. ThermalPower is full, so the reactor successfully ran at least briefly. Can you show the reactor control window, the resources panel, and the right-click menus on the plasma thruster and the generator?
  13. A ModuleManager config can replace the Kethane extraction and conversion modules with those of another resource system. RabidNinjaWombat's config pack for Karbonite includes configurations for this pack's augers.
  14. The "cost" set in the config file is the cost of the part and a full load of resources. If the configured cost is less than the value of a full load of resources, then the empty cost of the part goes negative. This has affected quite a few mods that have parts that start empty.
  15. Even if you have an inner omni ring, you still need basically the same amount of hardware to cover the moons. So the inner ring is only a cost savings if you can save money by flying unmanned in LKO with omni antennas. If you're in the situation this network was designed for, needing to ultimately cover everything but without a lot of funds to spare, then it's likely cheaper to go straight to the moon relays.
  16. Like the stock game, RealChute assumes no wind. In smooth air, a large object under a well-designed chute appears to move pretty smoothly. Kerbal Weather Systems exercises FAR's wind-simulation features, but it's a pain in the neck to access that wind system without a hard dependency on FAR. Since RealChute uses the same physics-based drag model whether FAR is present or not, using it with KWS would create the goofy situation where the rest of the ship was feeling wind that the parachute wasn't. If you want a rectangular or Rogallo-wing chute with steerable glide behavior, that would be a separate mod.
  17. And keep an eye on RoverDude's Regolith project. For ISRU based on real chemistry, you might find yourself preferring one approach or the other.
  18. If you enable more than one tree config at a time, TechManager will allow you to switch between enabled trees at the R&D screen. This is useful if you have parts installed that depend on different trees, or if someone creates a tree that's designed to be used temporarily alongside another. If all of your parts are in stock or CTT nodes, then the simplest experience will be to not enable any other trees.
  19. ISRU stands for In Situ Resource Utilization. That section of the FinePrint config controls contracts that depend on resource mods like Karbonite or Kethane. Those contracts are disabled by default because you will likely need to adjust some of the parameters to suit your setup before you enable them.
  20. Any resources on a recycled ship are salvaged if you have storage for them. The resource produced by recycling structural mass is configurable, but defaults to Metal. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59545-0-25-Extraplanetary-Launchpads-v4-4-0?p=1553700&viewfull=1#post1553700 You'll need containers for whatever you have HullRecycleTarget set to.
  21. The top node at the open end mates with a hidden node in the top of the KW engines. I know that node decouples, but I've had the same problem with the inside bottom. Someone did a ModuleManager config, probably in this thread somewhere, to add the extra top node to the stock engines. That's how I've been using the interstages.
  22. I'm looking at the source code for VistaEngineController, and I don't see anything that could cause one engine to affect another. The first thing I would look at is power: are your reactors delivering the 2.5 GW power requirement per engine? A screenshot of the power management window while you're trying to fire the engines would help to rule that out.
  23. The Regolith converter module is going to become the standard generic converter across the entire USI ecosystem. Definitely at least add a check for EM as an output.
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