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Everything posted by undercoveryankee

  1. The issue is that the name of a value can be the same string as a node's type. A part's "module = Part" line differs from a MODULE node only by case, and it would be reckless for MM to depend on module types (e.g. PART, MODULE, RESOURCE) always being all capitals and value names always being mixed case. KSP would be happy to parse "MODULE = foo" if for whatever reason a file were written that way, distinguishing it from a MODULE node by the absence of curly braces. HotRockets and NEAR shipping configs with :FOR is probably correct. :FOR[MyMod] means "this patch is part of MyMod's distribution, so it needs to run in the right order between :BEFORE[MyMod] and :AFTER[MyMod]." If configs using :FOR are installed and the plugin isn't, that's most likely an error on the part of the person installing the mod, because the only place they should have gotten configs with :FOR is from the author of the mod.
  2. The six posts before yours are discussing this question. You should be able to get the information you need from them.
  3. Yes, I use it with 0.24. Just use an up-to-date Firespitter plugin instead of the one in the package.
  4. Per http://remotetechnologiesgroup.github.io/RemoteTech/guide/parts/ , the outer-planets dishes are too narrow to cover keostationary orbit from planets that the medium dishes would reach, so I wouldn't say they cover keostationary orbit from all planets. I'd also suggest editing the stock antennas' descriptions to include the same information.
  5. My understanding is that they all exist in the code, but they become visible if you assign a part to them.
  6. Because of the way Interstellar engines are able to switch propellant modes in flight, their available propellants aren't listed in the engines' configs. Look at Interstellar/EnginePropellants.cfg for how they're defined.
  7. RadiatorEmissiveGlowDisabled controls whether the plugin will try to animate radiators glowing if they get hot enough to glow. It's a graphical setting that shouldn't affect gameplay, but it's configurable in case you have a radiator where the result is unsightly or bugged. For ThermalMechanicsDisabled, I was able to find the code that reads the setting from the config file, but I couldn't find any heat-management code that looks at it. It looks like ThermalMechanicsDisabled is another for the list of unfinished or abandoned features that Fractal_UK left evidence of in the plugin.
  8. There's only one plugin, but you can remove the ModuleManager patches that add the intake-heating modules to the non-Interstellar parts. Interstellar/rapier.cfg handles all of the stock parts and can be removed in full. b9aero.cfg includes code to add radiators to cargo bay doors in addition to adding heating to the SABRE engines, so if you use B9 you may want to cut some of the file and keep the rest. That will take the intake-heating mechanic off your hands if you're using stock engines. The thermal turbojet has the precooler requirement hardcoded in the plugin, so you'll want to keep the precoolers around if you want thermal turbojets. The need for radiators to run reactors and generators is non-negotiable without a major refactor of the plugin, and since it's a major part of how the reactors are balanced, there's not likely to be much interest in removing it.
  9. You're correct that the precooler cools only intakes that are stack-attached to the precooler, and you'll run into heating if you have any other intakes open. Since 0.24, the stock part that Interstellar grabs for the precooler has had a built-in intake. Because the precooler module looks for a stack-attached intake, the built-in intake doesn't count as cooled. You will likely get better performance by closing it when you start to run into heating.
  10. Good to know. I'll keep that in mind if I ever test having an upgradeable part in the pack, and if I'm ever working on a plugin.
  11. KSP decides whether a part is allowed to be a root part based on its attachment settings. If the attachment settings qualify, there's no way to say "attaches all of these ways as long as it's not the root part." So disqualifying it as a root part would mean limiting other things that do work as well.
  12. The CRP definition of LqdMethane comes from Interstellar. Based on the capacities of methane tanks in Interstellar 0.11 being only slightly greater than the stock LFO tanks whose models they use, Fractal_UK may have been following the 4.5- or 5-liter-per-unit convention that Squad appears to have used for LFO.
  13. The warp graphic is shared with the stock KSPI warp drive. You might be able to improve it for all warp drives by replacing the textures in the Interstellar folder, but the plugin hardcodes the locations of the textures used and the shape of the cylinder they're displayed on.
  14. Duplicate buttons mean two copies of the module are being applied to the parts. Make sure you have only one copy of the plugin and only one copy of the ModuleManager config files.
  15. If this issue is affecting anyone else, I need to know the details of any changes I need to make for the next release. Do you mind sharing what version of TweakScale you have installed, what version of KSPI Lite you have installed, and a full list of the changes that worked for you? Edit: I lost track of who had reported which issue and responded thinking you were the one with the zooming-icons issue. I'd still like to hear about what configuration you were doing and what you had to do to get it to work, in case I decide to modify a part while leaving it upgradable in the future.
  16. Most of my small FAR stuff has come out with 3000 to 3200 m/s in the first stage. That occasionally makes orbit if I'm using kOS, but more often leaves the payload to circularize with its own engines. Big loads (maybe 25 tons payload and up) I tend to stage after 1500 to 2000.
  17. Anyone who's comfortable downloading the plugin source code and compiling a modified version is welcome to take a crack at changing it, but the required change is inside the plugin and not available by normal .cfg editing. I haven't gotten around to setting up a C# compiler, but I'll leave a hint here for any interested coders. The constant 6 is in a couple of places in ModuleSPU.cs.
  18. Already in RT2. Any part that has ModuleSPU with isRTCommandStation = true will act as a control origin if it's on a vessel with at least six kerbals. Look at RemoteTech_Squad_Probes.cfg to see how the settings are applied to the large stack probe core. The six-kerbal requirement is hardcoded in the current release, but will likely be made configurable in the future.
  19. I personally prefer to provide separate parts for the original and upgraded technologies. Keeping lower-tech hardware available in case it's cheaper or has some other desirable quirk seems more useful to me than being able to retrofit a reactor to a completely different design in flight. Not having used or tested the interaction between upgrades and TweakScale, I can't really say why it's acting up or how to get them to work together.
  20. The glitch happens when a part has three or more resources but no PartModules. ModuleFixer prevents it by adding a no-op module to any parts that don't have one. For KSPI parts that have modules defined in their .cfg files, you won't see the zooming-model glitch unless a module has failed to load. ModuleFixer's no-op module hides the visual glitch, but it doesn't give you the functionality of the code that didn't load, and that missing functionality will bite you sooner or later. Using ModuleFixer with Interstellar parts just makes the underlying problem harder to find when you run into the next symptom. Please don't.
  21. You know, I'm starting to be thankful that Squad hasn't fixed that bug. It's a quick and obvious way to see when a PartModule that's supposed to be loading isn't. It may be a few days before I get a chance to test with KSPI Lite 0.12.3. If you can give me a list of exactly which reactors glitch and any that don't, and a log so I can see what plugins are loading and what's failing, it'll save time troubleshooting.
  22. As promised, I've packaged up the first public release of my 0.11-alike balance conversion. Release thread at http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/93087-0-24-2-Classic-Pack-for-KSP-Interstellar-Lite .
  23. The available versions of KSP Interstellar right now present a tough choice for some people. Even after WaveFunctionP recompiled 0.11 to be compatible with KSP 0.24.2, 0.11 still has pre-0.24 part costs and an OpenResourceSystem version that doesn't coexist with the one that Karbonite requires. The KSPI Lite 0.12 series is the most actively maintained and up-to-date, but some fans have expressed a desire to combine the new ORS, Community Resource Pack integration, and TweakScale support with the performance numbers that they knew from 0.11. I've tried my hand at putting a coherent pack together. It combines ModuleManager patches to the reactors in KSPI Lite with some additional parts using unused models from 0.11. This release modifies reactors and radiators; I may adjust other parts of the pack in future releases based on fan feedback. Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4zq45gzn0bjqu2d/KSPIClassic-PRE20140906.zip?dl=0 Released under the KSP Interstellar license, included in the package or online at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/WaveFunctionP/KSPInterstellar/v0.12.2/GameData/Interstellar/License.txt Update: With the news that Fractal_UK is working on an update, his release will likely obsolete this pack. I will update if necessary to maintain compatibility with any future versions of KSPI Lite, and I'm still open to any suggestions for changes or additional configs that can be added to the pack while the next original KSPI is in development.
  24. OS X. If it was just a memory problem, you'd think that reverting to the same save and the same mods from the last time it worked would fix it. It doesn't make sense that once this glitch has been triggered, it survives everything short of a clean reinstall. At least now I have the steps that worked to fix it written down. I'll be back (probably on the Tarsier Space Tech thread) if I can find a simple test case.
  25. After I thought everything was working again, I got a Tarsier contract to photograph Kerbin with the space telescope and completed it. Tried switching back to a lander again and got missing terrain. I'm experimenting with some things to see if I can get it back without a full reinstall. Once it's fixed, I'll experiment with the Tarsier telescope in a separate game to try to reduce it to a test case.
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