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Everything posted by undercoveryankee

  1. Extended load distance is a feature of Romfarer's Lazor system.
  2. "QA and staging". So at least once they're in the stage of testing where they're putting the every-hour-or-two builds in experimentals, it's likely that they use scratchpad for the ones that make it as far as release candidate. Looks like we had a more promising build, then something went wrong again and we're back to frequent experimentals.
  3. Being able to launch a satellite once and then spend funds to tell a mod to "Launch five more of these" would make RemoteTech players very happy. The other likely use for being able to pay for a job you've already done once is refueling space stations. We've had the Davon Supply mod for a while, but it has a fairly large dedicated part and makes you deliver more fuel than you probably want to do in one launch to activate it. With funds being added, you can be balanced without the big dedicated part and with less up front work, just by saying an automated delivery will deliver the amounts that you delivered in one launch and cost what your launch cost.
  4. There's also one called Never Unload that expands the load distance without all of the other Lazor stuff.
  5. I'm pretty sure the TAC recyclers already do that. Edit: Oops, hit reply before I noticed that I wasn't actually on the most recent page.
  6. Science yield for each impact is half of the previous one (subject to any changes in the sensor grid). If you sum 1+1/2+1/4+…, the limit is 2, so max science is twice the yield of the first impact. Seven impacts should get you within 1% (1/128) of the limit. 13 will get you to 1/8192 of the limit, which is just short of the 99.99% you asked for. 14 impacts (1/16,384 left) is well within the 99.99%.
  7. I started in 0.23. So I missed most of the glory days, but someday I'll be able to show off my screenshots of rockets going banana-shaped with the old joints and nobody will believe we actually put up with that.
  8. Because of some gotchas with the way KSP handles unusual arrangements of attachment nodes, the dome-shaped refinery/miner has to have its side node toward the root part. Some people find that inconvenient enough that they prefer the 3.75 inline for mining. The small inline is, just as it looked to you, the obvious choice if you don't plan on mining.
  9. The small inline refinery is not able to mine resources. The 3.75m inline and the original dome-shaped part can. And of the two that can mine, the 3.75 inline is sometimes more convenient.
  10. The fixed phased-array transceiver should be in Specialized Electrics, and the larger folding one in Experimental Electrics. If they're not there, then there's something wrong with your installation.
  11. If you're using the stock tech tree or the Interstellar tree, some of the microwave parts are in Specialized Electrics, and some of them are in Experimental Electrics.
  12. As far as I can tell, TreeLoader always runs only after ModuleManager has completed all of its passes, including :FINAL, so there's no way for MM to override a TreeLoader tree. But if a part isn't listed in the TreeLoader config, it will go into the node that its part.cfg and ModuleManager put it in as long as that node exists. Best practice for tree authors would be to go into tree.cfg and remove any mention of parts that are in the same node listed in their own config files, so only the parts that TreeLoader is actually modifying are put beyond the reach of ModuleManager. Even if TreeLoader is overriding the node assignments, all of the other changes still work. I usually run the KSPI tree, and I still like to have this installed.
  13. You need at least one SCANsat module (Can be a MapTraq) on the active vessel. If you have that, you get the benefit of any active sensors on inactive vessels.
  14. Between two coplanar circular orbits, it is exactly that simple. But when you add eccentricity and inclination, windows that happen on different parts of the orbit are no longer exactly equivalent. Transfer time changes depending on whether your intercepts are on the fast or slow parts of the orbit. Sometimes there's a delta-v advantage to an off-Hohmann transfer that has smaller plane changes or e.g. catches Moho at apoapsis. A full solver like alexmoon or arrowstar takes into account all of the above. KAC's "Model" mode uses data that was generated based on at least some of those factors, so it's second best. A calculator that assumes circular orbits (olex or KAC's "Formula" mode) is working at about the level of complexity that ObsessedWithKSP describes. There are a few possible approaches that are affected differently by eccentric orbits, but if you're concerned about the differences it's easiest to just switch to a calculator that doesn't use the circular-orbit approximation.
  15. Known bug. Gets reported on this thread every couple of weeks. It's supposed to credit you for the science when you switch to the vessel, similar to what the lab module does. But for some reason, the telescope doesn't.
  16. The VISTA in-game is based on a Livermore paper study. It has some similarities to Orion, but with smaller and more frequent pulses.
  17. The LV-N is closely based on the historical NERVA. It's basically a reactor with a built-in thermal nozzle. In-game, it outperforms the unupgraded 1.25m Interstellar parts - to where it almost feels like a cheat by comparison. Can someone who's done more of the historical research weigh in on how the Interstellar thermal rockets compare to the historical NERVA and the reasons for the differences?
  18. It's a known issue. Gets reported a few times a month. Best workaround I know is to edit the save file to give yourself the science it should have been producing until we get a version of the plugin that doesn't have the problem. The green fissions (SAFE/Kiwi/Aegletes) produce Actinides as waste. Reprocessing converts Actinides into new fuel and DepletedFuels. One of the limitations of the Sethlans/Akula series is that their waste goes straight to DepletedFuels without any opportunity to reprocess. If you have uranium nitride in it and the status is "EVA Maintenance Required", you should be able to start it. I think the control range of 3 meters is calculated from the center of the reactor, and there may be some points or directions where it's hard to get the center of Bob inside that radius of the big reactor. See if you can get up level with the center and approach it from the side. The green reactors' waste is in the form of actinides regardless of which fuel you're using. If you'll post a screenshot of the setup you're trying to reprocess with, someone might be able to spot why you're not reprocessing.
  19. Yes, Interstellar replaces whatever curve is configured on the panels with an inverse square curve.
  20. Unity itself doesn't know about time acceleration, so Unity continues to send the FixedUpdate event every 0.02 real-time seconds. KSP implements acceleration by scaling up the amount of resource produced or consumed per event. So at 2x time acceleration, it's asking for two real-time ticks worth of charge in each event. Since you're only storing one tick's worth of charge, you get throttled when you accelerate.
  21. The threshold for vessels that are unloaded in atmo to despawn is a pressure of 0.01 atm. This is about 23 km above sea level on Kerbin, but it will be different on other planets.
  22. When a ship is unloaded, it will continue transmitting whatever it was transmitting when you switched away. It may still update the scaling for distance from the sun - I'll need to take another look at that part of the code - but everything else is presumed to remain constant. So you never need to switch to a power satellite just to rotate it. Just make sure that if you switch to it or come within loading range of it for some other reason, you point it back at the sun before you switch away again.
  23. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/69816-A-preliminary-study-into-the-Migratory-Habits-of-the-common-Octo-2
  24. ModuleEnginesFX was in 0.23, but Squad only used it for the RAPIER in that version. HotRockets started using it more widely and broke a lot of mods in the process. Now that Squad is using it on the NASA engines in 0.23.5, more mods are getting the hang of dealing with it.
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