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Everything posted by undercoveryankee

  1. For the moment, the game crash if you're controlling the non-AGU ship when the AGU docks makes putting the AGU on the fueling station kind of awkward.
  2. My Duna lander ended up with no heat shield at all, although I put nose cones on the bottom of any stacks that didn't have engines on them, just in case. The atmosphere is thin enough that at KSP-scale speeds you can get away with it. (With stock DRE settings, you can sometimes get away with it on Kerbin if you're entering from low orbit on the right trajectory).
  3. Some of the contributors are still active in the thread, even if the original author isn't. Next release might be with a new maintainer, but it's still got some life in it.
  4. As long as everything that goes into atmo is similar enough that they stay within the 2.3km loading range of each other, they'll all make it as long as you're controlling one of them.
  5. Even if you can't delete them, you should be able to move them to another planet or make them orbit the sun. Easiest way to do it is probably with the RSS plugin. Every change that RSS makes is in a config file, so you can modify RSS's configuration to leave the rest of the system stock and just move the moons.
  6. Stock parachutes have a tweakable for minimum pressure. If you stage them and the atmospheric pressure is less than the amount set, they will "arm" and wait for the minimum pressure before they semi-deploy. So the trick is to set the minimum pressure for where you actually want to deploy, then arm at some convenient time before that. They still don't go off if you never arm them, but you can save yourself having to have control and push the button at the exact moment.
  7. Similar symptoms to the bug that hit Scott Manley in . Just happening at launch instead of after losing signal and getting it back.
  8. The 2014-01-08 hot fix was originally for 0.23. There have been some newer community fixes since 0.23.5 came out in April, but it didn't sound like the issues they addressed would cause what you're seeing. On the off chance that it suggests something useful, what kind of probe core are you using?
  9. He pulled RT2 out of 0.23 quasi-permanently because he was having a problem with the game locking up with RT2 installed (possibly a conflict with other plugins that were less convenient to pull out). I've started seeing what may be the same issue as my 0.23/Interstellar save has grown. If he's giving the plugin a new try in 0.23.5, that can only be good news.
  10. One of the things Fractal has said the current radiation levels take into account is the level of thorium in the ground. There may be a hot deposit near KSC. How do the numbers change elsewhere on the surface?
  11. FAR intentionally dials the power of the stock jet engines down a little to be more realistic, since you don't need extreme performance to overcome stock drag. The loss of thrust at high speed is an intended part of that tuning, based on the limits of current jet engine technology. In FAR (which is probably what you would have been running on 0.23), there was a typo in the config file for the Turbojet that allowed it to maintain full thrust at arbitrarily high speed, allowing some aircraft to achieve Kerbin escape velocity in the atmosphere. The 0.13 series restores the intended behavior. Whether Ferram will dial the RAPIER's air-breathing mode back closer to the other jets or leave it where it is based on what's known about the SABRE is up to him.
  12. Fractal came up with the tweak to allow EC-generating parts to produce MJ if the EC bar is full. It's not in the official release yet, but I seem to recall WaveFunctionP merging it in his branch. Since they're both resources, you could also make a part with your favorite resource conversion module (stock ModuleGenerator or KethaneConverter) configured to convert EC to MJ. However, if you produce an Interstellar-managed resource without going through Interstellar's resource manager, the Interstellar manager may be confused. I vaguely remember one of the symptoms being that Interstellar modules wouldn't notice the resource you were producing. That could be why the refinery isn't seeing any MJ.
  13. I think my crew transfer vehicle (2 hitchhikers between the command pod and the 2.5m heat shield) is long and thin enough to be lower-drag in FAR than it would be in stock. Those drag variations can affect the entry angle you need. (If FAR calculates that your heat shield is shielded by the fairing just above it, you're in for a wild ride.)
  14. Is there any difference between the solar panel curve in ScienceRevisited_SolarPanels.cfg and what's in Stock Rebalance?
  15. For some of the lower-speed Duna and Eve transfers, a direct exit from Minmus works. For anything else, you want to eject from a low Kerbin periapsis to take advantage of the Oberth effect. The trick to a Minmus->LKO->escape trajectory is that you never circularize around Kerbin. You time your departure from Minmus so your initial Kerbin periapsis coincides with your ejection burn. It's about 160 m/s from low Minmus to that long ellipse, and when you get to the bottom you're just a sneeze from escape velocity.
  16. There are three whole lines of code in FNGenerator.cs to make thermal generators consume ChargedParticles if there's not enough ThermalPower to meet demand. That looks like intended behavior to me. The physics is actually pretty simple. If you allow the charged particles to be absorbed in a suitable shield or target, you get heat.
  17. I understood it to be official as of the 2.0.3 release - this post here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55219-Module-Manager-2-0-3-%28Apr-22%29?p=1110581&viewfull=1#post1110581
  18. FNNuclearReactor.cs is one of the source code files for the plugin itself. To fix it you'll have to get a copy of the source from github, make the change, and recompile the plugin.
  19. Suggestion: Increase the mass of the Advanced Grabbing Unit to be the same as a senior docking port. Makes it a little less attractive for small ships to klaw onto a space station instead of using docking ports.
  20. If a delta-V calculation were one click away in the stock game, it would feel too much like magic. For me, the process of getting tired of trial and error, designing a couple of ships by spreadsheet, and then looking for a mod to automate what I had already done several times was part of the fun.
  21. A quick glance over Interstellar's code reveals that a precooler functions only for an intake that is directly attached to the precooler. It doesn't care about where the engine is relative to the precooler, so the intended usage is to put the precooler directly behind the intake. I don't know the KSP API well enough to tell from the code whether intakes radially attached to the precooler will work, or if they have to be stack-attached. I've heard that they have to be stack-attached, but don't take my word for it until you've tried it.
  22. With ModuleManager 2, you could make this really short: @EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION[*] { @baseValue *= 0.625 @scienceCap *= 0.625 // Preserve the original file size. @dataScale /= 0.625 }
  23. On 0.23, you were supposed to be able to operate IR parts from the group editor window in the VAB. If you tried, they would rotate in some awkward direction instead of doing what the joint was supposed to do. IR 0.14 is stable on 0.23.5, but I haven't checked whether the VAB behavior has changed.
  24. As a rule of thumb, visible light from a hot surface becomes noticeable at a temperature around 798 K ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draper_point ). The emissive on the flat radiators looks pretty good for their unupgraded max temperature of 1,350. Upgraded radiators can be pushed over 3,000 K. That would be about the color of a basic tungsten light bulb. If we could animate that, it would give a visual sense of the kind of energy we're talking about.
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